Accueil[Shanghai Disneyland] GARDENS OF IMAGINATION (Fantasia Carousel/Dumbo/Mickey/Marvel/Golden Fanfare/Parade) Vide[Shanghai Disneyland] GARDENS OF IMAGINATION (Fantasia Carousel/Dumbo/Mickey/Marvel/Golden Fanfare/Parade) VideDernières imagesRechercherS'enregistrerConnexion


 [Shanghai Disneyland] GARDENS OF IMAGINATION (Fantasia Carousel/Dumbo/Mickey/Marvel/Golden Fanfare/Parade)

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Messages : 8153
Inscription : 29/04/2010

[Shanghai Disneyland] GARDENS OF IMAGINATION (Fantasia Carousel/Dumbo/Mickey/Marvel/Golden Fanfare/Parade) Empty
MessageSujet: [Shanghai Disneyland] GARDENS OF IMAGINATION (Fantasia Carousel/Dumbo/Mickey/Marvel/Golden Fanfare/Parade) [Shanghai Disneyland] GARDENS OF IMAGINATION (Fantasia Carousel/Dumbo/Mickey/Marvel/Golden Fanfare/Parade) Horlog11Mer 15 Juil 2015 - 9:18

Description complète de Gardens of Imagination et ses différentes attractions :

[Shanghai Disneyland] GARDENS OF IMAGINATION (Fantasia Carousel/Dumbo/Mickey/Marvel/Golden Fanfare/Parade) 831517SD10
Image conceptuelle : Shanghai Disney Resort.

Gardens of Imagination

Created especially for Shanghai Disneyland, the Gardens of Imagination will celebrate the wonders of nature and the joy of imagination. Guests will leave everyday life behind to enjoy the seven whimsical gardens. They might take a spin on the Fantasia Carousel, soar on the back of Dumbo the Flying Elephant or explore the sights and sounds of Melody Garden.

Charming bridges and trails will form a crossroads to other lands in the park, making Gardens of Imagination the central gathering place to meet friends and family.  As guests stroll along the pathways, they may also meet Mickey Mouse and his pals. A terraced viewing area will provide an ideal spot to enjoy the Enchanted Storybook Castle stage shows and the nighttime spectacular.

This land will contain seven individual gardens with themes of family, friendship and fun: Garden of the Twelve Friends, Melody Garden, Romance Garden, Woodland Garden, Garden of the Magic Feather, Fantasia Garden, and Storybook Castle Garden. Each garden will be filled with engaging activities, floral and woodland displays, and playful photo opportunities.

At night, the mood in Gardens of Imagination will become dreamy, with music and a cascade of twinkling lights. It will be as if Tinker Bell and her Fairy friends are sprinkling enchanted pixie dust in every garden.

Here is a sampling of what guests will experience, with more details to come.

Mickey’s Storybook Express

“Mickey’s Storybook Express,” a spectacular daytime parade, will transport fantasy, romance, music and merriment throughout several lands of Shanghai Disneyland. Traveling along the longest parade route in a Disney park, the parade will be led by a whimsical locomotive. A line of themed “train cars” will follow, each with its own exciting musical soundtrack and colorful cast of performers. Each train car will feature the characters, story and music of a favorite Disney film. With magical surprises, “Mickey’s Storybook Express” will bring the park to life with joyful energy.

Garden of the Twelve Friends

Garden of the Twelve Friends makes its global premiere at Shanghai Disneyland, starring Disney and DisneyžPixar characters in Chinese Zodiac style. This whimsical garden features 12 larger-than-life mosaic murals, each depicting a Disney or DisneyžPixar character representative of a Chinese zodiac animal symbol. A plaque explains the personality traits of each character. Guests will enjoy finding their own character and taking photos in front of the mosaic wall, created by Chinese artisans.

Storytellers Statue

At the entrance to this land, a tall bronze sculpture of Walt Disney and Mickey Mouse will welcome all travelers to this happy place, Shanghai Disneyland. The statue is expected to be a popular photo location for guests, who may be inspired by Walt and Mickey’s spirit of friendship, and Walt’s dream of creating entertaining stories for all.

