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 Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011)

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Âge : 46
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Inscription : 16/04/2010

Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011)  - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011) Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011)  - Page 4 Horlog11Mer 6 Juil 2011 - 20:44

Il faut tout de même arreter de traiter les gens de jaloux systématiquent et car ils ne peuvent pas se permettre ce type d'habitation.

Je rejoins gregzzz. Perso, si j'avais les moyens, j'irais certainement pas m'installer dans cet environnement car j'ai d'autres prio dans la vie qu'aller m'enfermer dans un environnement clos soit une ville privée. Je pense que l'argent doit permettre aux gens de découvrir le monde ... et pas de vivre en hermitte, renfermé sur moi même dans un milieu élitiste. Il y a des coins tellement sympa en dehors du resort ...... c'est un style de vie bien spécifique et il faut adhérer au concept .... avoir les moyens ne suffiront pas pour tenir dans cet environnement.
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Mrs Pot

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Inscription : 15/05/2011

Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011)  - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011) Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011)  - Page 4 Horlog11Jeu 7 Juil 2011 - 0:45

wdwfan a écrit:
Il faut tout de même arreter de traiter les gens de jaloux systématiquent et car ils ne peuvent pas se permettre ce type d'habitation.

Je rejoins gregzzz. Perso, si j'avais les moyens, j'irais certainement pas m'installer dans cet environnement car j'ai d'autres prio dans la vie qu'aller m'enfermer dans un environnement clos soit une ville privée. Je pense que l'argent doit permettre aux gens de découvrir le monde ... et pas de vivre en hermitte, renfermé sur moi même dans un milieu élitiste. Il y a des coins tellement sympa en dehors du resort ...... c'est un style de vie bien spécifique et il faut adhérer au concept .... avoir les moyens ne suffiront pas pour tenir dans cet environnement.

Moi j'irais m'installer là si j'étais multimillionnaire. Au moins je serais en sécurité, dans un bel environnement, avec de belles résidences, et en plus à Walt Disney World ! Ce serait vraiment le paradis sur terre.
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Âge : 46
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Inscription : 16/04/2010

Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011)  - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011) Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011)  - Page 4 Horlog11Jeu 7 Juil 2011 - 6:55

perso, j'ai un penchant pour la cote ouest... ayant déja vecu en Floride, le climat est bien trop humide.... mais bon, question de gout Smile ....
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Âge : 34
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Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011)  - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011) Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011)  - Page 4 Horlog11Jeu 14 Juil 2011 - 8:58

En ce moment, avec le procès de Casey Antony c'est de ça dont beaucoup de cast member parle, c'est de Golden Oak.

Je n'émettrais pas d'avis, mais je tiens juste à souligner (travaillant en merchandise pour walt Disney World) que 50% des gens qui passe à ma caisse dépense plus de 100$ de marchandise et que 2, 3 fois par jour, je sors un reçu qui va entre 500 et 1500$. Je pense que quand on est près à mettre 1500$ dans des peluche, robes et friandises on à les moyens de se payer une maison à Golden Oak.

Autres exemple : Hier j'étais justement en train de papoter avec deux famille "riche" une des Émirat Arabes, l'autre du Costa Rica. Bref deux famille amis et voisins qui habitent orlando, deux villas qu'ils habitent 2-3 voir 4 semaines par an. Ils ont investie (pour avoir regarder l'endroit et les tarifs sur internet) environ 3 millions de $ par famille. Alors je pensent que si c'est gens sont prêt à investir autant d'argent pour leurs vacances en familles, je pense qu'ils sont prêt a acheter une maison à Golden Oak. Surtout si je rajoute qu'ils sont dans un quartier "privé" ^^. Ils font tout ça juste pour passer des vacances en famille à Disney. Donc bon vivre à Disney serait encore mieux.

Si Gloden Oak attire des gens fortuné qui achète une maison a l'année et l'utilise en part-time comme certaine familles "riche" ici, Golden Oak deviendra un DVC (Disney Vacation Club) Deluxe. Sans Time-Share, mais sans résident permanent non plus.

