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 Avengers Campus [Disney California Adventure - 2021]

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Âge : 30
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MessageSujet: Re: Avengers Campus [Disney California Adventure - 2021] JurisprudenceAutopia - Avengers Campus [Disney California Adventure - 2021] - Page 11 Horlog11Jeu 3 Juin 2021 - 10:41

Du coup leur idée de storyline concordant avec les films est un peu foirée non ? CAr pas Cap sam Wilson si Steve Rogers ne devient pas vieux et ironman ne meurt pas...

Avoir un land avec les 3 persos présent n'est pas très logique.

- There's a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow ! -
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Messages : 503
Localisation : Churchill War Rooms
Inscription : 07/08/2020

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MessageSujet: Re: Avengers Campus [Disney California Adventure - 2021] JurisprudenceAutopia - Avengers Campus [Disney California Adventure - 2021] - Page 11 Horlog11Jeu 3 Juin 2021 - 11:11

On l'a déjà dit à plusieurs reprises mais le MTPU (Marvel Theme Parks Universe) reprend les éléments vus dans les films sans pour autant être dans le même univers que le MCU. Dans le MTPU, Thanos est bien venu sur Terre mais a perdu face aux Avengers. Cela explique la présence de personnages vus uniquement dans les comics comme : Miles Morales, Squirrel Girl, Moon Girl, etc.

D'ailleurs les deux Captain America ont déjà fait équipe dans les comics...
JurisprudenceAutopia - Avengers Campus [Disney California Adventure - 2021] - Page 11 6ed9db10
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MessageSujet: Re: Avengers Campus [Disney California Adventure - 2021] JurisprudenceAutopia - Avengers Campus [Disney California Adventure - 2021] - Page 11 Horlog11Jeu 3 Juin 2021 - 11:42

Le ride Spidey est super court ,c'est vrai (4 scènes à shooter ) . Les transitions entre chaque écrans et d'un chiant et je vois pas de toiles d'araignées tirées mais des faisceaux d'énergie et j'ai comme l'impression qu'il y a aussi les tirs avec le fameux bracelet à acheter. J'espère qu'on aura le même décor pour Docteur Strange ,c'est magnifique surtout le portail qui s'ouvre derrière la porte . Pour les shows de cascade extérieur, je serais pas surpris qu'il reprenne les artistes (je dirais les gymnastes) de l'ancien show Avengers Rassemblement du Cinemagique Theatre . Ils reprennent en partie la plupart des cascades du show .

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Al Ventureland

Al Ventureland

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MessageSujet: Re: Avengers Campus [Disney California Adventure - 2021] JurisprudenceAutopia - Avengers Campus [Disney California Adventure - 2021] - Page 11 Horlog11Jeu 3 Juin 2021 - 11:54

Tyfonz a écrit:
La story line de avenger campus es avant Tanos je crois, non ?
Donc le captain et Steve.

De mémoire les imagineers avait statué sur le fait qu'Avenger Campus se déroulait dans un univers parallèle au MCU. Dans cet univers Stark est en vie et ils peuvent s'adapter plus facilement aux changements du mcu tout en gardant tous les personnages. Ceci étant dit je ne sais pas du tout comment ils vont aborder la question captain america... A priori on va avoir les deux si l'on en juge par les vidéos.
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MessageSujet: Re: Avengers Campus [Disney California Adventure - 2021] JurisprudenceAutopia - Avengers Campus [Disney California Adventure - 2021] - Page 11 Horlog11Jeu 3 Juin 2021 - 12:52

Deadline a rencontré les Imagineer Scot Drake, portfolio creative director chez Walt Disney Imagineering, et Brent Strong, executive creative director chez Walt Disney Imagineering, ainsi que Dan Fields, executive creative director chez Disney Live Entertainment, et Michele Gendreau, directrice des expériences culinaires à Disneyland Resort.

Les visiteurs peuvent acheter des accessoires de tir qui leur fournissent des pouvoirs supplémentaires et les aident à détruire les robots araignées dans l'attraction WEB SLINGERS : A Spider-Man Adventure.

Le Docteur Strange organise un spectacle de magie tout au long de la journée, mais qui est différent la nuit.

La générale Okoye et les Dora Milaje aident les visiteurs à devenir des guerriers wakandais et Spider-Man fait des acrobaties qui incluent une énorme catapulte dans les airs.

Les visiteurs peuvent prendre des égoportraits et échanger avec Iron Man

Le mois prochain, le Campus ajoutera les performances du Super-vilain Taskmaster (Anthony Masters, alias le Maître de corvée) affrontant la Black Widow (la Veuve noire).

Et les arrivées d'autres Super-héros et Super-Vilains sont attendues !

Citation :
Avengers Campus Opening Ceremony Reveals Spider-Bots, Iron Man And 2 Characters To Be Added Next Month

While developing the Disneyland Resort’s new Marvel-themed attraction, the park’s top creators told reporters at a sneak peak they were always guided by narrative and making the experience as immersive as possible for guests.

“We had 70 years to pull from and 23 films,” said Scot Drake, a portfolio creative director for Imagineering.

“This has been a global storytelling effort,” Drake said. “Not only do we get spider-bots getting loose… soon we’ll be opening Marvel Adventures in Paris…and more at Anaheim.”

The new Avengers Campus, next to the Guardians of the Galaxy ride at Disney California Adventure Park, opens Friday, but there was a livestreamed opening ceremony on Wednesday night. You can watch it below.

“The idea of a campus is bringing people together” with “many diverse stories,” Drake said.

One example of that, according to Imagineers is the new Web Slingers: A Spider Man Adventure ride which takes guests on a ride through a mansion run rampant with the friendly neighborhood superhero’s newest pet project, spider-bots that self-replicate out of control.

Guests can buy their own web shooters at a shop selling Spidey gear. Those purchases provide them with extra powers as they help the wall crawler demolish the spider-bots. During the ride, guests make like Spider-Man slinging his webs to activate their own web shooters. At the end of the ride, guests are shown a score like a video game.