Fantasia Carousel

Fantasia Carousel was created especially for Shanghai Disneyland, with characters and symphonic music from the groundbreaking Disney film, Fantasia, including Mickey dressed as the Sorcerer’s Apprentice. Created by Chinese artists, this grand carousel will feature 62 magnificent, flying horses – Papa, Mama and Baby horses – and two chariots, painted in 72 optimistic colors. It is the first carousel in a Disney theme park to feature multi-colored horses, distinctly different from the traditional medieval-style horses at other Disney parks.

Dumbo the Flying Elephant

A circus has come to the garden, bringing with it one of Disney’s most beloved characters—Dumbo, the baby elephant, known for his huge ears. With the help of a magic feather and his friend Timothy Mouse, Dumbo learns to fly – and guests will have the chance to soar along with him. Sixteen elephant vehicles will carry guests through the air, offering a magical sky-high view of Shanghai Disneyland.

Wandering Moon Teahouse

This timeless teahouse honors the restless, creative spirit of China’s wandering poets, as well as the diverse and beautiful landscapes that inspired them. The restaurant recreates authentic Chinese architecture, with symbols from the mountains, ocean, desert, forest and rivers. This will be the first time the story of “Wandering Moon” will be featured in a Disney park. Favorite Chinese dishes will be served at this quick-service location.

“Firsts” at Shanghai Disney Resort:

First Garden land: The first land inside a Disney park designed as a garden, the Gardens of Imagination is tailored to the Chinese people’s love of gardens. It includes a novel, terraced area for viewing castle stage shows and the nighttime spectacular.

Chinese Zodiac murals: For the fist time,Disney and DisneyžPixar characters will be depicted as representatives of a Chinese zodiac animal, in beautiful mosaic murals. Guests will get to learn more about these Disney characters and their stories, at Garden of the Twelve Friends.

First Fantasia-inspired carousel: Guests will take a spin on Fantasia Carousel, the first carousel in a Disney park that features the music and mythical creatures from the classic Disney film, Fantasia.

[Shanghai Disneyland] GARDENS OF IMAGINATION (Fantasia Carousel/Dumbo/Mickey/Marvel/Golden Fanfare/Parade) 142959sd3
Image conceptuelle : Shanghai Disney Resort

[Shanghai Disneyland] GARDENS OF IMAGINATION (Fantasia Carousel/Dumbo/Mickey/Marvel/Golden Fanfare/Parade) 183969sd43
Image conceptuelle : Shanghai Disney Resort

[Shanghai Disneyland] GARDENS OF IMAGINATION (Fantasia Carousel/Dumbo/Mickey/Marvel/Golden Fanfare/Parade) 794473SD11
Image conceptuelle : Shanghai Disney Resort

[Shanghai Disneyland] GARDENS OF IMAGINATION (Fantasia Carousel/Dumbo/Mickey/Marvel/Golden Fanfare/Parade) 808400sd20

[Shanghai Disneyland] GARDENS OF IMAGINATION (Fantasia Carousel/Dumbo/Mickey/Marvel/Golden Fanfare/Parade) 153980sd44

Dernière édition par Vinc le Jeu 16 Juil 2015 - 0:01, édité 3 fois
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Âge : 32
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Inscription : 05/07/2007

[Shanghai Disneyland] GARDENS OF IMAGINATION (Fantasia Carousel/Dumbo/Mickey/Marvel/Golden Fanfare/Parade) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Shanghai Disneyland] GARDENS OF IMAGINATION (Fantasia Carousel/Dumbo/Mickey/Marvel/Golden Fanfare/Parade) [Shanghai Disneyland] GARDENS OF IMAGINATION (Fantasia Carousel/Dumbo/Mickey/Marvel/Golden Fanfare/Parade) Horlog11Mer 15 Juil 2015 - 10:49

Seulement deux attractions foraines, qui risquent quand même d'être magnifiques avec un mélange de Pixie Hollow à Disneyland, de Central Plaza et des jardins de Fantasyland à Hong Kong Disneyland.
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Messages : 8153
Inscription : 29/04/2010

[Shanghai Disneyland] GARDENS OF IMAGINATION (Fantasia Carousel/Dumbo/Mickey/Marvel/Golden Fanfare/Parade) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Shanghai Disneyland] GARDENS OF IMAGINATION (Fantasia Carousel/Dumbo/Mickey/Marvel/Golden Fanfare/Parade) [Shanghai Disneyland] GARDENS OF IMAGINATION (Fantasia Carousel/Dumbo/Mickey/Marvel/Golden Fanfare/Parade) Horlog11Jeu 16 Juil 2015 - 0:20