Je rajouterais aussi, qu'ici il est courant d'avoir une "maison de vacance" quand on à les moyens, qu'on partage en famille. Les gens prennent des crédit pour ça, alors je ne vois pas pourquoi une famille qui veut profiter du beau temps et de la chaleur de Floride (et des tornades, des orages et de la pluie aussi l'été il faut pas se le cacher), de Disney n'investirais pas dans Golden Oak.

Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011)  - Page 4 395463DCPnewbaner

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Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011)  - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011) Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011)  - Page 4 Horlog11Jeu 14 Juil 2011 - 16:10

A celui qui a dit que Celebration n'a pas de vie, d’âme: As-tu déjà visité?
Moi j'adore, j'y ai vu une brochette de nana/maman avec poussettes y faire de l'aerobic de bon matin, j'y ai vu un défilé du 4 juillet animé par ses habitants, c'etait tout sauf "sans âme".

Golden Oak:
de nombreuses résidences de vacances à 10mn de Dworld arborent cet aspect de luxe extrême. Ici, on est derrière le MK, et il doit y avoir du marbre partout et des WC en or?? Shocked

Je dis, pourquoi pas, si les riches ne viennent pas nous les casser et exiger que les feux de MK réduisent le niveau sonore. Parce que là, avec la place qu'ils ont, Disney pouvait choisir un autre terrain!

PS/ et perso, j'habiterais dans un appart à juste 60.000 dollars, à 10mn de WDW, j'aurais l'impression d'y vivre et ca m'irait très bien. Cool
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Mrs Pot

Messages : 380
Inscription : 15/05/2011

Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011)  - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011) Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011)  - Page 4 Horlog11Jeu 14 Juil 2011 - 16:35

magnyseb a écrit:

Je dis, pourquoi pas, si les riches ne viennent pas nous les casser et exiger que les feux de MK réduisent le niveau sonore. Parce que là, avec la place qu'ils ont, Disney pouvait choisir un autre terrain!

Heureusement, on est aux Etats-Unis. Pas en France ! Autre lieu, autre mentalité !
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Âge : 34
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Inscription : 23/08/2008

Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011)  - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011) Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011)  - Page 4 Horlog11Sam 16 Juil 2011 - 20:49

Bon voila le sujet viens de tomber, dans notre magasine interne ont a eu un grand article avec plein de photos de Golden Oak, et évidement, ça fais la couverture !

Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011)  - Page 4 395463DCPnewbaner

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Âge : 46
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Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011)  - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011) Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011)  - Page 4 Horlog11Sam 16 Juil 2011 - 21:26

et ça va se vendre avec la crise immobilière aux USA?? Wink
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Âge : 28
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Inscription : 17/07/2011

Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011)  - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011) Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011)  - Page 4 Horlog11Dim 17 Juil 2011 - 2:00

Il y a toujours des gens prêt à investir leurs argent là dedans .. Apres , comme cité plus haut : Autre pays ; Autre mentalité ..

Je rapel que le Four Seasons n'ouvrira pas avant 2014 Wink Wink Wink

D'apres un article :

" The long-planned Four Seasons Resort Orlando within the new Golden Oak luxury home development at Walt Disney World is gearing up to start construction next year.
The Orlando office of Turner Construction Co. reportedly was selected as general contractor for the $200 million, 445-room resort project and likely will begin seeking subcontractors by September, industry sources said. A project like this could generate up to 300-400 permanent jobs and 2,000 temporary construction jobs.
Though a formal announcement isn’t expected until the fall, a spokeswoman for Toronto, Ont.-based Four Seasons Hotels & Resorts (NYSE: FS) said the resort is moving forward ..."