“The basic mission is always the same,” said Brent Strong, executive creative director of Walt Disney Imagineering. “But what guests do plays a role in how it plays out.”

“We’ve hidden a million Easter eggs in it,” he said.

“The story is about the guests… and the interactions these heroes have with the guests,” Strong said.

Doctor Strange puts on a magic show throughout the day, but it is different at night, said Dan Fields, executive creative director of Disney Live Entertainment. The Sorcerer Supreme opens a portal after he enlists guests to help him, through an enchantment, to erect a shield around the campus.

“This is a massive assembly of heroes,” Fields said of the growing cast of characters in the attraction, which include Iron Man, Ant Man and his partner the Wasp and General Okoye and the Dora Milaje of Black Panther’s Wakanda warriors.

Next month, the attraction will add performances of the super villain Taskmaster clashing with the Black Widow.

“I think it’s going to be really exciting,” Fields said. “There are more heroes coming.”

General Okoye and the Dora Milaje help train guests become Wakandan warriors and Spider-Man does acrobatics that include a huge catapult into the air web-slinging.

Guests may “take selfies” with Iron Man, but that’s not all, Fields said.

“He can and will talk to you,” Fields said.

Michele Gendreau, director of Food and Beverage Experiences at Disneyland, said the Pym Test Kitchen eatery and the Shawarma Palace food cart also have tie-ins to the Marvel movies and comic books.

Hank Pym, aka Ant Man and Giant Man, is the inspiration behind the restaurant, which features a variety of foods that can shrink or be enlarged with his Pym Particles.

“What we’ve had great success with is how we wed the eating experience to the story,” Gendreau said.

“You want to leave here not only fulfilled, but feeling only Disney can do this,” she said.

Adults can partake in some alcoholic beverages as well, Gendreau said.

“There’s a good selection of beer,” she said. “And a wide selection of microbrews.”

Her favorite, though, is the Molecular Meltdown, which she said was a “stout float. It’s delicious.”

Drake excitedly chipped in: “It has mini marshmallows on top.”

Deadline - 2 juin 2021.
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Âge : 28
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Localisation : Chantilly
Inscription : 03/09/2012

JurisprudenceAutopia - Avengers Campus [Disney California Adventure - 2021] - Page 11 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Avengers Campus [Disney California Adventure - 2021] JurisprudenceAutopia - Avengers Campus [Disney California Adventure - 2021] - Page 11 Horlog11Jeu 3 Juin 2021 - 15:09

Comme on l'avait dis, c'est quasi kif kif avec TSM. Il ne fallait pas en attendre plus j'imagine.
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Messages : 2687
Inscription : 29/01/2014

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MessageSujet: Re: Avengers Campus [Disney California Adventure - 2021] JurisprudenceAutopia - Avengers Campus [Disney California Adventure - 2021] - Page 11 Horlog11Jeu 3 Juin 2021 - 16:06

Je ne serai pas surpris si le land rencontre un succès phénoménal et plus lucratif que Galaxy's Edge.
Ils ont clairement retenu la leçon : enfin un land VIVANT, enfin un land qui réunit tous nos personnages préférés, enfin un land avec une BGM qui dresse les poils.

Alors OK je préfère une zone ultra immersive et cohérente qu'une zone "fourre tout" comme l'est un peu AC, mais c'est ce que le client préfère, c'est-à-dire vivre ou revivre les meilleurs moments de ses films préférés.
Pourquoi smugglers run est un échec ? car un braquage en faucon millenium n'est pas la chose marquante dans Star Wars.
Pourquoi ROTR est un succès ? car c'est le scénario culte de la licence, s'échapper d'une base impériale !

On retrouve dans chaque mini-zone du land les éléments culte de chaque film en question.
Un laboratoire/Université dans une architecture New-Yorkaise pour Spiderman, un laboratoire avec le tunnel quantique pour Pym, un temple pour Dr. Strange, etc...

Pour WEB Slingers j'attends de voir plus, mais vu le cahier des charges ultrastrict qu'a dû respecter WDI, je trouve pour l'instant qu'ils s'en sortent très bien !
Et oui l'audio du véhicule était désactivé, donc difficile de juger là-dessus.

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Âge : 35
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Inscription : 07/01/2016

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MessageSujet: Re: Avengers Campus [Disney California Adventure - 2021] JurisprudenceAutopia - Avengers Campus [Disney California Adventure - 2021] - Page 11 Horlog11Jeu 3 Juin 2021 - 16:11

Sympa ces premières vidéos ! Smile
Pas fan de l'univers Marvel mais je trouve ce campus très réussi et immersif d'un point de vue "non connaisseur". Le Spider-Man stuntronic en jette vraiment, c'est impressionnant.
Pour Web Slingers, c'est ce que j'attendais par contre il ne se passe pas grand chose entres les différentes séquences, c'est dommage. À voir avec d'autres vidéos et en musique.
Hâte que tout ça arrive aux WDS maintenant !

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Âge : 31
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MessageSujet: Re: Avengers Campus [Disney California Adventure - 2021] JurisprudenceAutopia - Avengers Campus [Disney California Adventure - 2021] - Page 11 Horlog11Jeu 3 Juin 2021 - 17:47

zobyeg62 a écrit:
Pourquoi smugglers run est un échec ? car un braquage en faucon millenium n'est pas la chose marquante dans Star Wars

Piloter le Faucon Millenium, pas une chose marquante dans Star Wars ? scratch
C'est marrant parce que pour le coup, ça s'adressait plus aux fans des trilogies originelles.

