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 Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023]

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MessageSujet: Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023] Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023]  Horlog11Dim 24 Juil 2022 - 5:30

Secret Invasion sera diffusée sur Disney+ au printemps 2023.

Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023]  1marvel14
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MessageSujet: Re: Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023] Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023]  Horlog11Sam 10 Sep 2022 - 21:03

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MessageSujet: Re: Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023] Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023]  Horlog11Dim 11 Sep 2022 - 9:37

Le run comics était vraiment bon, j’espère que la série sera à la hauteur. Very Happy
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MessageSujet: Re: Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023] Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023]  Horlog11Lun 27 Mar 2023 - 23:25

Secret Invasion sera disponible le 21 juin 2023 (date affichée sur Disney+).

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Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023]  Banniz12
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Inscription : 29/04/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023] Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023]  Horlog11Mar 28 Mar 2023 - 7:12

La série est composée de six épisodes qui seront diffusés à un rythme hebdomadaire jusqu'au 26 juillet.

Une nouvelle bande-annonce sera bientôt révélée.
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Âge : 53
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Inscription : 04/06/2017

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MessageSujet: Re: Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023] Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023]  Horlog11Mar 28 Mar 2023 - 14:17

Six épisodes… ça me parait court pour bien traiter le sujet. Après ça peut être les bases d’un ou plusieurs films derrière. Very Happy
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Âge : 30
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Inscription : 06/10/2012

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MessageSujet: Re: Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023] Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023]  Horlog11Ven 31 Mar 2023 - 15:50

Vanity Fair a écrit:

Why he has no eyepatch, where you've seen Emilia Clarke's mystery character before, and ten new images from the shapeshifting alien saga.

MARCH 31, 2023

Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023]  Vf-32319
Secret Invasion: Samuel L. Jackson's Nick Fury explores a crypt marked by rune inscriptions. DES WILLIE

Who are you, really? That question is at the core of Marvel’s new series, Secret Invasion, which follows Samuel L. Jackson’s spymaster Nick Fury as he uncovers a conspiracy to quietly install double-agents into positions of power around the world. In a traditional espionage story, these might be operatives from hostile rival nations, but in the Marvel Cinematic Universe the infiltration has an otherworldly origin: shapeshifting green-skinned extra-terrestrials known as Skrulls, who can perfectly simulate any human being at will. Figuring out who is who becomes especially daunting.

“We don't know who's a friend, who's the enemy,” Jackson tells Vanity Fair for this exclusive deep dive into the upcoming series. “There's a political aspect that kind of fits into where we are right now. Who's okay, who's not? What happens when people get afraid and don't understand other people? You can't tell who's innocent and who's guilty in this particular instance.”

Nick Fury first became an ally of the Skrulls in the 1990s-set Captain Marvel, when he and Ben Mendelsohn’s alien leader, Talos, fought side by side with each other. In that story, the Skrulls were not a threat, just the innocent victims of a galactic war who needed help. But decades have passed since then. “He told the Skrulls they were trying to find them a place to live,” Jackson says. “He promised them they were going to find them a planet or somewhere they could be. And that's not going so well.”

Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023]  Vf-32310
“That's a Skrull greeting,” Samuel L. Jackson says of Nick Fury's head-to-head reunion with Talos (Ben Mendelsohn.) “I hadn't seen him in a while." DES WILLIE

Now a group of Skrull extremists have arisen who are tired of asking, and tired of waiting. The clandestine takeover in Secret Invasion is their solution, and Gravik (played by One Night In Miami's Kingsley Ben-Adir) is the resistance leader who has radicalized them. He breaks from the Talos-led faction to seize the resources they need—first quietly, by disguising themselves, then by force, if needed. The storyline mirrors countless true stories from actual history when displaced groups have first fractured, then lashed out after patience and diplomacy is exhausted.

“I think any time that you get cultures that have significant tensions between groups of people, then you can find a corollary,” says Mendelsohn. “The Cold War stuff is the big one that jumps out, but there is plenty of strife between groups of people that this addresses.”

Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023]  Vf-32311
Kingsley Ben-Adir as Gravik, the charismatic leader of the Skrull resistance in Secret Invasion. GARETH GATRELL

The conflict is not just geo-political, it's personal. One Skrull radical Emilia Clarke’s G’iah (pronounced “Guy-ah”), has issues with Talos that go far deeper than most. While this is the Game of Thrones actress’s first appearance in a Marvel Studios project, her character has actually appeared before.

(Fair warning—the showrunners don’t consider the following a spoiler, but some fans might.)