Présentation de Gardens of Imagination au Shanghai Expo Center avec Jennie Xu (Ambassadeur Shanghai Disney Resort) :

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Messages : 8153
Inscription : 29/04/2010

[Shanghai Disneyland] GARDENS OF IMAGINATION (Fantasia Carousel/Dumbo/Mickey/Marvel/Golden Fanfare/Parade) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Shanghai Disneyland] GARDENS OF IMAGINATION (Fantasia Carousel/Dumbo/Mickey/Marvel/Golden Fanfare/Parade) [Shanghai Disneyland] GARDENS OF IMAGINATION (Fantasia Carousel/Dumbo/Mickey/Marvel/Golden Fanfare/Parade) Horlog11Ven 24 Juil 2015 - 9:26

[Shanghai Disneyland] GARDENS OF IMAGINATION (Fantasia Carousel/Dumbo/Mickey/Marvel/Golden Fanfare/Parade) 95925447w1
Photo : Shanghai Disney Resort.

[Shanghai Disneyland] GARDENS OF IMAGINATION (Fantasia Carousel/Dumbo/Mickey/Marvel/Golden Fanfare/Parade) 83394340w2
Photo : Shanghai Disney Resort.
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Âge : 37
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Localisation : Val d'Europe
Inscription : 06/07/2007

[Shanghai Disneyland] GARDENS OF IMAGINATION (Fantasia Carousel/Dumbo/Mickey/Marvel/Golden Fanfare/Parade) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Shanghai Disneyland] GARDENS OF IMAGINATION (Fantasia Carousel/Dumbo/Mickey/Marvel/Golden Fanfare/Parade) [Shanghai Disneyland] GARDENS OF IMAGINATION (Fantasia Carousel/Dumbo/Mickey/Marvel/Golden Fanfare/Parade) Horlog11Lun 16 Mai 2016 - 18:41

Gardens of Imagination ne m'a pas fait grande impression mais c'est certainement dû au fait que la végétation n'est pas encore totalement installée, il y a de nombreuses zones où il n'y a que de la terre.

Je n'ai pas eu le temps de tester les deux manèges (Dumbo the Flying Elephant et Fantasia Carrousel).

Garden of the Twelve Friends m'a déçu car je m'attendais à un grand jardin où se seraient trouvées les mozaïques mais en réalité, il ne s'agit que d'une allée. Un peu léger même si les mozaïques sont, bien entendu, très jolies. Un peu de mal à comprendre le choix des moutons de Mary Poppins quand existe Danny mais ma foi (et il est largement plus connu que le taureau de Paul Bunyan donc ce n'est pas une excuse).

Meet Mickey se résume à une tente avec une salle d'attente faite de tableaux qui s'animent. Par exemple, ils peuvent tous prendre l'eau en même temps, simulant une inondation dans la pièce. Mais grosso modo, tout cela n'est quand même pas très joli. Et ce n'est pas spécialement mieux dans la pièce où Mickey nous attend, un simple décor plat. On est loin de Meet Mickey Mouse - Rencontre avec Mickey à Paris ou Mickey's House à Tokyo et en Californie.
L'intérêt réside essentiellement en le fait de pouvoir rencontrer Mickey avec sa nouvelle tête à laquelle on aura vite fait de s'habituer.

Marvel Experience est un pavillon tout aussi moche où l'on peut rencontrer Captain America et Spider-Man (le même qu'à Paris et donc pas celui de Captain America : Civil War, dommage). On peut apprendre à dessiner un personnage Marvel (pas fait) et il y a aussi une exposition d'armures d'Iron Man dont Hulkbuster. Bon, ça occupe et ça fera plaisir aux fans Marvel.
Mais qu'est-ce que ça fout dans Gardens of Imagination ?

Le spectacle Golden Fairytale Fanfare devant le château propose de belles scènes avec des réinterprétations de chansons de princesses essentiellement. De nouveaux costumes dorés ont été conçus pour l'occasion. Et les danseurs sont tous vêtus de costumes qui rappellent les traditions chinoises. C'est joli, ça donne quelques frissons car les chansons Disney restent excellentes, mais ça reste un show classique. Cela dit, c'est nouveau pour les Chinois donc ils sont ravis.