Mjinspace, Epic-say, Noal et UPCT aiment ce message

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Messages : 11423
Inscription : 20/09/2011

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MessageSujet: Re: Avengers Campus [Disney California Adventure - 2021] JurisprudenceAutopia - Avengers Campus [Disney California Adventure - 2021] - Page 11 Horlog11Jeu 3 Juin 2021 - 18:02

zobyeg62 a écrit:
Je ne serai pas surpris si le land rencontre un succès phénoménal et plus lucratif que Galaxy's Edge.
Ils ont clairement retenu la leçon : enfin un land VIVANT, enfin un land qui réunit tous nos personnages préférés, enfin un land avec une BGM qui dresse les poils.

Alors OK je préfère une zone ultra immersive et cohérente qu'une zone "fourre tout" comme l'est un peu AC, mais c'est ce que le client préfère, c'est-à-dire vivre ou revivre les meilleurs moments de ses films préférés.
Pourquoi smugglers run est un échec ? car un braquage en faucon millenium n'est pas la chose marquante dans Star Wars.
Pourquoi ROTR est un succès ? car c'est le scénario culte de la licence, s'échapper d'une base impériale !

On retrouve dans chaque mini-zone du land les éléments culte de chaque film en question.
Un laboratoire/Université dans une architecture New-Yorkaise pour Spiderman, un laboratoire avec le tunnel quantique pour Pym, un temple pour Dr. Strange, etc...

Pour WEB Slingers j'attends de voir plus, mais vu le cahier des charges ultrastrict qu'a dû respecter WDI, je trouve pour l'instant qu'ils s'en sortent très bien !
Et oui l'audio du véhicule était désactivé, donc difficile de juger là-dessus.

Il y a aussi des FX sensoriels quand on tire les toiles d'araignées , nul doute que ça sera un succès rien que Spiderman, ça va plaire énormément.
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Messages : 2687
Inscription : 29/01/2014

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MessageSujet: Re: Avengers Campus [Disney California Adventure - 2021] JurisprudenceAutopia - Avengers Campus [Disney California Adventure - 2021] - Page 11 Horlog11Jeu 3 Juin 2021 - 18:48

KingRCT3 a écrit:
zobyeg62 a écrit:
Pourquoi smugglers run est un échec ? car un braquage en faucon millenium n'est pas la chose marquante dans Star Wars

Piloter le Faucon Millenium, pas une chose marquante dans Star Wars ? scratch
C'est marrant parce que pour le coup, ça s'adressait plus aux fans des trilogies originelles.
A part ça évidement Laughing

Sinon une vidéo plus complète du land.
On y voit le show Doctor Strange, avec des effets... Whaaaou JurisprudenceAutopia - Avengers Campus [Disney California Adventure - 2021] - Page 11 425715

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Âge : 38
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MessageSujet: Re: Avengers Campus [Disney California Adventure - 2021] JurisprudenceAutopia - Avengers Campus [Disney California Adventure - 2021] - Page 11 Horlog11Jeu 3 Juin 2021 - 20:40

Quand même cette attraction Spiderman, ça manque un peu d'ambiance, de musique à l'intérieur non ?

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MessageSujet: Re: Avengers Campus [Disney California Adventure - 2021] JurisprudenceAutopia - Avengers Campus [Disney California Adventure - 2021] - Page 11 Horlog11Jeu 3 Juin 2021 - 20:58

JurisprudenceAutopia - Avengers Campus [Disney California Adventure - 2021] - Page 11 45

Citation :

5 Super Details for Disney Fans to Discover at Avengers Campus at Disneyland Resort

Are you ready to team up with the Avengers and tap into your inner Super Hero? Avengers Campus, an entirely new land dedicated to discovering, recruiting, and training the next generation of Super Heroes, is about to open inside Disney California Adventure park at Disneyland Resort. It’s been brought to life by an incredible team of Imagineers who know and love Earth’s Mightiest Heroes as much as we do, and they’ve gone to truly epic lengths to ensure that the campus itself, its innovative and tasty treats, and all of the magnificent merchandise will delight every fan—even those who might just be discovering these beloved characters for the first time.

“The stories take place here and now,” Walt Disney Imagineering’s Scot Drake, who leads the team that’s assembling Avengers Campus, tells D23. But, to echo the words of Nick Fury, when you enter the land, you become a part of something bigger, with a rich history that you can’t help but notice as you move from one address to another. The Imagineers looked to this storied past to inspire Easter eggs and amazing details to discover when you first visit Avengers Campus. This is just a taste, and you’re sure to find something new each time you return to the land, but here are five fun finds that will get your Spidey senses tingling :

JurisprudenceAutopia - Avengers Campus [Disney California Adventure - 2021] - Page 11 46

Your journey begins with a map

Drake teases that there are two maps located at Avengers Campus that provide a fascinating glimpse into the land’s longstanding connection to the Starks, and you’ll see nods to Tony and his family throughout the land. The Worldwide Engineering Brigade, or WEB, as the young innovators you’ll encounter there prefer to call it, is located within a brick building that was home to Stark Motors when it first opened. And on both the building’s façade and as you go through the brand-new attraction WEB SLINGERS: A Spider-Man Adventure, you might still see traces of its former incarnation as an automotive factory.

JurisprudenceAutopia - Avengers Campus [Disney California Adventure - 2021] - Page 11 47

And speaking of WEB…

Look to the rooftop and you may see Spider-Man swinging above, so it should come as no surprise to find Peter Parker within WEB’s walls. Peter is just one of the young innovators who has been invited to WEB at the behest of Tony Stark to invent new technologies and equip everyday people to become heroes. “Because WEB is an organization of young geniuses who are inventing the technology for the next generation of heroes, we have so many Easter eggs of other characters along their journey,” Drake teases, noting, “If you go through [the attraction] you can follow that one story, but it doesn’t take much to look around and see all the other fun things that they’re working on and all the other characters that we’re going to be hinting at.”

JurisprudenceAutopia - Avengers Campus [Disney California Adventure - 2021] - Page 11 48

Avengers’ favorite fare

The campus will feature the second outpost of Tony Stark’s beloved “shawarma joint,” where he and his fellow Avengers dined after the Battle of New York. The original Shawarma Palace is located just a few blocks from the battle zone, but guests at Avengers Campus will be able to refuel with shawarma-inspired wraps at this food cart. Choose from hand-held savory wraps with fragrant chicken shawarma and garlic sauce, the Impossible™ plant-based falafel wrap, or for a heroic start to the day, the Impossible™ Breakfast-Sha-Warm-Up.

