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 Benjamin Gates 3 [Disney - 202?]

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Benjamin Gates 3 [Disney - 202?] - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Benjamin Gates 3 [Disney - 202?] Benjamin Gates 3 [Disney - 202?] - Page 2 Horlog11Mer 29 Jan 2020 - 0:04

Apparemment le projet est toujours en réflexion  Very Happy  :
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Benjamin Gates 3 [Disney - 202?] - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Benjamin Gates 3 [Disney - 202?] Benjamin Gates 3 [Disney - 202?] - Page 2 Horlog11Dim 26 Avr 2020 - 12:46

Les deux premiers opus étaient plutôt sympa, mais il y a de forte chance que Benjamin Gates est le même syndrome que Tron 3 ...

PROCHAIN SEJOUR : Juillet et Août 2018
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Benjamin Gates 3 [Disney - 202?] - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Benjamin Gates 3 [Disney - 202?] Benjamin Gates 3 [Disney - 202?] - Page 2 Horlog11Jeu 30 Avr 2020 - 17:31

J'aimerais beaucoup une suite (surtout avec la fin du 2)
C'est une série de films que j'affectionne tous particulièrement, ils font partie de mon enfance et ce sont des Disney live assez peu connue j'ai l'impression alors qu'ils sont pourtant de grande qualité.
Mais malheuresement ça fais tellement longtemps que le film est est licence est morte aujourd'hui.
Le seul moyen pour relancer la franchise serait limite un reboot, mais du coup je ne verrais plus vraiment l'intérêt
En tout cas cette news me fait le même effet que les news sur le Tintin 2 (la suite du film de Spielberg qui devrait être réalisé par Peter Jackson), on a une new par an pour nous dire que le film est toujours en projet depuis 10 ans... je ne crois pas voir un de ces projets réellement arriver à son terme malheureusement.

Yo Ho, Yo Ho ! A pirate's life for me ! Razz
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Âge : 31
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Inscription : 06/10/2012

Benjamin Gates 3 [Disney - 202?] - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Benjamin Gates 3 [Disney - 202?] Benjamin Gates 3 [Disney - 202?] - Page 2 Horlog11Jeu 7 Mai 2020 - 23:02

Interrogé par le site, Jerry Bruckheimer (producteur des Benjamin Gates) a confié que le scénario du 3ème opus était en cours d'écriture, mais également qu'une série autour de National Treasure (le nom de la saga en VO) serait en préparation pour Disney+, avec un casting inédit et plus jeune.

Citation :
Collider got Jerry Bruckheimer to open up his book of secrets and give a new update on the National Treasure franchise, which we learned not only includes National Treasure 3, but a Disney+ TV series now in development. During a recent interview with the mega-producer for his new Starz series Hightown, our own Steve Weintraub got the details on the series, which will feature a new, younger cast.

“We’re certainly working on one [National Treasure] for streaming and we’re working on one for the big screen. Hopefully, they’ll both come together and we’ll bring you another National Treasure, but they’re both very active….The one for Disney+ is a much younger cast. It’s the same concept but a young cast. The one for theatrical would be the same cast.”

As for director Jon Turtletaub‘s National Treasure 3, which attached Bad Boys for Life writer Chris Bremner back in January, that film is still in the scripting process. According to Bruckheimer, the Disney+ series is actually further along in development.

“The film version is being written right now. The television version is in process. We have a pilot script done and an outline of the future episodes.”

The National Treasure movies, both directed by Turtletaub, follow historian and occasional heist mastermind Benjamin Franklin Gates (Nicolas Cage) as he hunts for treasures hidden in America’s oldest nooks and crannies. The big question for Disney+ is what National Treasure even looks like without Cage at the forefront. The thing that sets the two National Treasure films apart from your average adventure flick is the way they aren’t afraid to get unapologetically goofy, and Cage doing his unlikely action hero thing is the secret sauce that makes it work. If the Disney+ series is aiming for a younger cast, I kind’ve love the idea of having Cage—at least in the pilot episode—playing a mentor role of some kind.

Check out exactly what Bruckheimer had to say in the video above. For more on National Treasure, here is our deep-dive look-back on the first film on its 15th anniversary.

Benjamin Gates 3 [Disney - 202?] - Page 2 Banniz12
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Âge : 31
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Inscription : 06/10/2012

Benjamin Gates 3 [Disney - 202?] - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Benjamin Gates 3 [Disney - 202?] Benjamin Gates 3 [Disney - 202?] - Page 2 Horlog11Ven 19 Aoû 2022 - 16:45

Le producteur de la série Jerry Bruckheimer aurait confirmé à qu'un scénario pour Benjamin Gates 3 a été écrit et qu'ils vont prochainement le soumettre à Nicolas Cage. a écrit:
National Treasure 3 Script Really Good, Going to Nicolas Cage Shortly According to Jerry Bruckenheimer (Exclusive)

For fifteen years now there's been a lingering question for some Disney franchises, where is National Treasure 3? Talks about a sequel focusing on Nicolas Cage's Benjamin Franklin Gates have been ongoing ever since then but nothing concrete has ever come up. Once Disney+ confirmed that a National Treasure TV series was headed to the streamer, and wouldn't feature Cage's character, it seemed like maybe the time had passed; but speaking in a new interview to promote Top Gun: Maverick with series producer Jerry Bruckheimer confirmed that a script for National Treasure 3 has been written and they're just waiting on Cage to approve it.