Tout à commencé par une souris

Dream come true
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Âge : 30
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Localisation : Liège (Belgique)
Inscription : 16/06/2011

Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011)  - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011) Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011)  - Page 4 Horlog11Mar 19 Juil 2011 - 20:59

Effectivement, les gens qui y vivent; sont vraiment très riche (Enfin, c'est ce que ma correspondante américaine m'a dit ). Perso si j'étais pleine aux as; je pense que ca ne dérangerais pas d'y acheter une maison ! Et si Disney peut remplir ces caisses avec ce projet .. pourquoi pas !

En tout cas; les photos & peintures sont très jolies Very Happy
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Anton Ego

Anton Ego

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Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011)  - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011) Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011)  - Page 4 Horlog11Mer 31 Aoû 2011 - 10:03

Quelques maisons ont déjà été achevées:
Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011)  - Page 4 Goh013193SMALL
Une touche Disney sur l'extérieur: un médaillon spécial,
Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011)  - Page 4 Med932322SMALL
L'intérieur luxueux:
Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011)  - Page 4 Goh219288THUMB

Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011)  - Page 4 Goh304914THUMB

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Âge : 34
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Localisation : Quelque part entre la France et les USA
Inscription : 23/08/2008

Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011)  - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011) Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011)  - Page 4 Horlog11Mer 31 Aoû 2011 - 15:28

J'aime pas du tout le style de la maison à l'interieur, ça fais vieillo et je pense que c'est le but, on sais combien coute cette maison et si elle à été vendu ?

Avant de partir, je suis passer devant Golden Oak, c'est vraiment jolie !

Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011)  - Page 4 395463DCPnewbaner

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Âge : 40
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Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011)  - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011) Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011)  - Page 4 Horlog11Mer 31 Aoû 2011 - 17:11

J'adore!! Extérieurement, j'aime beaucoup les murs avec pierres apparentes! La cuisine est superbe!

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Fondateur & Mister DCP 2008

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Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011)  - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011) Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011)  - Page 4 Horlog11Sam 25 Fév 2012 - 20:21

Un article intéressant sur Golden Oak. 25 maisons auraient déjà été vendues, cash. 5 personnes se sont déjà installées, et apparemment, ce sont de vrais fans (riches). Il ne pouvait en être autrement, je pense... Very Happy

En tout cas j'aime beaucoup cette photo:

Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011)  - Page 4 Lot41backextnight_forer_v2

Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011)  - Page 4 Signat10
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MessageSujet: Re: Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011) Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011)  - Page 4 Horlog11Dim 4 Sep 2016 - 0:35

Des nouvelles de Golden Oak :

Citation :
Disney World’s Golden Oak neighborhood draws more permanent résidents

Carl Guidice has loved Walt Disney World since he was a kid, but he never expected to make it his permanent address.

Guidice bought a house at Golden Oak, the luxury residential community on Disney property, expecting to vacation there. He and his family were perfectly happy living on the Hawaiian island of Maui.

It didn't take long, though, for Guidice to trade waterfalls and volcanoes for a view of the Magic Kingdom's fireworks from his bedroom.

The Walt Disney Co. has been surprised by how many home buyers have put down roots at Golden Oak, a gated collection of multimillion dollar mansions first announced in 2010.

"I thought starting off we would have about 80 percent ... vacation homes and 20 percent would be what I would call primary residences," said Page Pierce, vice president of Disney resort real estate development. Instead, "almost 40 percent of our residents call Golden Oak home. A lot of them have started off as vacation homes ... [and] they have become permanent residents."

After it is sold out in five years, Pierce thinks full-time residents, living there nine months or more a year, will make up more than half the development.

Future plans reflect that. Golden Oak is providing amenities such as a planned 3-acre park with a playground and basketball court in its newest neighborhood, Kingswell.

Guidice said he; his wife, Rebecca; and 13-year-old daughter Mikayla found a strong sense of community among the Disneyphiles who live there.

"I have more friends in this neighborhood than any neighborhood I've lived in. Employees become part of the family," said Guidice, 55, a human resources executive. "It's a very one-of-a-kind kind of a place."