JurisprudenceAutopia - Avengers Campus [Disney California Adventure - 2021] - Page 11 49

Classic Park treats meet the newest Pym technology

Disney fans, what could possibly be better than a soft, warm pretzel? Perhaps a soft, warm pretzel that’s grown exponentially through the use of Pym Particles. When you enter the Pym Test Kitchen featuring Impossible™ Foods, Drake shares, “You’re going to see a big conveyor belt of Park pretzels going in to this small quantum tunnel where we’re going to see pretzels grow and shrink right in front of our eyes. Then you’re going to be able to purchase a pretzel that can feed the whole family or a kit of mini-pretzels.” In the name of science, we’re happy to try both!

JurisprudenceAutopia - Avengers Campus [Disney California Adventure - 2021] - Page 11 50

A location that might feel Strange-ly familiar

Those who are already steeped in knowledge of the multiverse may be familiar with the New York-based sanctum where Doctor Strange is frequently found. Avengers Campus guests will now have the opportunity to visit an ancient sanctum that’s a bit different, as evidenced by the logo. As the story goes, this ancient site has been hidden for centuries—though there have long been rumors of unexplained events and energies that emanated from this remote location. A Stark Industries complex was built there in the late 1940s and now, decades later, Tony Stark has invited Doctor Strange to the Avengers Campus to enlighten recruits about the mystic arts. Drake reveals that this gateway now connects Doctor Strange to any other place in the multiverse, noting, “He could have just stepped through from Paris or from Hong Kong or from anywhere in the universe.”

Overall, Drake and his fellow Imagineers want Avengers Campus to feel like a world of endless possibilities, a place where literally anything may happen. “And,” he says, “it’s not always going to be the same place every time you go into it. Something new is around every corner.”
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Âge : 25
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MessageSujet: Re: Avengers Campus [Disney California Adventure - 2021] JurisprudenceAutopia - Avengers Campus [Disney California Adventure - 2021] - Page 11 Horlog11Jeu 3 Juin 2021 - 21:04

Le land a l'air cool même si je ne suis pas fan de l'univers Marvel.
Par contre l'attraction Spider-Man c'est un peu la déception j'avoue.
Juste 3 minutes de tir sur écrant...mouai d'accord.

Yo Ho, Yo Ho ! A pirate's life for me ! Razz
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Âge : 31
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MessageSujet: Re: Avengers Campus [Disney California Adventure - 2021] JurisprudenceAutopia - Avengers Campus [Disney California Adventure - 2021] - Page 11 Horlog11Jeu 3 Juin 2021 - 23:21

zobyeg62 a écrit:
On y voit le show Doctor Strange, avec des effets... Whaaaou JurisprudenceAutopia - Avengers Campus [Disney California Adventure - 2021] - Page 11 425715

C'est ironique ou premier degré, je n'arrive plus à discerner..? Laughing
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Inscription : 29/01/2014

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MessageSujet: Re: Avengers Campus [Disney California Adventure - 2021] JurisprudenceAutopia - Avengers Campus [Disney California Adventure - 2021] - Page 11 Horlog11Ven 4 Juin 2021 - 1:58

KingRCT3 a écrit:
zobyeg62 a écrit:
On y voit le show Doctor Strange, avec des effets... Whaaaou JurisprudenceAutopia - Avengers Campus [Disney California Adventure - 2021] - Page 11 425715

C'est ironique ou premier degré, je n'arrive plus à discerner..? Laughing
À la base c'était ironique, mais avec du recul je trouve certains tours vraiment sympas, comme par exemple avec le masque où la dynamique avec le performer est vraiment sympa.

Pour un petit spectacle de type happening / street show, je trouve le rendu plutôt réussi.
Maintenant à voir de nuit !

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Âge : 30
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Inscription : 09/07/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Avengers Campus [Disney California Adventure - 2021] JurisprudenceAutopia - Avengers Campus [Disney California Adventure - 2021] - Page 11 Horlog11Ven 4 Juin 2021 - 13:10

Je trouve vraiment dommage qu'ils n'aient pas fait en sorte que les web-shooters interactifs avec l'attraction ne le soient pas aussi avec les jouets spider-bots... Ça me semblait logique, ça aurait donné une autre utilité au web-shooters en dehors de l'attraction que leur fonctionnalités très limitées, ceux qui lancent un petit fil de toile sont vraiment risibles, l'effet est ridicule.

- There's a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow ! -
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Âge : 31
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Inscription : 28/05/2013

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MessageSujet: Re: Avengers Campus [Disney California Adventure - 2021] JurisprudenceAutopia - Avengers Campus [Disney California Adventure - 2021] - Page 11 Horlog11Ven 4 Juin 2021 - 13:23

zobyeg62 a écrit:

À la base c'était ironique, mais avec du recul je trouve certains tours vraiment sympas, comme par exemple avec le masque où la dynamique avec le performer est vraiment sympa.

Oui y'a des moments sympa, mais y'a des tours qui sont vraiment cheap et je trouve que ça nuit à l'ensemble... Les deux premiers tours de magie par exemple, tout droit sortis de Mon premier kit de magicien, le retour dans le temps un peu cheapouille aussi, puis surtout le grand final, l'apparition d'un dôme... INVISIBLE ! Sérieusement. Laughing
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Inscription : 29/04/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: Avengers Campus [Disney California Adventure - 2021] JurisprudenceAutopia - Avengers Campus [Disney California Adventure - 2021] - Page 11 Horlog11Ven 4 Juin 2021 - 13:41

JurisprudenceAutopia - Avengers Campus [Disney California Adventure - 2021] - Page 11 48

Citation :
Avengers Campus Unveiled in Epic Grand Opening Ceremony at Disney California Adventure Park

Last night, Super Heroes assembled to celebrate the momentous dedication of Avengers Campus in an epic ceremony at Disney California Adventure park!

