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Âge : 31
Messages : 190
Localisation : Levallois
Inscription : 01/07/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Disneyland Resort en général - le coin des petites infos Disneyland Resort en général - le coin des petites infos - Page 13 Horlog11Lun 21 Juin 2021 - 9:17

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That includes keeping in place a reservation system that was adopted to manage visitor numbers under the state-imposed capacity limits and the continued use of a virtual queuing system that was designed to give all parkgoers a shot at visiting the most popular attractions.

Je trouve au contraire que le système de queue virtuel bloque l'accès à l'attraction. Avec une file d'attente classique tu peux toujours y aller, libre à toi d'attendre 7 heures. Avec la file virtuelle, si y a plus de place, y a plus de place...

Ancien Guest Flow - Parc Disneyland
La valeur d'un homme tient dans sa capacité à donner et non dans sa capacité à recevoir.[ Albert Einstein ]
De retour sur DCP....
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Messages : 1181
Localisation : Pilsen, République Tchèque
Inscription : 27/04/2020

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MessageSujet: Re: Disneyland Resort en général - le coin des petites infos Disneyland Resort en général - le coin des petites infos - Page 13 Horlog11Lun 21 Juin 2021 - 23:35

Ce texte malgré la fausse « positive attitude » placardé tout au long de ce dernier est vraiment déprimant, si ils pensent que le futur du parc d’attraction c’est la suppression de la liberté des guests ils se tirent des balles dans le pied (par rapport aux concurrents en tout cas), il faut espérer pour eux que la demande reste forte, car leurs changement ne pourront pas être annulé en deux jours.

Enfin n’importe quelle personne normalement constituée, même superfan de Dlr, devraient comprendre que le   « programme d’adhésion » n’est pas un retour des PA, mais juste un moyens de Dlr de se faire du fric en donnant le moins possible en retour (enfin on verra bien mais très clairement c’est ce que laisse entendre leur communiqué).

Si c’est ce qui nous attend à Dlp ça sera sans moi en tout cas.
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Messages : 8451
Inscription : 29/04/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: Disneyland Resort en général - le coin des petites infos Disneyland Resort en général - le coin des petites infos - Page 13 Horlog11Mer 30 Juin 2021 - 9:42

Une visite à Disneyland Resort en période de pandémie avec un billet d'entrée à 200 dollars la journée (formule park-hopper), la réalité du terrain par Mary McNamara du Los Angeles Times : dans la pratique, télécharger l'application est indispensable et prendre deux téléphones avec soi est sans doute une bonne idée ! Neutral

Citation :
Now more than ever, a day at Disneyland feels like a journey to another world

Life in Southern California is finally getting back to normal and I have the Disneyland hangover to prove it.

Never before have I been so grateful to wake up with that particular set of symptoms — a dehydration headache, a mouth irritated by the ingestion of too much salt and sugar (often in combination), the feeling that somehow my hipbones have been dislodged from their sockets.

Also an empty wallet and the singular satisfaction of having mastered the obstacle course that is the Disneyland Resort, this time without benefit of a MaxPass though with ample use of the Disney app. (If you are going to the resort, you really need to download the app.)

Two days earlier, the prospect had filled me with trepidation. A Disney veteran, I have always loved the challenge of navigating those 500 acres, which I know probably too well. But after this pandemic year, my enthusiasm had been dampened and the parks were not the parks I knew. How do you even go to Disneyland with no FastPasses, which have not been reinstituted since the parks reopened?

My feelings turned to dread when a friend who had made a recent visit revealed that there were many lines, that procuring food was still tricky even when ordering on the app (order early!) and that getting on the two new rides — Rise of the Resistance in Galaxy’s Edge and Web Slingers in the new Avengers Campus — was close to impossible.

Indeed, his advice, which included the phrase “use two phones simultaneously,” made it seem like we would be parachuting into German-occupied France rather than trying to get on a theme park attraction and order a few Dole Whips.

He was right, of course, and we missed the first virtual queues for either ride because they opened — and pretty much closed — at 7 a.m. and my brain was not functioning well enough to use one phone quickly, never mind two, at 6:59. But by pre-ordering dinner as we drove down the 5 at 8 a.m. and later staring at a single phone for 10 solid minutes so we could hit “join queue” at the precise moment 11:59 became 12:00, my friends Suzann, Kris and I managed to keep our group of seven fed and get on Rise of the Resistance.

Even after more than a year in pandemic-restricted isolation, the moms still had it! Honestly it was the third-best shot in the arm I have gotten this year.

And one I definitely did not expect to get this summer.

A year ago, a Disneyland hangover was an impossibility (and even one of the above-mentioned symptoms would have sent me, panic-stricken, in search of my overused thermometer.) Last spring, the closure of the Disney resorts in Anaheim brought the realities of COVID-19 home in a way little else could: Love it or hate it, Disney is, in the American imagination, an unassailable, unstoppable force. Or it was, until last March.

Even when the vaccines rolled out and Disney reopened, I did not expect to tread those familiar paths any time soon. The reservation and ticketing system seemed too daunting, and after more than a year of shutdowns, purple tiers and social distance, a trip to a theme park felt very extreme, like being catapulted to normalcy.

But in April, two of my friends, with whom I have shared many happy Disney memories, persuaded me to take advantage of the parks’ limited capacity. More important, one of them, Suzann, offered to face down the reservation system for us.

Our chosen dates in mid-June seemed impossibly far away. Then, as Southern California threw off its final restrictions for the vaccinated citizenry, kind of stupid. Having spent years refusing to step foot in a Disney park during the weeks between Memorial and Labor Days, would our hard-won and very expensive reservations/tickets land us in a nightmare scenario — a normal summer day at Disney?