"Let's hope we're working on the script right now. Hopefully [Cage] likes it, but it's really good. So I think we'll get it to him shortly," Bruckheimer told us.

With the upcoming Disney+ series moving forward, and featuring plenty of other returning faces from the franchise, the likelihood of National Treasure 3 seemed low, even Cage himself poured water on the idea earlier this year. When asked back in April if there will be a National Treasure 3 during a Reddit "Ask Me Anything" Q&A, Cage answered, "No, the priority was to turn it into a TV show so I would say probably not." Now here we are just four months later and things appear to have changed.

Cage also reflected on the stalled status of National Treasure 3 in an interview with GQ. The Academy Award winner noted that a lot of his other films that were released in the wake of National Treasure 2 didn't do so hot, saying: "The phone stopped ringing. It was like,'What do you mean we're not doing National Treasure 3? It's been 14 years, why not. Well, Sorcerer's Apprentice didn't work, and Ghost Rider didn't really sell tickets. And Drive Angry just came and went." Based on what Jerry told us, sounds like Nic should keep his phone nearby.

As for the National Treasure TV series, the creators remain hopeful that Cage could show up on the Disney+ series. "We're going to beg and plead and whatever," co-creator Marianne Wibberley told Deadline. "We'll have him in two seconds. He's our favorite actor out of everyone. We pitched him as Ben Gates before he was Ben Gates. He was our first choice."

Production on National Treasure: Edge of History began earlier this year and will welcome back both Justin Bartha as Riley Poole and Harvey Keitel as Peter Sadusky from the two National Treasure movies.

Top Gun: Maverick is on digital beginning on August 23rd, with the 4K Ultra HD, Blu-ray, and DVD release hitting stores on November 1st.

Benjamin Gates 3 [Disney - 202?] - Page 2 Banniz12

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Âge : 31
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Inscription : 06/10/2012

Benjamin Gates 3 [Disney - 202?] - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Benjamin Gates 3 [Disney - 202?] Benjamin Gates 3 [Disney - 202?] - Page 2 Horlog11Ven 31 Mai 2024 - 15:10

Lors d'une récente apparition dans le podcast National Treasure Hunt, le réalisateur du film original Jon Turteltaub révèle que le film sera réalisé si le scénario finit par être terminé et bon. Il confirme que le scénario est actuellement en cours d'écriture.

"C'est en train d'être écrit. Cela ne veut pas dire qu'il sera terminé et qu'il sera génial mais, s'il finit son écriture, ce sera certainement un moment important lorsque nous le lirons. Nous savons tous ce qu'il y a dedans. Mais il y a un très, très bon scénariste qui l'écrit en ce moment et qui a tendance à écrire de très bons films. Si le scénario est presque bon et que vous pouvez voir la ligne d'arrivée depuis où vous êtes, nous ferons le film."

Et lorsqu'on lui parle d'un possible retour du casting d'origine :

"100%. … Nous devons nous dépêcher parce que les gens vieillissent et sont moins intéressés et que les vies changent et tout ça. Et le monde change. Notre culture change. Beaucoup. Depuis le tournage du premier film. Socialement, certainement politiquement, et sans doute, notre langue, et différents changements culturels que nous avons connus. Et vous devez vous assurer que vous êtes en connexion avec tout cela, que vous évoluez avec et que vous faites les choses de la bonne manière... Ce n'est pas aussi simple d'en faire un autre. Il faut prendre beaucoup de choses en compte. Je peux vous dire, 20 ans plus tard, Justin Bartha est bien plus beau."

Le producteur Jerry Bruckheimer espère lui aussi faire un 3ème film :

Movie Web a écrit:
Well, we hope there's a National Treasure 3. We've been working on it for quite a while. We have a brilliant writer working on it right now, so hopefully, if we get a script in a timely fashion, we'll send it to Nic [Cage] and, if he likes it, we'll make another one. We certainly would like to.

Plus tôt cette année, Nicolas Cage partageait son étonnement sur le fait que Disney n'ait pas voulu en faire un troisième :

Deadline a écrit:
DEADLINE: I’ve got to say, though, I do love the National Treasure movies. Were they fun to make?

CAGE: Oh, well, thanks. Yeah, well, they’re a lot of fun. I mean, I enjoy them too, and I think Jon Turteltaub made a couple of classic films for the whole family. I’m still kind of amazed that Disney hasn’t wanted to make a third one. I thought the movies brought a lot of joy to the public, and it’s certainly interesting about history, and I think all of that is worthwhile filmmaking. You can dig deep and go into the more abstract stuff, like Bringing out the Dead, or Pig or even Dream Scenario, or you can open it up and make a movie that pleases a lot of people and hopefully gives families a chance to escape a little bit from whatever may be going on at home or in the office. I think they’re all valid.

Cependant, il exprime un certain agacement de revoir le sujet revenir à chaque nouveau film dont il assure la promotion :

Screen Rant a écrit:
Here we go! See, you're the one that brings these things up and they go out and they eclipse everything else. No, there is no National Treasure 3. If you want to find treasure, don't look at Disney, okay? It's not there.

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