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2 résultats trouvés pour painting

Tag painting sur Disney Central Plaza Ico_fr18Sujet: Dans ses Pas [Walt Disney - 2021]

Réponses: 18
Vues: 7041

Rechercher dans: Les Cartoons   Tag painting sur Disney Central Plaza Doc12Sujet: Dans ses Pas [Walt Disney - 2021]    Tag painting sur Disney Central Plaza Horlog11Mar 28 Déc 2021 - 15:25
Suite des images de Josh Staub !

Tag painting sur Disney Central Plaza 26918910 a écrit:
Another set of backgrounds for Far From the Tree. I painted them traditionally using pencil and copic markers, and then assembled them in Photoshop (see previous post!).
Since the paintings are used as the actual backgrounds for the final shots I also draw/paint the characters in place (original character designs by the brilliant @jamwoods_) to guide downstream departments, including lighting, for which these also served as the lighting keys.
The backgrounds are a bit larger than they will appear in the final shots (note the red and blue lines in the bottom two paintings) to allow for flexibility later on (for example if we decide to adjust the framing of the shot, or need to perform a simple camera move). Enjoy!
#farfromthetree #disney #disneyanimation #waltdisneyanimationstudios #animator #artistsoninstagram #animationart #encanto

Tag painting sur Disney Central Plaza Farfro17

Tag painting sur Disney Central Plaza 26971810

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Tag painting sur Disney Central Plaza 26980010 a écrit:
Another one of my background paintings from Far From the Tree. Each layer is painted traditionally on paper using pencil and copic markers and then scanned and assembled in photoshop.
1) The final shot in the film.
2) This shot has a slight camera push-in, so I had to paint the trees, sky, and haystack rock (beloved icon of the Oregon coast!) as separate layers. The painted clouds and water were elegantly animated using Nuke by the incredible lighting team (led by, so I paint them as separate layers as well.
3) I draw/paint the characters in place to communicate to downstream departments how they should appear in the shot. This also serves as the lighting key for the lighting team.
4) The final painting in layers with the additional trees (which will also be subtly animated by lighting to match the camera push-in).
Go see Far From the Tree in theaters with Encanto!
#animation #farfromthetree #disney #disneyanimation #waltdisneyanimation #encanto #conceptdesign #painting #animator #artistsoninstagram #oregon #oregoncoast #haystackrock
Tag painting sur Disney Central Plaza Ico_fr18Sujet: Dans ses Pas [Walt Disney - 2021]

Réponses: 18
Vues: 7041

Rechercher dans: Les Cartoons   Tag painting sur Disney Central Plaza Doc12Sujet: Dans ses Pas [Walt Disney - 2021]    Tag painting sur Disney Central Plaza Horlog11Mar 28 Déc 2021 - 15:15
Diverses étapes de production partagées par Josh Staub :

Tag painting sur Disney Central Plaza 26096810

Tag painting sur Disney Central Plaza 26166410

Tag painting sur Disney Central Plaza Farfro13 a écrit:
In Disney’s Far From the Tree, the characters are CG animated, but the backgrounds are painted in a more traditional manner. Here’s a simple behind-the-scenes look at a typical shot.
1) I begin the background painting by using traditional marker and pencil on photo paper based on a simple modeled layout and camera setup defined by the incredibly versatile @joabaldwin (see step 2). Once I’m happy with the marker sketch I scan and assemble the pieces in photoshop until arriving at the final background painting. I also draw/paint the characters in place to visually explain to downstream departments how they should appear in the shot.
2) @joabaldwin then updates the rough 3D model to match the final painting, which then becomes the foundation for the placement of the characters for animation, and also because we need it to make the film work in stereo (3D)!
3) The CG animation team (led by the brilliant @chadsellz) creates the tear jerking and/or hilarious character performance. The characters are then rendered flat and receive a visual treatment (lines, shadows, eye specs) to make them “appear” 2d animated (this was a technique I originally developed for a short circuit project - Exchange Student, also directed by @tallychyck, more on that in a future post). Finally, the Lighting team (led by the innovative integrates the characters with the background and adds the finishing artistic touches (reflections, water movement, caustics, dynamic shadows), to make the shot sing! This was actually one of the dozen or so shots I also lit for the film.
Far From the Tree was a labor of love for all who worked on it and I couldn’t be more proud of the team and the final result. Enjoy the film in theaters with Encanto!
#farfromthetree #disney #disneyanimation #animation #encanto #conceptdesign #conceptart #productiondesign #waltdisneyanimationstudios

Tag painting sur Disney Central Plaza 26274810

Tag painting sur Disney Central Plaza Farfro12 a écrit:
1) Another painting for Far From the Tree, done traditionally using copic markers and pencil and then scanned and assembled in photoshop. I also draw/paint the characters in place to guide the downstream departments.
2) The final shot from the film! Go see Far From the Tree in theaters with Encanto!
#farfromthetree #disney #disneyanimation #waltdisneyanimation #waltdisneyanimationstudios #encanto #painting #concept #conceptdesign #animationart

Tag painting sur Disney Central Plaza 26368610

Tag painting sur Disney Central Plaza Farfro15 a écrit:
This was the first completed shot of Far From the Tree, from which we learned so much about how to animate and then integrate the cg characters (meant to look hand drawn) with a 2d traditionally painted environment. This shot also includes a subtle camera move which also posed a challenge.
Once this shot was finished I was confident in the technique and that we could make it work for the rest of the project.
1) My first background painting (of 92 paintings in total!) for Far From the Tree, done traditionally using copic markers and pencil and then scanned and assembled in photoshop. I also draw/paint the characters in place to guide the downstream departments.
2) The completed shot from the film! Go see Far From the Tree in theaters with Encanto!
#farfromthetree #disney #disneyanimation #waltdisneyanimation #waltdisneyanimationstudios #encanto #painting #animator #painting #conceptdesign #animationart

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Tag painting sur Disney Central Plaza 26545310

Tag painting sur Disney Central Plaza Farfro16 a écrit:
Here’s another background painting from Far From the Tree which I painted traditionally and then assembled in photoshop … but what does that mean exactly? Here’s what:
1) Final background painting (to provide context for the following slides). I also paint the characters in place to guide downstream departments.
2) Layout render (roughly modeled by the versatile @joabaldwin), which I use for reference in order to make sure the camera and characters will be in sync. This is actually the starting point.
3) Scanned pencil and copic marker drawing/painting of the tree element done on real paper to match the rough model … I had to paint many elements like this in separate pieces in order for the 3d and camera moves to work!
4-Cool Cutting out and assembling the scanned pieces in photoshop!
9) The final shot from the film, first animated in cg by @bhomman, then with the 2d character look technique and dappled lighting applied by the incredible lighting team!
Go see Far From the Tree on the big screen with Encanto while you still can!
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