It certainly did not look good as we battled traffic in hopes of arriving a half hour before the park’s 9 a.m. opening, only to then sit in a very slow-moving line for the parking garage. As we got out of the car, the sight of hundreds of families, some masked and some not, swarming down the escalator and into the security lines only increased the anxiety. There were still no trams, so as we speed-walked to the parks, the three moms breathed deeply and pledged to surrender ourselves to the joy of whatever experience awaited. (Well, Suzann and I pledged; our friend Kris is more Zen-like by nature.)

There were certainly plenty of lines at the gates of both parks. The new reservation system requires park hoppers to choose a first park; then there is a set time (with no wiggle room) at which you can enter the second via separate “hopper” gates. We chose Disneyland and could switch to California Adventure at 1.

But when we got in, the park was not nearly as crowded as we had feared. There were definitely more people than I have seen together in many months, and social distancing was impossible, but after adjusting for pandemic-shock, it was all very reasonable. The longest wait time we had all day was 60 minutes and the average was 30. Having grown accustomed to using MaxPasses (which, for an additional $12.99 per person, allowed visitors to grab digital FastPasses all day), we were slightly unmoored. But the kids were already on their way to their collective favorite ride, Indiana Jones, so we just followed them.

Using the app, we spent the day following a course directed by line times: An hour for Haunted Mansion and only 20 minutes for Splash Mountain?!? Easy choice. And then Haunted Mansion was down to 20? Off we go.

As with any day at the parks, certain rides were closed and others occasionally stopped, and while we didn’t get on every ride we desired — I will have to check out the newly refurbished Snow White another time — that was more a function of shortened park hours (9 to 9) than wait times.

Also, after more than a year away, we took our time. Rather than racing from one ride to another, we allowed ourselves to experience the park in all its glorious detail. None of us had seen the new Avengers Campus (which, despite earlier reports, we had no trouble entering, though we did not get on the ride or into the restaurant); some of us had never been to Galaxy’s Edge; and one of us had never seen Cars Land.

The cost of the tickets — currently $200 for a park-hopper— spurs visitors to get the most out of their money, and for us “most” has historically meant the most rides. This time was different. This time, we were just as happy to hang out on a bench marveling at the characters who waved to us from windows and balconies, all the kids in their costumes and the inevitable ducklings that bring a real-world touch of fantasy.

Though all of us are fully vaccinated, we wore masks most of the time, particularly when on rides or standing in line. Other guests did not, and while some may question their wisdom given the variants, no one said anything about either choice and, frankly, it was lovely to be in a place where there wasn’t a “my way or the highway” discussion at every turn.

The best thing about the Disney parks may be their ability to take you physically and spiritually out of the everyday world. Whether you are overwhelmed by excitement, beauty or the work of keeping kids fed, watered and whine-free while navigating them through more than 500 acres of high-volume stimulus, when you are at Disney, you are at Disney. Whatever bits of the outside world flash across your phone in the form of text or Slack messages seem to come from another galaxy, and another life. You are here now; you can deal with the rest of whatever is happening later.

And after more than a year of nonstop real-life intrusions, that 12-hour window of freedom seemed nothing short of miraculous.

And lastly, Rise of the Resistance is unbelievably great and absolutely worth the trouble.
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Balthazar P.

Balthazar P.

Âge : 36
Messages : 917
Localisation : là où vous n'avez pas encor cherché
Inscription : 08/04/2009

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MessageSujet: Re: Disneyland Resort en général - le coin des petites infos Disneyland Resort en général - le coin des petites infos - Page 13 Horlog11Mer 30 Juin 2021 - 11:48

Intéressant article. Merci du partage
Effectivement vrai facteur désagréable étant cette application qu'il faut savoir manipuler au point d'avoir 2 téléphones pour être sûr d'avoir accès à une attraction ou un restaurant. Connaissant ma passion pour ces horribles objet, ça m'angoisse tout personnellement.

Mais bon, le resort à l'air en pleine forme. Et ils ont eu l'air de bien kiffer

Balthazar P.

"Je ne peux jamais résister à une bonne affaire"

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Messages : 17718
Inscription : 05/07/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Disneyland Resort en général - le coin des petites infos Disneyland Resort en général - le coin des petites infos - Page 13 Horlog11Mer 30 Juin 2021 - 15:48

les prix sont juste délirants pour ne même pas avoir la garantie d'accéder aux nouvelles attractions, et finalement vivre une journée de stress et de frustration le cas échéant
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Messages : 8451
Inscription : 29/04/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: Disneyland Resort en général - le coin des petites infos Disneyland Resort en général - le coin des petites infos - Page 13 Horlog11Ven 16 Juil 2021 - 1:48

Le Comté de Los Angeles a décidé, pour faire face à la recrudescence "alarmante" du nombre d'infections au SARS-CoV-2 (variant indien beaucoup plus contagieux), de réintroduire le port du masque obligatoire en intérieur (et apparemment aussi dans les espaces publics) à partir de demain à 23h59 pour l'ensemble des citoyens (vaccinés et non-vaccinés) présents sur son territoire.

Les quatre autres Comtés du Grand Los Angeles (dont le Comté voisin d'Orange sur le territoire duquel se trouve la ville d'Anaheim) ne se sont pas encore prononcé mais étudient la situation avec attention car le nombre d'hospitalisation est en hausse évidente (cela concerne presque exclusivement la population non-vaccinée soit pas moins de quatre millions de personnes à risque rien que dans le Comté de Los Angeles, sans compter les Comtés d'Orange, de Riverside, de San Bernardino et de ventura).

"Étant donné les millions d'habitants qui ne sont pas vaccinés, le risque de propagation accrue de cette variante (indienne) au sein des Comtés du Grand Los Angeles reste élevé, toutes les options sont sur la table si les choses venaient à empirer" a déclaré le Gouverneur démocrate Gavin Newsom.