When asked about Clarke’s character, Jackson points out a scene from 2019's Captain Marvel in which Fury witnesses a reunion between Mendelsohn’s Talos and his long-lost Skrull family aboard a space station orbiting Earth. “Remember when Ben was there with his wife and daughter?” Jackson says. “She’s the little Skrull girl grown up. She's his daughter.”

Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023]  Vf-32312
Emilia Clarke's G'iah in a Skrull hideout. “Skrulls are much more able to withstand radioactivity, and there are a ton of decommissioned radioactive sites within Russia,” says executive producer Jonathan Schwartz.
“That's where Gravik has set up his base of operations.” GARETH GATRELL

Growing up amidst constant war makes it hard to ever stop fighting. Living in the shadow of a powerful parent makes the situation even more dire—especially when it’s a leader who is seen to have failed. In G’iah’s case, resistance was virtually inevitable. “It's hardened her for sure. There's a kind of punk feeling that you get from this girl,” Clarke says. “She's a refugee kid who's had Talos for a dad, you know what I mean? Maybe the fact that we didn't know he had a kid up until this point tells you everything you need to know about their relationship.”

G’iah is also pretty much over her dad’s friend Fury and his fellow human beings. “These people promised a lot of stuff a long time ago, and not a lot has happened. So understandably, a certain amount of resentment has been built,” Clarke says. “There's a lot of emotions that live within her, and there's a lot of confrontational aspects to her character that have come from circumstance. You understand why she has the feelings that she does.”

Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023]  Vf-32313
“There is a lot of angst and pain and anger and resentment,” Clarke says. “The group themselves are kind of anti-Talos.” DES WILLIE

Secret Invasion draws its inspiration from a 2008 Marvel Comics storyline written by Brian Michael Bendis that crossed over into other superhero storylines. In that run of tales, even established heroes were sometimes revealed to be covert extra-terrestrial replacements, pursuing a plan of Skrull conquest.

The Disney+ series’ executive producer, Jonathan Schwartz, says the show also takes cues from the Cold War espionage thrillers of John le Carré, and some contemporary TV shows that explored the clash between loyalty and identity. “We were really inspired by shows like Homeland and The Americans,” he says. “What you find is there are people that you trust or you think you can trust—or you can only trust to a certain point.”

In his quest to unravel the Skrull extremist plot, Fury crosses paths with a number of figures who—like him—have held positions of off-the-books influence around the globe, often as part of national intelligence services. Also like him, they tend to be comfortable operating outside the strictures of law and order. Among them are Martin Freeman’s Everett K. Ross, the CIA agent who has previously appeared in Captain America: Civil War and Black Panther movies. He has a long career of working with advanced, secretive societies that have trust issues.

Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023]  Vf-32314
Martin Freeman's CIA agent Everett K. Ross, returns to Marvel in Secret Invasion. “Part of the fun of basing an espionage thriller around Nick Fury is getting to see him put the band together,” Schwartz says. GARETH GATRELL

Another is Don Cheadle’s James “Rhodey” Rhodes, the military weapons liaison from the Iron Man films who has frequently fought on the frontlines as the armored War Machine. “This is a different kind of Rhodey—a political animal and not, you know, a guy who has a special suit,” Jackson says. “He's the president's right-hand man in this. So he's the guy that makes a lot of decisions—some good, some bad.”

A more antagonistic presence in Secret Invasion is an MI6 agent played by Oscar-winner Olivia Colman, who’s ostensibly motivated to protect England’s national security interests during the crisis. The question, as with everybody in this story, is whether her stated goals are the truth. “It's somebody that you've never seen her play before,” Jackson says. “She's coldblooded and just relishes being that person.”

Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023]  Vf-32315
Olivia Colman in Secret Invasion: “She is a high-ranking agent in the British Intelligence Service who has a past with Nick Fury,” Schwartz says.
“Sometimes [she's] working with Nick Fury, and sometimes working against him as their goals either align or collide.” GARETH GATRELL

The one individual Fury is certain he can rely upon is his longtime S.H.I.E.L.D. partner Maria Hill, played by Cobie Smulders. Hill has never had a mechanical suit, biologically enhanced strength, or mystical powers, but she has always been the stalwart of the Avengers team, a grounding presence. Secret Invasion allows her to step into a more pivotal role in which her basic humanity is the asset.

“Listen, I would've loved superpowers at some point, but it's also intriguing playing a human in this world because you've made the choice to really put your life in jeopardy,” Smulders says. “This is a Marvel story where the humans can shine. Even though there are aliens, and there's going to be extraordinary fight sequences, this is about people on the ground talking to each other, and interviewing people, and really do hands-on work to get the information needed.”

Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023]  Vf-32316
Schwartz says the glasses on Cobie Smulders' Maria Hill are a type of “spy tech.” “Do you think they're Skrull detectors?” he says. “I will say no more.” GARETH GATRELL

At the time of Secret Invasion, Hill has been fulfilling her human watchdog role mostly by herself for several years. Marvel faithful will remember that Nick Fury has been said to be “off-world” ever since the events of Avengers: Endgame, when the universe finally recovered from the extinction-level snap of Thanos.

In Spider-Man: Far From Home, the figure who appeared to be Nick Fury was actually Talos in disguise, filling in for his old friend while he has been on a deep-space mission to help his Skrull friends find that new homeworld he promised. “I haven't been back on Earth in a minute. And as Cobie will say, she's been trying to reach me and contact me, but I've been ignoring her messages,” Jackson says.

“I think Maria Hill has really run out of patience,” Smulders adds. “She's always had this really close relationship with Nick Fury, [but] he's been gone for so long, and she's just been running around putting out fires.”

As Secret Invasion begins, he finally responds when Hill realizes that their Skrull friends may not be so friendly anymore.

Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023]  Vf-32317
A Skrull regards her true form in a mirror in a scene from Secret Invasion. GARETH GATRELL

Nick Fury has been overdue for his own story. His introduction came in the very first Marvel Cinematic Universe movie, when Jackson turned up in a post-credit sequence to tell Iron Man, “You’ve become part of a bigger universe. You just don’t know it yet.”

Over the next 15 years of movies, only scarce details about Fury’s past have emerged. We know he joined the Army straight out of high school, that he became an vital government operative who rose to the highest level of S.H.I.E.L.D. before its collapse, and that he began the Avengers Initiative because he recognized that threats to the world were growing so big that the planet needed to upgrade their superhero protection policy.

But Secret Invasion finds him worn out. “Even Nick Fury can be shaken, you know?” Jackson says. One reason his character has been off in space, ignoring calls for help, is that he doesn’t believe he can fix things anymore. “He's up there trying to process what the fuck happened, you know? And what his place in the world is,” Jackson says. “The death of Iron Man, the death of Black Widow, with that stuff going on he just kind of checked out.”

Fury used to see more clearly—even if he did lose an eye in Captain Marvel when he was scratched by an alien creature posing as a house cat. That's a plot point in Secret Invasion, too.

Fans have noted that in this show he no longer wears his signature eyepatch, but Jackson reveals that's a character choice for this series. Fury hasn't been miraculously healed. “He just doesn't wear the patch. The patch is part of who the strong Nick Fury was,” Jacksons says. “It's part of his vulnerability now. You can look at it and see he's not this perfectly indestructible person. He doesn't feel like that guy.”

“There's nobody here who's glossy and ready for action in a spandex one-piece,” Smulders adds. “I mean, my wardrobe alone has changed so much since the original film. I was in platform knee-high boots, and a skintight leotard in the Avengers movie. And I'm in a straight-up jeans and tee in this one.”

Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023]  Vf-32318
Maria Hill (Cobie Smulders) with Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson), still working connections to monitor world-destroying threats. “She's on a WhatsApp with other agents for sure,” Smulders says. DES WILLIE

Some of Fury's vulnerabilities are internal. “Sins from his past start to haunt him once again,” Schwartz says. “We often see Nick Fury doing the right thing. We don't always see him doing it in a perfectly morally correct way. All of those things have ramifications. Without getting too specific, the things that Nick Fury's had to do to protect the Earth have costs.”

Jackson hints at some of it: “Nick had a whole Skrull spy network because they could shape-shift and go places that people couldn't go," he says. “They kept their word. They worked for him, but he hasn't done what he said he was going to do. They want a home. They want to live. They want to live like they are. They want to live in their skin. They don't want to live in ours.”

The human world also begins to harbor doubts about Fury. “What he's not doing is calling in his super friends. So that's part of the whole dilemma,” Jackson says. “I mean, people want them and he's not bringing them.”

Why…? “You'll find that out,” he says. “There's a very good reason he's holding back.”

In his long career as an actor, Jackson says characters who lurk on the dark side are the most fun to play—and Nick Fury appeals to him because he’s not fully one thing or the other

“I enjoy bad guys,” Jackson says. “A lot of times, having no conscience and going by ‘any means necessary’ is better than being the good guy who has to question the morality of what he's about to do, And Nick walks that line. He makes the hard choices all the time. And that comes from him being in the shadow world where survival is what counts.”

Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023]  Banniz12
Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023]  Banniere-chronique-disney
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Messages : 8154
Inscription : 29/04/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023] Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023]  Horlog11Lun 3 Avr 2023 - 7:50

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Âge : 27
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MessageSujet: Re: Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023] Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023]  Horlog11Lun 3 Avr 2023 - 13:10

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MessageSujet: Re: Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023] Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023]  Horlog11Lun 3 Avr 2023 - 20:23

Et l'affiche :

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Inscription : 06/10/2012

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MessageSujet: Re: Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023] Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023]  Horlog11Mer 3 Mai 2023 - 19:10

Secret Invasion en couverture du magazine Empire pour le numéro été 2023 :

Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023]  Image263

Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023]  Image264

Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023]  Banniz12
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Âge : 53
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MessageSujet: Re: Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023] Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023]  Horlog11Mer 3 Mai 2023 - 20:43

Grosse attente pour ma part. Twisted Evil
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Âge : 30
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Inscription : 06/10/2012

Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023]  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023] Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023]  Horlog11Mer 10 Mai 2023 - 23:40

Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023]  Banniz12
Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023]  Banniere-chronique-disney
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Âge : 30
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Inscription : 06/10/2012

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MessageSujet: Re: Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023] Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023]  Horlog11Mer 7 Juin 2023 - 17:10

Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023]  Image572

Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023]  Banniz12
Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023]  Banniere-chronique-disney
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Âge : 30
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Inscription : 06/10/2012

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MessageSujet: Re: Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023] Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023]  Horlog11Ven 9 Juin 2023 - 15:00

Un extrait de la série (VO avec des sous-titres français) est disponible dès maintenant en se rendant sur le site et en entrant ce mot de passe : RSD3PX5N7S

Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023]  Banniz12
Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023]  Banniere-chronique-disney
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Âge : 30
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Inscription : 06/10/2012

Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023]  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023] Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023]  Horlog11Mer 14 Juin 2023 - 23:40

Un extrait VO :

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Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023]  Banniere-chronique-disney
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Âge : 30
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Inscription : 06/10/2012

Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023]  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023] Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023]  Horlog11Ven 16 Juin 2023 - 20:00

Nouveau spot TV VO :

Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023]  Banniz12
Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023]  Banniere-chronique-disney

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Âge : 53
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MessageSujet: Re: Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023] Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023]  Horlog11Ven 16 Juin 2023 - 22:00

@Flounder69 merci pour le travail que tu fournis sur le forum. Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023]  904185

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MessageSujet: Re: Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023] Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023]  Horlog11Dim 18 Juin 2023 - 0:15

Merci @Disteph !  I love you

Un autre spot VO autour de Nick Fury :

Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023]  Banniz12
Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023]  Banniere-chronique-disney
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Âge : 30
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Inscription : 06/10/2012

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MessageSujet: Re: Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023] Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023]  Horlog11Mar 20 Juin 2023 - 0:00

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Âge : 27
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Inscription : 14/02/2015

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MessageSujet: Re: Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023] Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023]  Horlog11Mar 20 Juin 2023 - 12:56

Hâte d'être à demain ! Je me suis remis Captain Marvel le week-end dernier pour me rafraîchir la mémoire.

Y'a un truc qui me ferait rire, mais je vais mettre ça en spoiler au cas où :

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Âge : 30
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Inscription : 06/10/2012

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MessageSujet: Re: Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023] Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023]  Horlog11Mar 20 Juin 2023 - 18:50

Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023]  Image658

Et un nouvel extrait VO :

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Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023]  Banniere-chronique-disney
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Âge : 27
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Inscription : 14/02/2015

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MessageSujet: Re: Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023] Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023]  Horlog11Jeu 22 Juin 2023 - 7:20

Je n'ai finalement pas eu l'occasion de découvrir l'épisode hier soir, en revanche j'ai appris qu'ils auraient utilisé une IA pour obtenir leur générique. De la part d'un tel studio, c'est à vomir !
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Inscription : 15/02/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023] Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023]  Horlog11Sam 24 Juin 2023 - 12:50

Particulièrement sombre ce premier épisode.
Magnifique générique.

Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023]  Banniere-chronique-disney
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Âge : 30
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Inscription : 06/10/2012

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MessageSujet: Re: Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023] Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023]  Horlog11Mer 28 Juin 2023 - 15:30

Je trouve le générique assez moche et dérangeant, et en temps normal j'aurais été vraiment agacé de voir une IA derrière sa création.
Mais pour cette série en particulier, dont le thème est autour d'humains imités et remplacés, je trouve cela assez approprié.

Flashback de Nick Fury (extrait du début de l'épisode 2) :

Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023]  Banniz12
Secret Invasion [Marvel - 2023]  Banniere-chronique-disney

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