Quant à la parade, je la verrai la prochaine fois.

[Shanghai Disneyland] GARDENS OF IMAGINATION (Fantasia Carousel/Dumbo/Mickey/Marvel/Golden Fanfare/Parade) Banniere-chronique-disney [Shanghai Disneyland] GARDENS OF IMAGINATION (Fantasia Carousel/Dumbo/Mickey/Marvel/Golden Fanfare/Parade) Tumblr10
Disneyland Paris : déc. 1997/avr. 1998/juil. 1999/avr. 2005/aoû. 2005/oct. 2005/fév. 2006/avr. 2006 - Cast Member 2006-2011 - visites régulières jusqu'à aujourd'hui
Walt Disney World Resort : nov. 2008/mai 2011/fév.-mars 2018/sep. 2019/oct. 2022
Disneyland Resort : sep. 2009/mai 2013/nov. 2015/août 2019/déc. 2023
Tokyo Disney Resort : juin 2015/avr. 2016
Hong Kong Disneyland Resort : mars 2016
Shanghai Disney Resort : mai 2016 / juin 2016 / juil. 2016
Disney Cruise Line : mars 2018 (Disney Dream) / sep. 2019 (Disney Fantasy) / oct. 2022 (Disney Wish) / nov. 2023 (Disney Magic) / sep. 2024 (Disney Wonder)
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Âge : 28
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Inscription : 10/06/2014

[Shanghai Disneyland] GARDENS OF IMAGINATION (Fantasia Carousel/Dumbo/Mickey/Marvel/Golden Fanfare/Parade) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Shanghai Disneyland] GARDENS OF IMAGINATION (Fantasia Carousel/Dumbo/Mickey/Marvel/Golden Fanfare/Parade) [Shanghai Disneyland] GARDENS OF IMAGINATION (Fantasia Carousel/Dumbo/Mickey/Marvel/Golden Fanfare/Parade) Horlog11Dim 19 Juin 2016 - 21:39

Photos du Fantasia Caroussel prises le 13 Juin 2016 :

[Shanghai Disneyland] GARDENS OF IMAGINATION (Fantasia Carousel/Dumbo/Mickey/Marvel/Golden Fanfare/Parade) Captur24

[Shanghai Disneyland] GARDENS OF IMAGINATION (Fantasia Carousel/Dumbo/Mickey/Marvel/Golden Fanfare/Parade) Captur25

[Shanghai Disneyland] GARDENS OF IMAGINATION (Fantasia Carousel/Dumbo/Mickey/Marvel/Golden Fanfare/Parade) Bi_nim10
"Tire la chevillette, et la bobinette cherra."
                                       Le Loup
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Âge : 28
Messages : 660
Inscription : 10/06/2014

[Shanghai Disneyland] GARDENS OF IMAGINATION (Fantasia Carousel/Dumbo/Mickey/Marvel/Golden Fanfare/Parade) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Shanghai Disneyland] GARDENS OF IMAGINATION (Fantasia Carousel/Dumbo/Mickey/Marvel/Golden Fanfare/Parade) [Shanghai Disneyland] GARDENS OF IMAGINATION (Fantasia Carousel/Dumbo/Mickey/Marvel/Golden Fanfare/Parade) Horlog11Dim 10 Juil 2016 - 18:18

Concept-Art du restaurant "Wandering Moon Teahouse", situé entre Garden of Imagination et Treasure Cove. Cependant, le restaurant est localisé à Garden of Imagination.

[Shanghai Disneyland] GARDENS OF IMAGINATION (Fantasia Carousel/Dumbo/Mickey/Marvel/Golden Fanfare/Parade) 11752410

[Shanghai Disneyland] GARDENS OF IMAGINATION (Fantasia Carousel/Dumbo/Mickey/Marvel/Golden Fanfare/Parade) Bi_nim10
"Tire la chevillette, et la bobinette cherra."
                                       Le Loup
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[Shanghai Disneyland] GARDENS OF IMAGINATION (Fantasia Carousel/Dumbo/Mickey/Marvel/Golden Fanfare/Parade)
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