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Messages : 1083
Inscription : 01/10/2019

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MessageSujet: Re: Disneyland Resort en général - le coin des petites infos Disneyland Resort en général - le coin des petites infos - Page 13 Horlog11Ven 16 Juil 2021 - 18:09

Je me demandais si on avait des infos à propos de la fermeture pour gros travaux sur l'attraction Indiana Jones qui était prévue avant le-les confinements. Est-elle encore en prévision ou bien les travaux ont-ils été effectués durant la fermeture (je crois qu'il s'agissait de remplacer la passerelle ou quelque chose comme ça) ?

Côté rethématisation de Splash Mountain, des dates de fermetures ont-elles été publiées ?

Merci !  Very Happy

EDIT : à défaut, est-ce qu'il existerait un site/forum US où ce genre prévisions plus ou moins officielle est diffusée (au delà du site officiel Disney je veux dire...) MErci. Very Happy
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Messages : 8451
Inscription : 29/04/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: Disneyland Resort en général - le coin des petites infos Disneyland Resort en général - le coin des petites infos - Page 13 Horlog11Jeu 22 Juil 2021 - 16:14

Comme rapporté vendredi, le port du masque facial est à nouveau obligatoire en intérieur dans tout le Comté de Los Angeles depuis samedi dernier (et dans l'espace public extérieur dans certains cas).   

Dix Comtés californiens supplémentaires ont déjà pris des mesures similaires depuis le début de la semaine (San Francisco, Sacramento, Yolo, Fresno, Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, San Mateo, Santa Clara et Sonoma, ainsi que la ville de Berkeley).

Le maire du Comté d'Orange Jerry Demings demande aujourd'hui aux entreprises d'exiger à nouveau de porter des masques faciaux à l'intérieur alors que les cas de COVID-19 dû à la souche Delta continuent d'augmenter dans le comté (ils ont triplé en moins de quinze jours).

Comme dans le Comté de Los Angeles voisin, le maire encourage également les clients à porter à nouveau des masques à l'intérieur quel que soit leur statut vaccinal (vacciné ou non).

La population est invitée à se faire vacciner le plus rapidement possible car sur les cas positifs enregistrés le weekend dernier, pratiquement l'ensemble était non-vacciné.  

Etant situé à Universal City dans le Comté de Los Angeles, tous les visiteurs se rendant à Universal Studios Hollywood doivent donc à nouveau porter le masque facial.

Disneyland Resort, situé à Anaheim dans le Comté d'Orange n'a pas encore communiqué sur le sujet.

Le Comté de Clark dans le Nevada a également demandé le port du masque facial en intérieur à tous les employés des casinos, hôtels, restaurants, bars, clubs etc... car la ville de Las Vegas avec son activité touristique engage énormément de contacts ce qui facilite la circulation du virus.

La Maison Blanche évalue actuellement la possibilité de réinstaurer le port de masque à l'échelle nationale, y compris pour les citoyens vaccinés, alors que les cas de COVID augmentent trop rapidement (ce qui par la même occasion modifierait à nouveau les conditions d'accès aux parcs à thèmes de Walt Disney World Resort et d'Universal Orlando Resort).

Actuellement, les Etats-Unis conservent ses frontières fermées aux voyageurs internationaux.
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Messages : 11400
Inscription : 20/09/2011

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MessageSujet: Re: Disneyland Resort en général - le coin des petites infos Disneyland Resort en général - le coin des petites infos - Page 13 Horlog11Jeu 22 Juil 2021 - 21:09

Oui le variant Delta fait des ravages et on rentre dans la 4 eme vague en France . C'est démoralisant, ça va continuer encore longtemps ? J'ai l'impression que ça va jamais s'arrêter . Des nouveaux variants vont bien sûr arriver, seront-ils plus dangereux que le Delta qui est lui ultra contagieux ? Je suis sur qu'en 2024 , on aura pas encore éradiqué ce Covid et que l'immunité mondiale ne sera toujours pas atteinte.
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Messages : 8451
Inscription : 29/04/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: Disneyland Resort en général - le coin des petites infos Disneyland Resort en général - le coin des petites infos - Page 13 Horlog11Jeu 29 Juil 2021 - 15:08

Comme on pouvait s'y attendre avec l'envolée de cas de contamination au variant Delta, le port du masque en intérieur est réintroduit dès demain dans les parcs de Disneyland Resort (ainsi que dans les parcs de Walt Disney World Resort) suite aux nouvelles recommandations du CDC (les Centres pour le contrôle et la prévention des maladies).

De nombreux Comtés et plusieurs villes avaient déjà imposé ou recommandé cette mesure afin de protéger la population non-vaccinée qui représente à elle seule pratiquement l'ensemble des infections constatées ces dernières semaines.

La Maison Blanche n'exclue pas d'imposer pareille mesure au niveau national (actuellement, il s'agit de décisions locales d'États, Comtés et villes -ou d'initiatives de corporations prennant en compte les recommandations du CDC).

Citation :

Disneyland requires all visitors to wear masks indoors regardless of vaccination status

Disneyland will require all visitors — regardless of their vaccination status — to wear masks indoors once again after the Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the California Department of Public Health updated recommendations amid a spike in COVID-19 delta variant cases.

“We are adapting our health and safety guidelines based on guidance from health and government officials and will require cast members and guests ages 2 and up to wear face coverings in all indoor locations at Walt Disney World resort and Disneyland resort beginning Friday, July 30, regardless of vaccination status,” according to Disney officials.