Golden Oak sells the dream of living at Disney World to an exclusive audience. Prices start at $2 million and go past $10 million. That does not include more than $20,000 annually in homeowner association and club fees. Residents include H. Lee Scott, Wal-Mart's former chief executive officer.

Plans for Golden Oak have been scaled back, from 450 homes to 300. About 100 houses have been completed. Pierce said Disney scrapped plans for condominiums — a little-advertised aspect of the development when it was first announced — as it realized Golden Oak "was really a place where we wanted to bring in families." Disney this year began reaching out to real estate brokers, encouraging them to market the property to people seeking primary residences here.

For Eric and Kim Casaburi, moving to Florida from New Jersey with their four children was almost as much about money as Disney magic.

"When you have a no-income tax state, that's a big difference," said Eric Casaburi, 42, who runs a chain of gyms. "It was kind of like a twofold benefit." The couple rave about the concierge services at Golden Oak, where Kim Casaburi said "the standards are just so high."

Golden Oak provides niceties other luxury locales can't, from a ride on Space Mountain with the lights on to helping obtain scarce tickets for Shanghai Disneyland's debut.

Golden Oak, nestled diagonally across from Disney's Port Orleans resort, is also home to the five-star Four Seasons. Residents can access the Four Seasons' amenities.

There are tastefully appointed Disney touches throughout the 980-acre development, such as bronze statues of characters including Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

On the outside, at least, the place whispers Disney rather than screaming it. Buyers have numerous architectural restrictions on classically styled homes.

On the inside, though, owners can go all out.

Guidice's home has hidden Mickeys — a common feature around Golden Oak — and tiny Snogies from "Frozen" painted on the walls. An Olaf statue overlooks the pool. Interior doors feature carved Disney characters. Mickey, Minnie and Donald silhouettes adorn stairway railings.

That's restrained compared with others.

Rial Jones, whose construction company is one of eight approved to build in Golden Oak, has become accustomed to building full-blown Disney fantasies.

One house under construction, for a single man in his 20s, will feature a drawbridge between the bathroom and bedroom and a submarine-themed basement with a porthole providing an underwater pool view. Jones is also building a 20,000-square-foot house that will include a Cinderella-inspired 50-foot-long ballroom, an "Alice in Wonderland" themed bunk room with singing cake platters, and a re-creation of the Haunted Mansion's stretching room.

Jones has found himself making Disney World visits to ensure he gets he details just right.

Jones was an original builder in Celebration, the more traditional community that Disney developed in Osceola County.

"We were used to being around the Disney company and having Disney fans for customers but not to this level," he said. "This is uncharted territory."

Orlando Sentinel - 3 septembre 2016.

Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011)  - Page 4 960740w189
Photo : Disney.

Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011)  - Page 4 821191w200
Photo : Disney.

Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011)  - Page 4 997249w187
Photo : Disney.

Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011)  - Page 4 137491w186
Photo : Disney.

Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011)  - Page 4 629054w188
Photo : Disney.
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J. Thaddeus TOAD

J. Thaddeus TOAD

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Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011)  - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011) Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011)  - Page 4 Horlog11Lun 31 Oct 2016 - 21:56

C'est à jamais
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Mr Toad

Mr Toad

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Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011)  - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011) Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011)  - Page 4 Horlog11Mer 2 Nov 2016 - 13:44

Super ! Vivre proche des marécages (avec alligators et moustiques) au beau milieu de nul part...

Pas pour moi même si les maisons sont jolies !
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Âge : 22
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Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011)  - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011) Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011)  - Page 4 Horlog11Sam 5 Nov 2016 - 9:49

Mr Toad a écrit:
Super ! Vivre proche des marécages (avec alligators et moustiques) au beau milieu de nul part...

Pas pour moi même si les maisons sont jolies !