Disney CEO Bob Chapek was joined in front of Avengers Headquarters near the shining Quinjet by Disney Parks, Experiences and Products Chairman Josh D’Amaro and Marvel Studios President/Marvel Chief Creative Officer Kevin Feige, along with Paul Rudd, star of the “Ant-Man” films, and Anthony Mackie from the hit Disney+ series “The Falcon and the Winter Soldier.”

We live-streamed the opening ceremony of Avengers Campus last night. In case you missed it, you can watch the entire ceremony now!

JurisprudenceAutopia - Avengers Campus [Disney California Adventure - 2021] - Page 11 The-Falcon-and-The-Winter-Soldier-actor-Anthony-Mackie-joins-Captain-America-during-the-grand-openin

JurisprudenceAutopia - Avengers Campus [Disney California Adventure - 2021] - Page 11 Ant-Man-and-the-Wasp-actor-Paul-Rudd-poses-with-Ant-Man-and-the-Wasp-June-2-2021-while-touring-Aveng

JurisprudenceAutopia - Avengers Campus [Disney California Adventure - 2021] - Page 11 Iron-Man-director-and-actor-Jon-Favreau-poses-June-2-2021-in-Avengers-Campus-at-Disney-California-Ad

Anthony Mackie joined Captain America during the grand opening ceremony, while Paul Rudd caught up with Ant-Man and the Wasp. “Iron Man” director and actor Jon Favreau was also on hand, where he encountered Iron Man in his new armor, the Mark 80.

JurisprudenceAutopia - Avengers Campus [Disney California Adventure - 2021] - Page 11 Guardians-of-the-Galaxy-actress-Zoe-Saldana-gets-a-sneak-peek-at-Avengers-Campus-at-Disney-Californi

JurisprudenceAutopia - Avengers Campus [Disney California Adventure - 2021] - Page 11 Shang-Chi-and-the-Legend-of-the-Ten-Rings-actor-Simu-Liu-poses-in-front-of-the-Shawarma-Palace-while

JurisprudenceAutopia - Avengers Campus [Disney California Adventure - 2021] - Page 11 Captain-Marvel-actress-Brie-Larson-gets-a-sneak-peek-at-Avengers-Campus-at-Disney-California-Adventu

A few other special guests toured Avengers Campus, and made special appearances during the live-stream event, including “Guardians of the Galaxy” actress Zoe Saldana, “Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings” actor Simu Liu and “Captain Marvel” actress Brie Larson.

JurisprudenceAutopia - Avengers Campus [Disney California Adventure - 2021] - Page 11 Avengers-Campus-opening-on-June-2-2021

An entirely new land, Avengers Campus is devoted to discovering, recruiting and training the next generation of Super Heroes. Guests will join Avengers and their allies to live out their Super Hero dreams in this fully immersive land that mixes innovation with storytelling, and fun for all ages.

Avengers Campus officially opens tomorrow, June 4 !
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MessageSujet: Re: Avengers Campus [Disney California Adventure - 2021] JurisprudenceAutopia - Avengers Campus [Disney California Adventure - 2021] - Page 11 Horlog11Ven 4 Juin 2021 - 14:13

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MessageSujet: Re: Avengers Campus [Disney California Adventure - 2021] JurisprudenceAutopia - Avengers Campus [Disney California Adventure - 2021] - Page 11 Horlog11Ven 4 Juin 2021 - 14:29

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5 Pieces of Must-Have Merch You Need to Find at Avengers Campus

Beginning this Friday, June 4, guests will team up and assemble with Earth’s Mightiest Heroes at Avengers Campus inside Disney California Adventure park at the Disneyland Resort. And in addition to the memories they’ll make through missions, attractions, and encounters with an amazing array of Avengers, there’s a super selection of merchandise debuting in the brand-new land that’ll boost the heroic feeling you get during your visit—and even keep it going after you return home.

The stories of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes have always been a reflection of the world outside our window, and that’s been a guiding force for the team behind Avengers Campus. “We’re trying to introduce you to concepts and ideas that can happen within the world that you live in,” Brad Schoeneberg, vice president of Brand Merchandising for Disney Parks, Experiences and Products, tells D23.

There’ll be three dedicated locations where this magnificent merchandise will be available for purchase: Disneyland Resort Backlot Premiere Shop, located at Stage 17 in Disney California Adventure; and within Avengers Campus at WEB Suppliers and the Avengers Campus Supply Pod. Schoeneberg offered an inside look at the vast collection debuting at Avengers Campus, which includes brand-new Funko Pop! figures, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math)-inspired kits to do at home, drinkware, and more. Here are five items that we’re sure every Super Hero recruit will want to pick up while they’re in the new land :

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In creating these interactive companions, Schoenberg explains that he and his team thought, “Every Super Hero needs a friendly sidekick to help protect their neighborhood, so how can we make something that each person can connect with and then learn to play with in their own unique way?” Spider-Bots are powered by a remote control with eight articulated legs that move forward and backward—and they’re customizable. Guests can utilize tactical upgrades to harness the powers and style of favorite Super Heroes such as Black Panther, Iron Man, Black Widow, and Ant-Man and The Wasp. Adding to the “friendly” nature of these sidekicks, it’s also possible to connect with friends’ Spider-Bots to engage in epic showdowns.

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WEB Tech Accessory : The WEB Power Band

The exciting new attraction WEB SLINGERS: A Spider-Man Adventure invites guests to don 3-D glasses and sling webs like Spidey himself, and for a truly customizable experience you’ll want to have WEB Tech on your wrist. The WEB Tech base band features an attraction mode that unlocks multi-fire webs while you’re in the ride vehicle to personalize game play for a cool, new experience on the attraction. Schoenberg reveals, “When you wear that WEB Tech inside the attraction, you’re going to get a different power on the ride than others that may be with you.” Guests will have fun discovering their own powers, and they can also add on WEB Tech that’s inspired by Spider-Man, Ghost Spider, Iron Man and Rescue, and other favorite Super Heroes. With lights, sounds, projections, and webs that eject and retract, WEB Tech is the ultimate role-play accessory, both in Avengers Campus and at home.