The CDC is now recommending that everyone wear masks indoors in Orange County and other counties with high COVID-19 levels of community transmission. California health officials also recommend wearing masks in indoor public places to help slow the spread of the coronavirus delta variant that has caused a sharp increase in COVID-19 hospitalizations and case rates across the state.

The changing guidance comes more than a month after the lifting of most coronavirus restrictions across the state on June 15. After a 15-month pandemic hibernation, the reopening allowed theme parks in California to return to full capacity and end most COVID-19 health and safety measures.

On June 15, Disneyland increased attendance, dropped mask requirements for vaccinated visitors and discontinued physical distancing while admitting out-of-state visitors for the first time since the parks reopened on April 30.

Fully vaccinated Disneyland and Disney California Adventure cast members — Disney parlance for employees — were no longer required to wear masks outdoors or maintain physical distance beginning on June 26. Fully vaccinated cast members were still required to wear masks indoors. Unvaccinated employees were required to wear face coverings at all times — both outdoors and indoors.

Universal Studios Hollywood and Six Flags Magic Mountain already require visitors to wear masks indoors under an earlier mandate from Los Angeles County.

“We continue to follow the guidance of health and government officials to ensure the health and safety of our guests and team members,” Universal officials said in a statement Wednesday. “Face coverings are now required within all indoor venues, regardless of vaccination status.”

Disneyland continues to require masks on shuttle buses from the Toy Story parking lot. Disney World requires masks on any enclosed transportation vehicles — including buses, monorails and the Disney Skyliner. The Disneyland Monorail has not yet returned to service.

Orange County Register - 28 juillet 2021.

Citation :
Disney's domestic theme parks will require all parkgoers to wear masks indoors starting Friday

Starting Friday, Disney will require all guests, regardless of vaccination status, to wear face coverings in indoor locations at Walt Disney World Resort in Florida and the Disneyland Resort in California.

The policy change comes as Covid cases continue to surge in the U.S.

Disney has amended the mask policy at its U.S.-based theme parks in the wake of new guidance from health and government officials.

Starting Friday, the company will require all guests, regardless of vaccination status, to wear face coverings in indoor locations at Walt Disney World Resort in Florida and the Disneyland Resort in California. Children under the age of two are exempt from this mandate

The policy change comes as Covid cases continue to surge in the U.S. On Wednesday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reversed course and recommended that fully vaccinated people begin wearing masks indoors again in places with high Covid transmission rates. These hot spots include states like California and Florida.

Disney has updated its safety policies in accordance with local health regulations both domestically and internationally since the pandemic began. Most recently, the company began requiring proof of a Covid vaccination or a negative Covid test prior to entry at its Paris-based theme park based on French guidelines.

CNBC - 28 juillet 2021.

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Messages : 8451
Inscription : 29/04/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: Disneyland Resort en général - le coin des petites infos Disneyland Resort en général - le coin des petites infos - Page 13 Horlog11Ven 30 Juil 2021 - 0:01

Disneyland Resort en général - le coin des petites infos - Page 13 Dw6

Citation :
Disneyland Resort App Offers Even More Magic, More Convenience at Your Fingertips

Hello Disney pals! We have some nifty-cool-exciting tips to share on the latest ways to use the Disneyland app to make the most of your next magical visit to the Disneyland Resort!

The official app for the Disneyland Resort is brimming with time-saving conveniences and enchanting ways to make you smile. The app has so many ways to enhance your experience: Link your tickets, view menus, mobile order food and drinks from select locations, make dining reservations, view attraction wait times, park maps and hours of operation, request to join a virtual queue and even go right to your hotel room using online check-in and the new digital key!

First, be sure to download the latest version of the Disneyland app* prior to your visit and familiarize yourself with all of its helpful features! Also, enable location services and turn on notifications to receive important updates and information about the Disneyland Resort.

New! Personalized Home Screen

With this latest update, the Disneyland app is more personalized and this is just the start! There is now a personal greeting that says “Hello (your name)! ” and you can choose one of your favorite characters to add to the main page banner by clicking on the Mickey circle icon.

Coming Soon! Unlock Your Hotel Room With Digital Key

Earlier this spring, the Disneyland Resort introduced a new online check-in service for our hotel guests to save you time upon arrival at the Front Desk. Coming soon, it will be even easier, as you simply go straight to your room with online check-in and our digital key!

The digital key will be optional, and here are the steps for using the digital key:

1. Link your hotel reservation to your Disney account in the Disneyland app or online.

2. Complete online check-in up to five days prior to arrival, or check-in at the Front Desk upon arrival to complete the traditional process.

3. Upon arrival, once your room is assigned and ready, you can access your room and locate your hotel room number within the digital key feature by tapping the “Unlock Door” button after signing in to your Disney account on the Disneyland app. If you completed online check-in, you can use your digital key to bypass the Front Desk and go straight to your room!

4. Tap the “Unlock Door” button and then hold your mobile device against the door lock. A Bluetooth®-enabled device with the latest version of the Disneyland app is required.

Tip! The digital key also allows you to charge select dining and shopping to your hotel room from the Disneyland app! You can also access designated hotel areas requiring a key, such as the pools and fitness centers.

You must be signed in to your Disney account on the Disneyland app to access the digital key feature. The Disney account holder who is the primary guest on the reservation is the only guest who can activate the digital key.

While the online check-in service is currently available at all three Hotels of the Disneyland Resort, the digital key option will soon be available at the Disneyland Hotel and Disney’s Grand Californian Hotel & Spa. We look forward to introducing digital key to Disney’s Paradise Pier Hotel at a later date.

Guests will still be able to request traditional hotel keys from the Front Desk, if needed.

Another Tip! Save up to 25 percent with summer value offers** off select rooms at a Disneyland Resort Hotel when you book through September 16, 2021, with your travel completed by October 2, 2021!