Et de toutes façons on serait ruiné rien qu'en s'achetant deux m carré d'une de ces villas

Grim Grinning ghosts come out to socialize!
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Messages : 8451
Inscription : 29/04/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011) Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011)  - Page 4 Horlog11Sam 14 Avr 2018 - 16:54

Quelques nouvelle de Golden Oak avec cet article de Forbes :

Environ 70 % de la surface allouée au projet résidentiel de luxe Golden Oak est maintenant développée.

Une fois achevé, Golden Oak hébergera un total de 300 habitations (vendues entre 2 et 5 millions).

Les propriétaires bénéficient, par l'intermédiaire du Golden Oak Club, de différents avantages tels qu'un service de conciergerie de première classe, l'accès au clubhouse privé The Summerhouse (qui abrité un restaurant, une salle de sport, une piscine extérieur et autres activités comme des sing-a-longs avec Personnages Disney pour les enfants), l'accès à un salon privé à Epcot, des horaires élargis dans les parcs à thème de Walt Disney World Resort, l'accès aux nouvelles attractions avant l'ouverture officielle au grand public (soft openings) etc...

Avec l'accroissement du nombre de résidences achevées, The Summerhouse sera prochainement agrandi pour offrir des options de restaurations additionnelles ainsi qu'un nouveau et grand salon (lounge).

Citation :
How Disney Put Its Magic Touch On Real Estate

Anyone who has visited Walt Disney World near Orlando, Florida knows that it’s as escapist as it gets. Monorails glide between the theme parks, the local shopping district features a series of Mediterranean Revival-style villas and the fire station has a fountain outside formed from a giant model hose. In 2011 Disney opened the resort’s gates to residents within a neighborhood of luxury homes and at a starting price approaching $2 million it is no Mickey Mouse investment.

Disney isn’t renowned for pioneering in real estate development but this has actually been at the heart of its parks and resorts strategy for decades. The company’s founder, Walt Disney, was so fascinated by urban development that he planned and designed a district at the heart of Disney World that he called the Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow. It was forecast to have 20,000 residents who would be ferried around by mass transportation systems whilst most road traffic would be kept underground.

With Walt Disney’s passing in 1966 the company instead built a park centered around the themes of science, innovation, and cultural exploration which is today known as Epcot.

Disney revisited real estate development in 1996 with the opening of Celebration, a new town just south of Orlando which became an industry benchmark thanks to its pioneering town planning, access and traditional home designs. As Celebration is located on the outskirts of the theme park complex residents still didn’t have an opportunity to purchase a home inside Disney's carefully-crafted utopia but in 2011 it addressed this with the wave of its magic wand.

Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011)  - Page 4 W890

“Our research indicated there was a demand by guests with a passion for the Disney brand to own a home at Walt Disney World Resort,” says Ken Potrock, senior vice president of Disney Vacation Club, Adventures by Disney and Golden Oak.

With that demand in mind, a golf course was earmarked for conversion into a residential development unlike any other as it sits in the center of Disney World just 10 minutes from its fairytale-themed Magic Kingdom park. It doesn’t do anything by halves.

Although Disney World is famous for cuddly characters and themed rides it also appeals to travelers looking for luxury. Testimony to this, it is home to Central Florida’s only AAA Five Diamond restaurant, Victoria and Albert’s. It sits inside Disney’s Grand Floridian Resort and Spa which looks like it comes straight from the pages of the Great Gatsby. Based on the grand seaside resorts of the Victorian era it’s a sprawling structure of white clap-board and red shingle roofs. It couldn’t be much further from the motels which most people would associate with theme parks.

Opulent hotels like this aren't uncommon at Disney World and it is thanks to the Imagineers, the wizards who also design the cutting-edge rides and shows which keep guests streaming through the turnstiles. The Imagineers were behind Disney’s residential development and it shows throughout, starting with its title.

Called Golden Oak, it is named after a ranch in California which was bought by Disney in 1959 for film production and was used as a holiday home by Walt himself. Bronze sculptures of Disney characters are scattered around the 980-acre development and many of the neighborhoods in it are named after places that played key roles in Walt’s life.