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Spider-Man Goggles

It’s been said that eyes are the windows to the soul, and these stylish Spider-Man goggles display a range of emotions—from concern to puzzled to, well, joy (as conveyed via flashing hearts). They wear like sunglasses, Schoeneberg notes, with a digital screen that the wearer won’t see that’s sure to delight every passerby. “They’re fun to wear but they’re really fun to see someone wearing,” he emphasizes.

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Avengers Campus Gear

“We really thought about what do our campus recruits wear when they’re in training,” Schoeneberg explains, and that’s the aesthetic behind the performance fleece hoodies, tees, and more that will be available at Campus Supply Pod. The iconic, Disney Parks-exclusive Avengers “A” is layered in, and items also feature pockets to hold every recruit’s tech. The gear, Schoeneberg says, “is not only reflective of the fact that you’re training potentially for the Avengers, but it’s also comfortable.”

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A Brand-new Spidey Suit

Throughout Avengers Campus, Spider-Man will be seen in a new suit that’s been designed exclusively for Disney Parks. This suit has been re-created for young recruits, and Schoenberg says, “It’s really reflective of the character that you’re spending the day with on your visit to a park.”

Schoeneberg notes that the team behind the Avengers Campus merchandise kept technology and innovation in mind as they approached all of the new products and experiences—whether guests will be enjoying them in the park or back at home. “Technology and innovation isn’t a destination on any one item, it’s just part of the way we want to approach new products, new experiences, and especially things that are tied to this fantastic world of the Avengers,” he says. “And there’s nothing more fantastic than guests being able to experience the products in the spaces and in the world that’s been designed by Walt Disney Imagineering. It just feels like you’re living this story. You are really having your own Super Hero journey.”
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MessageSujet: Re: Avengers Campus [Disney California Adventure - 2021] JurisprudenceAutopia - Avengers Campus [Disney California Adventure - 2021] - Page 11 Horlog11Sam 5 Juin 2021 - 0:00

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5 Epic Eats You Need to Try at Avengers Campus

When you visit Avengers Campus, opening Friday, June 4, inside Disney California Adventure at Disneyland Resort, be sure to bring a taste for adventure and a heroic appetite! The brand-new land—which is dedicated to discovering, recruiting, and training the next generation of Super Heroes—is chock full of innovative new food and beverage offerings you will love 3000. D23 recently spoke with Michelle Gendreau, director of Food & Beverage for the Disneyland Resort, who gave us the inside dish on some of the delicious new items that will be available at dining locations in Avengers Campus. Here are some of the must-try meals and morsels you’ll want to sample.

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Pingo Doce

This bubbly drink is legendary in Avengers history; and it’s available exclusively at Avengers Campus. You’ll find the refreshing beverage—that’s lemon-lime with a vanilla kick—at Pym Test Kitchen featuring Impossible™ Foods, where Hope and Hank Pym and Scott Lang are “shrinking problems and growing solutions.” And speaking of “growing,” you might consider picking up an Enlarged Pingo Doce Soda Can novelty and fill it with this signature drink or your favorite Coca-Cola® beverage.

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Not So Little Chicken Sandwich

The juxtaposition of a quite sizable fried chicken breast with a much smaller brioche bun makes this sandwich extra fun. “It’s reminiscent of a chicken katsu,” Gendreau shares, and she believes this will be an instant fan-favorite. It’s served with two sauces—teriyaki and red chili—as well as pickled cabbage slaw, with crispy potato bites on the side. Order this dish at Pym Test Kitchen featuring Impossible™ Foods.

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Impossible™ Spoonful

“People do not believe me that this is plant-based,” Gendreau says, and this dish of rigatoni and ditalini pastas, plant-based meatballs, tomato sauce, dairy-free Parmesan, and micro basil tastes like the ultimate classic comfort dish. The presentation, however, is anything but classic. The name of the Impossible™ Spoonful comes from the enormous ladle in which it’s served, and said ladle holds a bounty of noodles both large and small, as well as two “meatballs” of vastly differing sizes. “It’s storytelling to the max, and the flavor is really good,” Gendreau says. This dish can also be found at Pym Test Kitchen featuring Impossible™ Foods.

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Adult Beverages from the Pym Tasting Lab

Right next door to the Pym Test Kitchen, take note of an oversized beer can for a sense of what’s in store. A variety of craft beers are on tap (and glasses fill from the bottom up!), along with an assortment of Pym particle-infused cocktail experiments and beer cocktails. Among the drinks for Campus recruits who are 21 and older: The Regulator (pictured above) features tequila, Minute Maid lime juice, mango and habanero syrup, wheat ale, and mango popping pearls; while for something a bit sweeter, the Molecular Meltdown is made from marshmallow milk stout and vanilla ice cream (and is topped with miniature marshmallows). Pair all of the Pym Tasting Lab beverages with Snack Molecules, which are mini pretzels, honey roasted peanuts, and sweet & spicy popped sorghum.

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Cosmic Cream Orb

Don’t be deceived by its modest appearance. Within the Cosmic Cream Orb’s black exterior is a spectacular whipped raspberry cheesecake mouse in an absolutely vibrant shade of purple. These are among the sweet treats that have been curated by Taneleer Tivan at Terran Treats, a cart located not far from the Collector’s fortress… and they just might tempt you to pay Taneleer a visit.