New! More Spots to Mobile Order Snacks and Meals

Time to eat! Mobile order your food and beverages at many restaurants and snack stops throughout the Disneyland Resort, which is easy, convenient and saves you time. More mobile order locations have recently been added: Lucky Fortune Cookery, Schmoozies! and Pacific Wharf Café in Disney California Adventure park; Hungry Bear Restaurant, Refreshment Center and Harbour Galley in Disneyland park, and the Coffee House at the Disneyland Hotel.

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New! Mobile Order a Trader Sam’s Souvenir Mug

On Friday, July 30, souvenir mugs inspired by the world-famous Jungle Cruise attraction will be available for a limited time with this special Trader Sam’s Mug Release at the Disneyland Hotel. These uniquely designed mugs can only be purchased via mobile order from 7 a.m. – 11 a.m. that day only on the Disneyland app, while supplies last. Snag a special edition mug (limit of one per transaction), the first edition mug (limit of 2 per transaction), or both!***

Picture Yourself with Disney PhotoPass+ One Day

Celebrate and cherish your favorite Disneyland Resort theme park moments with Disney PhotoPass+ One Day****. Let Disney PhotoPass photographers capture your great vacation moments and you’ll receive unlimited digital photo downloads of your photos captured for one day to share with family and friends.

Tip! Ask your Disney PhotoPass photographers to add a little magic to your photo! Examples of magic shots may be adding Tinker Bell or a sweet Mickey Mouse-shaped cloud at Sleeping Beauty Castle, a Porg or “The Child” in Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge, Jack-Jack at Pixar Pier, or a bouquet of balloons anywhere!

Shop Using Merchandise Mobile Checkout

Shopping is now even more fun! At World of Disney in the Downtown Disney District, Emporium at Disneyland park and Elias & Co. at Disney California Adventure park, grab a designated mobile checkout shopping bag, simply scan your items as you shop, and then tap “Check Out” to pay on your mobile device using the Disneyland app. Show your QR code to a cast member as you leave the store, and you’re all set! If your item is fragile, a cast member will be happy to wrap it for you!

What’s your favorite feature on the Disneyland app? Be sure to take advantage and explore all of the time-saving benefits to make your next trip to the Disneyland Resort the best yet!  Welcome back!!
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Messages : 8451
Inscription : 29/04/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: Disneyland Resort en général - le coin des petites infos Disneyland Resort en général - le coin des petites infos - Page 13 Horlog11Lun 2 Aoû 2021 - 20:31

Magic Key, le nouveau programme destiné aux visiteurs fréquents de Disneyland Resort, sera présenté demain aux anciens titulaires de passes annuels :

Citation :
“As one of our biggest fans, we wanted to make sure you were the first to know about this NEW offering. We are thrilled about this coming announcement and we encourage you to stay tuned because all the details will be revealed tomorrow no earlier than 1 p.m. PST!”
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Messages : 1059
Inscription : 08/05/2020

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MessageSujet: Re: Disneyland Resort en général - le coin des petites infos Disneyland Resort en général - le coin des petites infos - Page 13 Horlog11Mar 3 Aoû 2021 - 22:34

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Inscription : 29/04/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: Disneyland Resort en général - le coin des petites infos Disneyland Resort en général - le coin des petites infos - Page 13 Horlog11Mer 4 Aoû 2021 - 0:28

Le détail complet du nouveau programme Magic Key de Disneyland Resort :

Disneyland Resort en général - le coin des petites infos - Page 13 Drmk2

Citation :
Disneyland Resort Introduces Magic Key Program, a New Guest-Centric Offering with Choice, Flexibility and Value

There is so much excitement happening right now at the Disneyland Resort – from exploring the all-new Super Hero-themed land of Avengers Campus in Disney California Adventure park, to living out your own Star Wars story in Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge at Disneyland park. Plus, fireworks are back with Mickey’s Mix Magic, all three of our Disneyland Resort hotels have reopened, and there’s lots of great dining, shopping and entertainment throughout the Downtown Disney District, too.

We know our fans and Legacy Passholders have been eagerly waiting to hear how to visit our theme parks in new and frequent ways; and visiting in a manner that is designed for today’s guests that also fits their individual needs. Today, we are excited to share the next evolution of the Disneyland Resort Annual Pass program, which was informed and shaped by extensive consumer research and feedback from guests and fans.

We are pleased to introduce the Magic Key program, a new, guest-centric offering that will deliver choice, flexibility and value for park admission, special access to unique experiences, valuable saving opportunities and so much more. There will be four options of Magic Key passes, to provide our guests and their families with choices that fit various needs and lifestyle preferences for how they wish to visit the Disneyland Resort.

Here’s a brief overview about the various Magic Key passes with more information on

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Magic Key Theme Park Reservation System

Our theme park reservation system is a cornerstone component of the Magic Key program as part of our efforts to help provide a great experience for all of our guests. Magic Key holders will make advanced reservations to enjoy Disneyland park and Disney California Adventure park on available dates, and be able to hold a certain number of upcoming reservations (depending on the pass type).

Additional Offerings and Benefits

Magic Key holders will have access to an array of special offerings and many features that we know our guests will love, such as valuable saving opportunities for merchandise and food & beverage. Throughout the year, they may also be able to enjoy special benefits such as a dedicated dining experience and custom menu items at the Magic Key terrace, special offerings at our festivals just for Magic Key holders, a Magic Key holder celebration month, plus other unique surprises!

What’s more, we will be introducing an all-new Magic Key portal on the Disneyland app to more deeply engage directly with our community of Magic Key holders in the future.