For instance, there’s Marceline, which is the city in Missouri where Walt lived on a farm from the age of four. Carolwood, the name of Walt’s miniature railway, and Kimball Trace which is inspired by Ward Kimball, the animator who brought Jiminy Cricket to life in Pinocchio. The Disney details are only there for aficionados but the atmosphere and design of the development will enchant anyone.

A terracotta-coloured gatehouse sits at the entrance to the development and gives guests a regal sense of arrival. It looks like a Spanish pavilion with sweeping arches, ornate stone balustrades and clay tiles. This leads to palm tree-lined boulevard which the neighborhoods fork off from. Each one is gated and has a variety of architectural styles ranging from French and Tuscan to Spanish and Caribbean. There are no apartments, just houses ranging from 3,000 square feet to over 12,000 square feet. They are all linked by the common theme of European influences and they are as upscale as they come.

Imagineering is the master-planner of Golden Oak but the properties are made by a select group of nine homebuilders. They are sold through Disney's Golden Oak Realty company. Buyers can purchase a completed home or they can start with a site and select from one of the approved Golden Oak builders. The interior design is entirely up to the resident but the exterior needs to suit the style of the neighborhood.

“All homes at Golden Oak follow an architectural styles guide,” says Potrock. “Every design plan undergoes an architectural review to provide flexibility and creativity in the design of each residence, while maintaining the long-term integrity and vision for the community.”

The end results wouldn’t look out of place in Beverly Hills with some featuring sweeping marble staircases, powder rooms, present-wrapping rooms and towers or balconies with views of the nightly fireworks.

Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011)  - Page 4 W891

The Four Seasons Private Residences are some of the most luxurious of these properties and cover around half an acre. They benefit from the services of the Four Seasons Resort which is located in the heart of Golden Oak and boasts a five-acre water park, tennis instruction program and 18-hole golf course designed by renowned architect Tom Fazio. That’s just the start.

It doesn’t get much more lavish than having the services of one of the world’s most deluxe hotel chains in your own home. Owners of the Four Seasons Private Residences Orlando get a dedicated Director of Residences who can arrange pampering such as in-home spa treatments, dry cleaning, housekeeping and even assistance with private parties. It comes at a princely cost.

Pricing starts at $2 million for Golden Oak and $5 million for the Four Seasons Private Residences. “Unique touches include Disney-inspired themed spaces, home theaters, bowling alleys and detached guest cottages,” says Potrock.

Some residents have partnered with interior designers to incorporate the kind of touches found in the theme parks. They include darkened game rooms featuring fluorescent artificial flowers to resemble the forest from the hit movie Avatar. Others have used Hidden Mickeys – tiny mouse ears which are subtly integrated into the décor.

“A common thread that ties the residents together is their strong affinity for having fun with their family and friends at Disney,” says Potrock. “We’re pleased to see the evolution of Golden Oak into the community it is today. This is largely due to our residents and their desire to connect through our Club Life events that take place across Walt Disney World and the greater Central Florida area.”

Club Life refers to the benefits which come with being a member of the Golden Oak Club. This is required for all home-owners in addition to the payment of home-owner association fees. There is no initiation fee for the Golden Oak Club but annual dues are charged.

The focal point of its events is the Summerhouse, a central, private clubhouse which is designed in the style of a classic Italian estate. It has arched stone corridors and vaulted ceilings with exposed wooden beams. It’s home to a variety of events that include regular talks given by Disney luminaries such as Hollywood actor Kurt Russell.

It has all the services you would expect to find in a typical clubhouse including a restaurant, a 24-hour gym, outdoor pool and family room which hosts sing-a-longs with Disney characters amongst other activities. Having that in walking distance of your house carries tremendous kudos for kids and the opportunities are set to grow.

Due to its popularity, Golden Oak is now expanding the Summerhouse to give it an increased range of dining offerings and a larger lounge. It is also boosting its portfolio of events and experiences throughout Disney World and the Greater Orlando area. However, it’s the concierge service that really separates the facilities at Golden Oak from those at other gated communities.