There’s so much more, of course, that you’ll need to plan on multiple visits in order to make your way through the massive menu, which also includes shawarma-inspired wraps at the Shawarma Palace cart; a “Pym-ini” that’s available in an individual portion or super-sized for a family or friends to enjoy together; and a PB&J Flavor Lab that invites the youngest food scientists to experiment with their own creations using smooth peanut butter, strawberry jelly, and Pym particle bread.
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MessageSujet: Re: Avengers Campus [Disney California Adventure - 2021] JurisprudenceAutopia - Avengers Campus [Disney California Adventure - 2021] - Page 11 Horlog11Dim 6 Juin 2021 - 13:29

Disney California Adventure Park affiche complet pour la période du 4 au 28 juin !

Comme lors de l'ouverture de Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge en 2019, Disney California Adventure Park s'attend à attirer de grandes foules, en particulier lorsque les visiteurs de l'extérieur de l'État de Californie seront autorisés à visiter le parc à thème.

Mercredi dernier, les réservations et les billets 1-parc pour Disney California Adventure Park étaient déjà épuisés depuis l'ouverture le 4 juin jusqu'au 28 juin !

Maintenant que la majeure partie du campus Avengers est prête pour accueillir les "recrues", l'imagineer Scot Drake a déclaré lors de l'avant-première média qu'il y aurait de nombreux scénarios à ajouter à l'avenir.

"La partie passionnante de ce land est que c'est maintenant un cadre pour la narration." "Notre objectif est de continuer à faire de cette expérience une expérience différente à chaque fois que vous venez. Vous allez voir des personnages différents. C'est un univers d'histoire tellement dynamique que non seulement vous y participez pour la première fois, mais chaque fois que vous reviendrez, vous allez vivre de nouvelles expériences."

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L'Imagineer Scot Drake, portfolio creative executive chez Walt Disney Imagineering.

Citation :

Here's a look at the brand new Marvel Avengers Campus at Disney California Adventure

The Black Widow, dressed in her signature all-black bodysuit, paced up and down the brand new Avengers Campus headquarters building platform.

Meanwhile, a trio of the Dora Milaje, the elite female guards in Black Panther's fictional nation of Wakanda, was conducting a training regiment in front of a small crowd. In the distance, Spider-Man swings above rooftops.

A few steps away, Doctor Strange performed some type of mystic arts at the Ancient Sanctum.

Ever since the Walt Disney Co. purchased Marvel Entertainment for $4 billion in 2009, fans have dreamed about seeing, meeting and interacting with their favorite superheroes in a Marvel-themed land.

This Friday, that dream becomes a reality. The much-hyped Avengers Campus is opening at Disney California Adventure, the first of many Marvel-themed lands coming to Disney theme parks worldwide.

"We started with a blank sheet of paper and the 'What ifs?' and having 70 years of amazing superhero stories to pull from and 23 films; we really got to craft the perfect experience for our guests," Scot Drake, a portfolio creative executive at Walt Disney Imagineering, said to Spectrum News during a media preview of the new land. "We are bringing together the diversity of these amazing superheroes. This is unlike anything that we've built before."

The opening of the Avengers Campus at Disney California Adventure comes years in the making and is happening as Disney looks to rebound from the economic downturn and year-long shutdown of the Disney theme park caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

The Marvel-themed campus was slated to open last year. But California health officials shuttered theme parks across the state as part of an effort to prevent large gatherings and slow the spread of the coronavirus that causes COVID-19.

With vaccinations up, coronavirus cases down, and California loosening its health guidelines in April that paved the way for theme parks and other businesses to reopen, Disney expects to capitalize from the pent-up demand from people just wanting to go out.

And the Avengers Campus, much like when Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge opened in 2019, is expecting to bring in large crowds, especially when out-of-state visitors will be allowed to visit the theme park starting June 15.

As of Wednesday, reservations and single-park tickets for Disney California Adventure have sold out from the June 4 opening of Avengers Campus to June 28.

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Disney broke ground on the Avengers Campus in 2019.

The brand new area spans six-acres and replaces the former A Bug's Land. The campus includes the Guardians of the Galaxy – Mission Breakout! attraction, a Spider-Man-themed signature attraction, and possibly another Avengers-themed ride, as well as Marvel-themed restaurants and retail stores.

Because of the high demand, Disney is implementing a standby queue and virtual queue system for park visitors to gain access to the land.

Visitors who have secured a ticket and reservation to Disney California Adventure, either could wait in a standby queue to enter the campus or be among the first to secure a boarding group on a virtual queue of the Web Slingers ride through the Disneyland mobile app on the day of the visit. The virtual queue is available at 7 a.m. and noon.

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Key Attractions

Aside from Mission Breakout, the Avengers Campus's signature attraction is Web Slingers: A Spider-Man Adventure and later includes an Avengers-themed ride on the Quinjet, which sits on top of the Avengers headquarters building.

Drake said Web Slingers is the ultimate wish fulfillment.

"Everyone, since they've been six years old, has wanted to sling webs like Spider-Man, and now, we're delivering on that promise," he said.

On Web Slingers, guests don 3-D glasses, jump on a WEB slinger vehicle and help Tom Holland's Spider-Man destroy replicating Spider-Bots by gesturing with their arms and slinging virtual webs from their wrists toward a video screen. Throughout the ride, riders accumulate points.

Riders can enhance their virtual web-slinging by purchasing and wearing a separate attachment. Disney created a web tech power band accessory that a rider can attach to his or her wrist to destroy more Spider-Bots. The band and other accessories are available at a store next to the ride and retail for $30.

Drake sidestepped the question of when an Avengers-themed ride on the Quinjet would come online. So far, the Quinjet, which Drake helped design, makes for a pretty photo op.

Drake called the Quinjet a symbol of hope.

"Our focus over the last several years but especially the last year is bringing Avengers Campus to life," he said. "For us, in the middle of this last year when we put the Quinjet on top of the Avengers headquarters, it transformed the construction of Avengers Campus and [it became a] symbol of hope for all of us, it was like, 'The Avengers are here, and everything is going to be okay.'"

There are also plenty of shows and socially distanced meet and greets with superheroes within the land.