Be Among the First

For a limited time, we will celebrate the charter members that become Magic Key holders within the first 66 days (as we celebrate 66 years of Disneyland Resort). These guests will receive a special welcome package that will include unique items such as a premium branded pin, celebratory button, magnet, and more! Plus, Magic Key holders who enter Disneyland park will also be celebrated with access to a limited-time experience at Starcade in Tomorrowland (which begins on Sept. 1), where they can enjoy charging stations, a special photo opportunity, and other fun surprises.

Purchasing a Magic Key Pass

Starting August 25, 2021 (no earlier than 10 a.m. PT), guests will be able to purchase their preferred Magic Key pass type. Their first opportunity to “unlock” a visit to Disneyland park or Disney California Adventure park with a theme park reservation will be that same day!

A monthly payment plan exclusively for California residents* will be offered—which continues to be a priority for our guests of Disneyland Resort. Magic Key passes start as low as $399 or $19/month for 12 months**** (for Southern California residents, and after a down payment).

Guests will be able to purchase and manage their Magic Key pass through and the Disneyland app, where they will be able to access an interactive admission calendar for their pass type to view reservation availability and book their theme park reservations.

Extraordinary Time to Visit

This is an extraordinary time at Disneyland Resort; favorite attractions, beloved entertainment, festive foods and characters galore bring joy to our guests every day. Plus, favorite seasonal traditions, like Halloween Time, will return to Disneyland Resort Sept. 3 through Oct. 31, special festivals will be enjoyed throughout the year, and we’ll have even more to share with you, soon. And with all that, we’re thrilled to introduce our guests to the new Magic Key program, beginning August 25!

And for those wondering about Walt Disney World Annual Passes, new pass sales will become available in time for the start of the 50th anniversary celebration! Walt Disney World Resort will be sharing additional information and details later this month, so be sure to stay tuned to and the Disney Parks Blog.

Theme park reservations and valid pass for the same park on the same date are required for park entry. Park reservations are limited, subject to availability, public health orders, and applicable pass blockout dates, and are not guaranteed for any specific dates or park. Additionally, park reservations may not be available on select holidays for certain theme parks. Pass types may be limited in quantity, and may not be available for purchase or renewal at any time. Current Magic Key pass prices are subject to change. A Pass excludes separately priced activities and events, and does not guarantee access to any experience, attraction or offering or to park entry. Subject to Magic Key Terms and Conditions which can be found at Information, including blockout dates, benefits and prices, is subject to change and cancellation without notice.

Some pass benefits and features may not be available during periods of limited capacity. Park experiences and offerings may have been modified and are subject to limited availability or even closure. Please check for important information to know before visiting the Disneyland Resort.

*Monthly payments option valid only for California Residents, 18 years or older with valid ID, and living in ZIP Codes 90000–96199. Twelve (12) monthly payments based on remaining balance after one-time down payment on date of Passport purchase. 0% APR.  Subject to restrictions, including a retail installment agreement, and change without notice.

**The number of theme park reservations that may be held at a time during a specific booking window is dependent on pass type and is subject to availability and other rules and restrictions, including excessive “no-show” rules.

***Magic Key holder must present their valid pass prior to purchases to receive any applicable benefits or discounts. Benefits/discounts are subject to restrictions and exclusions and are determined solely by Disney or store/location owner.

****Based on purchase of the Imagine Key pass, which is available only to Southern California residents living in ZIP Codes 90000-93599. Monthly payment amount is based on remaining balance after a one-time down payment on date of Passport purchase of $179. Twelve (12) monthly payments and 0% APR apply. Subject to restrictions, including a retail installment agreement, and change without notice.

† Parking benefit is valid for parking, or for discounted parking, for one (1) standard vehicle only at pay-on entry lots at the Disneyland Resort. Discounted parking must be purchased at the parking lot. Oversized vehicles, preferred parking spaces and valet services are not included in this parking benefit and will require an additional fee. Parking is not guaranteed, and is subject to capacity and applicable Pass blockout dates.

La page officielle du programme Magic Key :
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Messages : 8451
Inscription : 29/04/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: Disneyland Resort en général - le coin des petites infos Disneyland Resort en général - le coin des petites infos - Page 13 Horlog11Jeu 12 Aoû 2021 - 12:31

A l'instar de la ville de New York, le conseil municipal de Los Angeles a voté hier à l'unanimité de demander au procureur de la ville de rédiger une ordonnance qui rendra obligatoire la vaccination pour accéder dans les lieux publics intérieurs, y compris les restaurants, les gymnases, les commerces de détail, les théâtres, les salles de concert et les stades.

"Si jamais nous voulons revenir à la normale, à ce qu'était Los Angeles avant le Covid-19, nous devons arrêter la propagation", a déclaré la présidente du Conseil municipal Nury Martinez. "Si vous voulez regarder un match de basket-ball ou un match de baseball au stade, aller à un concert dans une grande salle ou même aller dans une salle de cinéma, vous devez vous faire vacciner."

Les membres du conseil municipal ont fait valoir que le mandat était nécessaire pour protéger les employés, les travailleurs, les clients et maintenir l'économie ouverte et ainsi éviter un nouveau confinement et une nouvelle fermeture des commerces non-essentiels.