The Club Member Services team organizes everything from bespoke meals in the clubhouse restaurant, to Disney Christmas decorations in the neighborhoods. Transport to anywhere at Disney World is free, but the sky is the limit if you pay. For a cost, the Club Member Services team can also arrange guided private VIP tours to explore the theme parks, unique Disney themed events for your family or excursions to local venues including sporting events and concerts.

“Our residents live in the heart of Walt Disney World,” says Potrock. “In addition to the services and amenities that residents expect from a luxury community, such as access to a clubhouse and pool, we offer benefits that only Disney can provide. These benefits include direct transportation to the Disney theme parks, private events at the Club and our resorts and theme parks, and access to special events offered throughout the year at Walt Disney World Resort.”

For most residents the biggest benefits of Golden Oak are the resort lifestyle and unique access to Disney services and benefits which can’t be copied by other communities.

Club Members can access a private lounge in Epcot, enjoy additional time in the parks and get anything they buy there delivered to the Summerhouse for free. They even get access to previews of new attractions before they première to the public. It doesn’t just appeal to families with children.

Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011)  - Page 4 W892

“The demographics of our residents are incredibly varied from retirees to families with young children to single, self-made entrepreneurs and corporate executives,” says Potrock. “Something that surprised us is how many of our residents have gravitated towards using their Golden Oak home as a primary residence, when they initially built or purchased it as a vacation home. In fact, several residents have sold their first home to build larger residences at Golden Oak. We think this shift is largely due to the deepening sense of community our residents have found through the Club Life experience. This community has truly become ‘home’ for many residents.”

He adds that Disney has built on this by hosting a monthly ‘Sunday Supper’ where residents get together for a family-style meal in the clubhouse restaurant. “We find more and more that Club events like these continue to grow in popularity because our residents enjoy any opportunity to be part of the Golden Oak family,” says Potrock.

The sense of community is strengthened by the fact that all of the properties are whole ownership with only a very small number of residents leasing their homes for a minimum term of six months. Potrock adds that Golden Oak “is made up of primarily domestic residents with a small percentage of home-owners coming from other places around the world.” It is still growing.

Around 70% of the site has been developed over the past decade and when it is fully built-out it will encompass 300 properties. So, it seems Mickey and Minnie will be welcoming new neighbors for some time to come.

Forbes - 13 avril 2018.
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Messages : 8451
Inscription : 29/04/2010

Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011)  - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011) Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011)  - Page 4 Horlog11Mer 10 Juil 2024 - 2:05

Golden Oak : habitez à Walt Disney World ! (depuis 2011)  - Page 4 Capture-d-cran-2024-07-10-010503

Des résidences de luxe Four Seasons arrivent bientôt à Golden Oak à Walt Disney World Resort !

Four Seasons Resort Orlando, propriétaire de la parcelle de 5 acres envisagée pour une expansion, a reçu l'approbation pour son projet de construire de nouvelles unités multifamiliales dans le cadre des résidences privées Four Seasons à Walt Disney World.

Nichée au sein de la communauté de Golden Oak et du Four Seasons Resort Orlando voisin, l'enclave enchanteresse des Four Seasons Private Residences Orlando offre un style de vie sans effort dans un endroit connu pour créer des souvenirs durables.

Situé à Florian Park, une belle enclave proposée dans le quartier Four Seasons Private Residences, le projet comprendra neuf maisons de charme attenantes et 31 résidences de luxe dans un bâtiment résidentielle à étages.

Les propriétaires des nouvelles résidences auront accès à des équipements uniques, au légendaire service Four Seasons et à l'adhésion au Golden Oak Club de Walt Disney World Resort.

Golden Oak est la seule communauté de villégiature de luxe au sein de Walt Disney World Resort. Jusqu'à présent, seuls 298 propriétaires pouvaient déclarer qu'ils possédaient un bien immobilier sur une propriété de Walt Disney World Resort.