Visitors can catch Doctor Strange perform some Mystic Arts, train with the Black Panther's Dora Milaje, and see Iron Man, Captain Marvel, Ant-Man, Thor and other superheroes walking around the area.

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Eat like the Avengers

At the post-credit scene of the first "Avengers" film in 2012, after saving New York, the heroes gathered and ate at a small hole-in-the-wall restaurant called the Shawarma Palace. That restaurant has made its way to California.

Visitors to Avengers Campus can now relive that scene by eating a chicken shawarma or falafel and cauliflower wrap at a Shawarma Palace cart.

"We had to, in our story, invite the Shawarma Palace to be part of this campus," Drake said, adding that it's a tribute to the first Avengers movie.

The campus also features two other quick-serve food and drink restaurants inspired by Ant-Man and the Wasp: The Pym Test Kitchen and Pym Tasting Lab. The Pym Test Kitchen features a mix of oversized and shrunken food. Visitors can buy an enlarged pretzel, a not so little chicken sandwich, and drink the Pingo Doce, the gamma radiated green soda from the "Hulk" movie that starred Ed Norton.

The tasting lab features oversized and pint-size beers and cocktails.

"What we love about Ant-Man and the Wasp — it's such a fun storyline. We know in our parks food is a big part of the experience," Drake said. "Having Pym technology grow and shrink different types of food [and] the mash-up of those things is really clever and really fun. It's a mix of different scales."

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Plenty of Easter Eggs

There are many Easter Eggs and references from different Marvel films and comics throughout the land.

There are parking signs reserved for different Avengers. Green gamma radiation oozes out of a water pipe. The trees are a different color.

There is even a place that makes it seem like one is entering a Doctor Strange parallel dimension.

"As you know, the details are what make the park come to life," he said.

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What's next ?

Now that most of the Avengers Campus is ready for visitors and recruits, Drake said there are plenty of storylines to be added in the future.

"The exciting part of this land is this is now a framework for storytelling," he said. "Our goal is to continue to make this a different experience every time you come. You're going to see different characters. It is such a dynamic story universe that not only are you participating in it for the first time, but every time you come back, you're going to have new experiences unfold."

Spectrum News 1 Los Angeles - 2 juin 2021.
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JurisprudenceAutopia - Avengers Campus [Disney California Adventure - 2021] - Page 11 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Avengers Campus [Disney California Adventure - 2021] JurisprudenceAutopia - Avengers Campus [Disney California Adventure - 2021] - Page 11 Horlog11Lun 7 Juin 2021 - 20:48

JurisprudenceAutopia - Avengers Campus [Disney California Adventure - 2021] - Page 11 48

Vendredi dernier, jour d'ouverture d'Avengers Campus au grand public, la foule à commencé à se rassembler devant les zones de contrôle de la température corporelle et de sécurité du côté Est du complexe Disneyland bien avant l'ouverture des parcs, les premiers fans arrivant dès 2h30 dans la nuit de jeudi à vendredi !  

Presque tout le monde avait sorti son smartphone à l'approche de 7 heures du matin alors que la loterie pour rejoindre un groupe d'embarquement pour l'attraction Web Slingers : A Spider-Man Adventure allait être activée.

Les groupes d'embarquement pour Web Slingers : A Spider-Man Adventure ont disparu en quelques secondes, les visiteurs pouvant apparemment participer à la loterie depuis la file d'attente face aux portes d'entrée au parc Disney California Adventure, leur voiture ou dans leur chambre d'hôtel, laissant de nombreux déçus.

Une autre distribution numérique de groupes d'embarquement a lieu à midi, donnant à ceux qui ont raté la loterie de 7 heures du matin une seconde chance de découvrir la nouvelle attraction Web Slingers : A Spider-Man Adventure.

Disney California Adventure devait ouvrir à 9 heures, mais face à la foule s'amassant et la distanciation sociale de moins en moins respectée, le parc a ouvert ses portes dès 8 heures.

À l'intérieur de parc, une file d'attente physique a été déployée, la capacité d'Avengers Campus ayant été atteinte presque immédiatement (en moins de vingt minutes) à l'ouverture vendredi.

La file d'attente extraordinairement longue serpentait devant Cars Land, Pacific Wharf, à travers la zone de World of Color et jusqu'à Paradise Park avant de revenir en arrière et de s'étendre jusqu'à Hollywood Land avec plusieurs heures de patience requises avant de pouvoir pénétrer à Avengers Campus !

A 9h30 du matin, tous les créneaux horaires pour les commandes (uniquement possibles via l'application sur smartphone) pour Pym Test Kitchen et Shawarma Palace étaient épuisées pour la journée !

Et la file d'attente virtuelle pour accéder à la boutique Web Suppliers était déjà de 30 minutes !

Nombreux sont ceux qui vont devoir racheter un billet d'un jour et décrocher une nouvelle réservation pour le parc Disney California Adventure si ils souhaitent découvrir Web Slingers : A Spider-Man Adventure ! (ce n'est pas Disney qui s'en plaindra  JurisprudenceAutopia - Avengers Campus [Disney California Adventure - 2021] - Page 11 53119 ).

Pour rappel, mercredi dernier les réservations et les billets 1-parc pour Disney California Adventure Park étaient déjà épuisés depuis l'ouverture le 4 juin jusqu'au 28 juin !

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MessageSujet: Re: Avengers Campus [Disney California Adventure - 2021] JurisprudenceAutopia - Avengers Campus [Disney California Adventure - 2021] - Page 11 Horlog11Lun 7 Juin 2021 - 22:39

je me demande quel plaisir on a encore de visiter un parc Disney dans ces conditions, où on doit rester le nez collé à son smartphone frénétiquement et où on n'est même pas assuré de pouvoir faire une nouvelle attraction

Tout ça ne me donne qu'une envie : ne pas visiter le parc

J. Thaddeus TOAD, Mjinspace, Skyam, Castey et 3tigrou aiment ce message

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