Le Comté de Los Angeles avait été le premier à réintroduire le port du masque avant que les quatre autres comtés du Grand Los Angeles (incluant le Comté d'Anaheim) ne suivent le mouvement, il sera donc intéressant de suivre les décisions qui seront prises dans les prochaines jours et semaines car elles pourraient à nouveau modifier les conditions d'accès à Disneyland Resort, ses parcs à thèmes, ses hôtels et la zone commerciale de Downtown Disney District.
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Âge : 51
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Inscription : 27/07/2016

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MessageSujet: Re: Disneyland Resort en général - le coin des petites infos Disneyland Resort en général - le coin des petites infos - Page 13 Horlog11Ven 13 Aoû 2021 - 18:39

Et bien les nouvelles ne sont vraiment pas très bonnes !... Je me demande bien si j'ai bien fait de réservé... En ce moment vacciné ou pas ont ne vois pas le bout du tunnel... Ont a tous envie de découvrir ou re-découvrir walt disney !
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MessageSujet: Re: Disneyland Resort en général - le coin des petites infos Disneyland Resort en général - le coin des petites infos - Page 13 Horlog11Lun 4 Oct 2021 - 20:12

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Plaza Point, an All-New Holiday Store, Coming Soon to Main Street, U.S.A. in Disneyland Park

I’m excited to tell you about a very special new shop opening soon at Disneyland park! It’s an all-new holiday store called Plaza Point, coming to the corner of Main Street, U.S.A., and East Plaza Street.

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Today we have Dawn Keehne, Resort Enhancement Manager sharing some of the store details and providing you with a sneak peek of the skilled artistry that’s underway in preparation for opening day.

This Victorian-era space will envelop you in the warmth of the holidays as soon as you step into the wood-paneled space decorated with garlands, nutcrackers and festive décor! Careful observers will notice displays that reflect seasonal holidays around the world and our ongoing commitment to diversity and inclusion.

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Once the store opens, you’ll see a variety of holiday goods available to purchase for yourself or as gifts for family and friends including ornaments, housewares, linens and accessories. And you’ll want to visit throughout the year because other holidays like Hanukkah, Lunar New Year, Spring and Easter, and Fall and Halloween will be reflected in merchandise and store decor at appropriate times, along with Christmas-themed merchandise year-round.

Here’s also a first look at some of the inspirational pieces and décor you may see during the year:

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MessageSujet: Re: Disneyland Resort en général - le coin des petites infos Disneyland Resort en général - le coin des petites infos - Page 13 Horlog11Jeu 7 Oct 2021 - 18:34

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Inscription : 20/09/2011

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MessageSujet: Re: Disneyland Resort en général - le coin des petites infos Disneyland Resort en général - le coin des petites infos - Page 13 Horlog11Jeu 7 Oct 2021 - 22:21

Wahooo les arbres décorés de milliers de petites guirlandes de leds ,violettes et vertes. C'est vraiment beau !!!
C'est des choses toute simple mais qui font leur effet.

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MessageSujet: Re: Disneyland Resort en général - le coin des petites infos Disneyland Resort en général - le coin des petites infos - Page 13 Horlog11Ven 22 Oct 2021 - 4:27

Plaza Point est ouvert :

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Plaza Point, the All-New Holiday Store on Main Street, U.S.A., is Now Open in Disneyland Park

As we’ve previously shared, Plaza Point is the all-new holiday store on Main Street, U.S.A. in Disneyland park, and I’m excited to share that it opens today at the Disneyland Resort!

I was lucky enough to be one of the first to peek inside the store, and you are definitely in for a treat! For those of you who enjoy every aspect of the holidays, this new store is a must-visit location while you are in Disneyland park, as it is a home for the holidays all year long!

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Inside Plaza Point, you will find fun seasonal items – from ornaments to home décor, collectibles and more! And, throughout the year, the store will change seasonally to showcase additional holidays as well, such as Lunar New Year, Easter and Halloween, to name a few. That means you’ll want to make a stop in Plaza Point each time you visit to not only see the latest décor, but also shop the current seasonal merchandise!

One of my favorite items in the new holiday store are the ornaments that you can get personalized, which also serve as great holiday gifts! It’s so fun watching the artistry in action as cast members hand paint a name on each ornament. And good news – the ornament personalization will be available for purchase year-round.

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Want to know a little bit more about the story of Plaza Point? This welcoming space is brought to you by the store proprietress, named Miss Evelyn Toro. She is a world traveler, collecting unique pieces of holiday décor as she goes, and brings the treasured items back to display in her store. The warm, wood-paneled store fits perfectly in the Victorian era of Main Street, U.S.A.

Here to tell you more about the story of Plaza Point is Disney Imagineer Kim Irvine, who served as Executive Creative Director on this new holiday store.

We hope you get a chance to visit the all-new Plaza Point during your next visit to Disneyland park!
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MessageSujet: Re: Disneyland Resort en général - le coin des petites infos Disneyland Resort en général - le coin des petites infos - Page 13 Horlog11Lun 25 Oct 2021 - 1:36

C'est quand même plus jolie et élaboré comme notre Boutique Flora  .
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MessageSujet: Re: Disneyland Resort en général - le coin des petites infos Disneyland Resort en général - le coin des petites infos - Page 13 Horlog11Lun 25 Oct 2021 - 19:42

« Belle » augmentation en moyenne de 8% sur l’ensemble de la billetterie de Disneyland Resort ce jour. Les Tiers représentent les périodes d’affluences selon un calendrier (le Tier 6 est une nouveauté). Le parking passe également de 25$ à 30$. Rappelons que là où l’application Génie+ sera proposé au tarif de 15$ À Walt Disney World celle ci sera proposé à 20$ sur Disneyland Resort (avec certes quelques spécificités minimes).