Ces nouvelles unités multifamiliales offrent une nouvelle opportunité de posséder une propriété résidentielle à Golden Oak.

La construction est officiellement en cours, marquant une étape importante dans le processus de développement du projet immobilier qui devrait aboutir début 2026.

La vente des nouvelles résidences devrait débuter à la fin de l'année. Les prix devraient commencer à plus de 5 millions de dollars pour les plus petites résidences.

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Citation :
Four Seasons Private Residences Expansion announced for Disney's Golden Oak at Walt Disney World

The highly anticipated new development at Disney's Golden Oak will feature 9 villas and 31 condos, set within the Four Seasons Private Residences Enclave.

“We are proud to expand our residential portfolio, building on the extraordinary living experiences that Four Seasons has delivered to our residents in Golden Oak since 2015,” says Bart Carnahan, President, Global Business Development, Portfolio Management and Residential, Four Seasons. “Together with our partners at Host Hotels & Resorts, we will offer new residents the legendary service, amenities, and experiences of Four Seasons from the comfort of their new homes within the magic of Walt Disney World Resort.”

Four Seasons Private Residences Orlando, Florian Park will be nestled between the existing Four Seasons Private Residences Orlando single-family homes and Four Seasons Resort Orlando.

Situated in a five-acre enclave next to Four Seasons Resort Orlando, the Four Seasons Private Residences will feature 31 units within a single mid-rise residential tower.

Designed by HKS, the architectural firm behind the resort, the tower will showcase a Spanish Revival style with grand colonnades, arches, French doors, barrel tile roofs, sweeping staircases, and ornate metalwork.

Each residence will boast open floorplans, premium fixtures and fittings, floor-to-ceiling windows, and private verandas ideal for entertaining. Panoramic views will include natural woodlands, lakes, landscaped gardens, a golf course, and nearby fireworks displays.

Future residents can choose from eight one-story floorplans ranging from 3,494 to 4,327 square feet, featuring three to four bedrooms. Additionally, five two-story, four-bedroom penthouses ranging from 6,576 to 6,962 square feet will be available.

Interiors designed by Parker-Torres Design will include an intimate resident lounge and flexible gathering spaces in the lobby. Natural wood and stone materials, live plants, and refined gold details will echo the beauty of the surrounding environment.

A private resident-only pool, surrounded by manicured landscaping and serene lake views, will offer lounge furniture, cabanas, towel service, a poolside bar, a children’s water play area, and an event lawn.

Nearby, nine attached boutique homes will be grouped in four buildings connected by breezeways. Designed by Cooper Cary in the French Moderne architectural style, these homes will range from 5,207 to 5,540 square feet with four to five bedrooms.

Each home will feature outdoor living spaces with covered patios, pools, and outdoor kitchens, with access to all amenities in the adjacent residential tower.

A dedicated director of residences will oversee the complete residential experience, ensuring the same quality and service excellence for which Four Seasons is renowned.

Residents will enjoy personalized services including 24-hour concierge and front office assistance, menu planning, grocery delivery, dog walking, housekeeping, maintenance, access to premium entertainment, and more.

Located about four miles from Magic Kingdom Park, new residents will benefit from resort-style living with legendary Disney service and amenities through membership in the Golden Oak Club.

Membership offers access to enriching events, select concierge services, a private clubhouse with dining options, a fitness center, a pool, theme park transportation, and exclusive Disney-designed experiences.

Residents of Four Seasons Private Residences Orlando will also have access to the extensive recreational and dining options at the adjacent AAA Five Diamond Four Seasons Resort.

These include five unique pools, sports and fitness facilities, a full-service spa, the Four Seasons Golf and Sports Club featuring a Tom Fazio-designed course, family activities, and six vibrant restaurants including the Michelin-starred Capa steakhouse.

9 juillet 2024.
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