Single-day, single park ticket prices

Tier 1  – $104 (remains the same)
Tier 2  – $119 (increase from $114)
Tier 3  – $134 (increase from $124)
Tier 4  – $149 (increase from $139)
Tier 5 – $159 (increase from $154)
Tier 6 – $164 (new tier)

Parkhopper ticket prices:

Tier 1  – $164 (increase from $159)
Tier 2  – $179 (increase from $169)
Tier 3  – $194 (increase from $179)
Tier 4  – $209 (increase from $194)
Tier 5 – $219 (increase from $209)
Tier 6 – $224 (new tier)

Multi-day ticket prices:

Two-day, one-park tickets – $255 (from $235)
Two-day Parkhoppers – $315 (from $290).
Three-day, one-park tickets – $330 (from $310)
Three-day Parkhopper – $390 (from $365)

En cumulant cela à la nouvelle offre passeport annuel le programme Magic Keys et ramenant le tout par parc ou en Hopper Ticket cela fait certainement de Disneyland Resort l’une des destination Disney la plus cher.
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MessageSujet: Re: Disneyland Resort en général - le coin des petites infos Disneyland Resort en général - le coin des petites infos - Page 13 Horlog11Ven 5 Nov 2021 - 20:01

ILMxLAB et Meta Quest présenteront en avant-première et pour une durée limitée une expérience VR spéciale Star Wars : Tales from the Galaxy's Edge dans la zone de divertissement Downtown Disney District de Disneyland Resort.

Cette avant-première sera présentée tous les jours de midi à 20h00 du 21 novembre 2021 au 5 janvier 2022. L'accès est gratuit et voisine la boutique Star Wars Trading Post qui a ouvert en début d'année dans le bâtiment anciennement occupé par le restaurant Rainforest Cafe.

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Citation :
ILMxLAB and Meta Quest to Preview Special VR Experience Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy’s Edge in Downtown Disney District for a Limited Time at Disneyland Resort

Meta Quest and ILMxLAB, Lucasfilm’s award-winning immersive entertainment studio, are presenting a special Quest 2 preview of Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy’s Edge coming to the Downtown Disney District at the Disneyland Resort, Nov. 21, 2021 – Jan. 5, 2022.

This preview version of ILMxLAB’s virtual reality experience expands the world of Batuu like never before! Once inside the Quest 2 headset, you’ll be immersed within sweeping 360 views of the Star Wars galaxy. The adventure takes place on the outskirts of Black Spire Outpost on the planet of Batuu, as depicted in Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge, the immersive epic lands at Disneyland Resort in California and Walt Disney World Resort in Florida.

The story features both new and iconic characters from the Star Wars galaxy. Gameplay was designed for a variety of players – from Star Wars fans to VR gamers – at home on Quest 2.

In Part 1 of this action-adventure experience, you take on the role of a droid repair technician operating near the Outer Rim. When a group of pirates attack and you crash on Batuu, you’ll discover that anyone in the galaxy can become a hero.

Then, continue your epic journey with Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy’s Edge-Last Call, the recently-released expansion. This new add-on gives you the opportunity to expand your virtual reality adventures on the Outer Rim and experience more eras in the Star Wars galaxy.

For a limited time, this complimentary preview experience will be offered daily, Noon – 8 p.m., adjacent to Star Wars Trading Post in the Downtown Disney District. Reservations may be available. A Meta Quest staff member will assist you on-site with reserving a time to come back to participate or direct you to queue up outside the building, based on availability.
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Âge : 35
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Inscription : 19/11/2019

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MessageSujet: Re: Disneyland Resort en général - le coin des petites infos Disneyland Resort en général - le coin des petites infos - Page 13 Horlog11Sam 6 Nov 2021 - 22:25

EverAfter a écrit:
« Belle » augmentation en moyenne de 8% sur l’ensemble de la billetterie de Disneyland Resort ce jour. Les Tiers représentent les périodes d’affluences selon un calendrier (le Tier 6 est une nouveauté). Le parking passe également de 25$ à 30$. Rappelons que là où l’application Génie+ sera proposé au tarif de 15$ À Walt Disney World celle ci sera proposé à 20$ sur Disneyland Resort (avec certes quelques spécificités minimes).

Single-day, single park ticket prices

Tier 1  – $104 (remains the same)
Tier 2  – $119 (increase from $114)
Tier 3  – $134 (increase from $124)
Tier 4  – $149 (increase from $139)
Tier 5 – $159 (increase from $154)
Tier 6 – $164 (new tier)

Parkhopper ticket prices:

Tier 1  – $164 (increase from $159)
Tier 2  – $179 (increase from $169)
Tier 3  – $194 (increase from $179)
Tier 4  – $209 (increase from $194)
Tier 5 – $219 (increase from $209)
Tier 6 – $224 (new tier)

Multi-day ticket prices:

Two-day, one-park tickets – $255 (from $235)
Two-day Parkhoppers – $315 (from $290).
Three-day, one-park tickets – $330 (from $310)
Three-day Parkhopper – $390 (from $365)

En cumulant cela à la nouvelle offre passeport annuel le programme Magic Keys et ramenant le tout par parc ou en Hopper Ticket cela fait certainement de Disneyland Resort l’une des destination Disney la plus cher.

Y'a t'il un intérêt qui justifierai le prix de prendre le parkhopper pour un séjour de 2 jours ? Rolling Eyes
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Messages : 1059
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MessageSujet: Re: Disneyland Resort en général - le coin des petites infos Disneyland Resort en général - le coin des petites infos - Page 13 Horlog11Mar 9 Nov 2021 - 10:05

Personnellement je ne passe pas ma journée entière sur California Adventure et n’étant pas un grand fan de World of Color je préfère toujours revenir au Disneyland Park dès la fin d’après midi pour profiter à nouveau de Fantasmic, du feux d’artifices ou de la parade électrique une seconde fois ou bien même pour refaire les attractions que je souhaite avant la fermeture du parc.

La proximité des parcs également garanti une certaine liberté de déplacements très pratique et qui permet aussi de changer de parc je trouve très rapidement. Par exemple si je n’ai pas réussi à faire une attraction la veille (manque de temps ou trop d’attente) aucun remord a changer de parc pour en profiter davantage la seconde journée.
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