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 Percy Jackson et les Olympiens [20th Television/Disney - 2023]

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Âge : 30
Messages : 9781
Localisation : France
Inscription : 06/10/2012

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MessageSujet: Percy Jackson et les Olympiens [20th Television/Disney - 2023] PercyPreview - Percy Jackson et les Olympiens [20th Television/Disney - 2023] Horlog11Ven 15 Mai 2020 - 0:28

L'auteur Rick Riordan a annoncé qu'une série Percy Jackson serait en projet pour Disney+ !

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Percy Jackson (titre original : Percy Jackson & The Olympians) est une série de cinq romans de fantasy écrits par Rick Riordan et basés sur la mythologie grecque. Les romans ont été publiés entre 2005 et 2010. Bien que l'histoire se passe aux États-Unis dans notre société moderne, la mythologie est au cœur du livre. Rick Riordan s'inspire ainsi des mythes grecs et les modernise de façon personnelle, alliant humour et suspense dans ses romans.

Les deux premiers tomes avaient déjà été adaptés au cinéma. Percy Jackson : Le Voleur de foudre réalisé par Chris Columbus est sorti en 2010. Le deuxième, Percy Jackson : La Mer des monstres, a ensuite été réalisé par Thor Freudenthal pour une sortie en 2013.

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Messages : 17403
Localisation : Au royaume enchanté
Inscription : 15/02/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Percy Jackson et les Olympiens [20th Television/Disney - 2023] PercyPreview - Percy Jackson et les Olympiens [20th Television/Disney - 2023] Horlog11Sam 16 Mai 2020 - 18:35

J'espère que cette série sera plus fidèle aux romans que les deux films très médiocres auxquels nous avons eu droit. Une saison pour un roman, c'est une excellent idée.
Je vais suivre avec intérêt le développement de ce projet.

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Jake Sully

Jake Sully

Âge : 35
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Inscription : 05/04/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: Percy Jackson et les Olympiens [20th Television/Disney - 2023] PercyPreview - Percy Jackson et les Olympiens [20th Television/Disney - 2023] Horlog11Sam 16 Mai 2020 - 22:06

Ils nous font le même coup qu'avec The Mortal Instruments qui avait était un flop au cinéma en 2013, mais qui avait donnée naissance à un remake et suite sous la forme de la série Shadowhunters de Freeform (une chaîne de Disney d'ailleurs).

Après tout, pourquoi ça, si ça permet de mettre la lumière sur des franchises qui n'ont pas fonctionné au cinéma (vous les sentez vous aussi, si Percy Jackson marche, les remakes sous forme de série de Narnia et d'Eragon?)

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Âge : 30
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Inscription : 06/10/2012

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MessageSujet: Re: Percy Jackson et les Olympiens [20th Television/Disney - 2023] PercyPreview - Percy Jackson et les Olympiens [20th Television/Disney - 2023] Horlog11Sam 16 Mai 2020 - 22:16

Du côté de Narnia, le retour en série est déjà en projet pour Netflix, ou du moins avait été annoncé.

Pour revenir à Percy Jackson, Logan Lerman, qui a incarné le personnage dans les films, semble être content de cette nouvelle (avec un petit tacle aux films?) :

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Messages : 13537
Inscription : 27/08/2011

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MessageSujet: Re: Percy Jackson et les Olympiens [20th Television/Disney - 2023] PercyPreview - Percy Jackson et les Olympiens [20th Television/Disney - 2023] Horlog11Sam 16 Mai 2020 - 22:51

Effectivement, si la série adapte mieux les livres que les deux films, ça peut être un projet très intéressant! Smile
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Bad Wolf

Bad Wolf

Âge : 38
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Inscription : 21/08/2012

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MessageSujet: Re: Percy Jackson et les Olympiens [20th Television/Disney - 2023] PercyPreview - Percy Jackson et les Olympiens [20th Television/Disney - 2023] Horlog11Dim 17 Mai 2020 - 15:30

C'est un projet qui m’intéresse beaucoup. J'adore cette saga qui méritait une bonne adaptation, et pas des films médiocres. Juste dommage pour Logan Lerman qui était parfait en Percy.
( et je ne serais pas contre non plus pour Eragon et Narnia ( même si les films de ce dernier sont très bons eux) ^^).

✨The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and… bad things. The good things don’t always soften the bad things, but vice versa, the bad things don’t necessarily spoil the good things or make them unimportant.✨
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Modérateur & Mister DCP 2015

Âge : 31
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Localisation : Marseille
Inscription : 01/02/2012

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MessageSujet: Re: Percy Jackson et les Olympiens [20th Television/Disney - 2023] PercyPreview - Percy Jackson et les Olympiens [20th Television/Disney - 2023] Horlog11Lun 18 Mai 2020 - 22:27

Jake Sully a écrit:
Ils nous font le même coup qu'avec The Mortal Instruments qui avait était un flop au cinéma en 2013, mais qui avait donnée naissance à un remake et suite sous la forme de la série Shadowhunters de Freeform (une chaîne de Disney d'ailleurs).

Après tout, pourquoi ça, si ça permet de mettre la lumière sur des franchises qui n'ont pas fonctionné au cinéma (vous les sentez vous aussi, si Percy Jackson marche, les remakes sous forme de série de Narnia et d'Eragon?)

Bah on a déjà eu la série His Dark material sur HBO et on aura "bientôt" les Chroniques de Narnia sur Netflix alors Smile

"La chose la plus importante pour un réalisateur est de savoir ce qu'il veut. C'est la raison pour laquelle j'adore Disney: je pense que l'animation est à l'origine du cinéma en prises de vue réelles, car les animateurs doivent avoir une image claire dans leur esprit. ils doivent utiliser leur imaginaire afin de peindre les choses, en tenant compte de tous les aspects, jusqu'au mouvement du vent. Tous les réalisateur devraient être avant tout des animateurs, car il s'agit de transformer l'imaginaire en quelque chose de tangible." Steven Spielberg

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Mister DCP 2015-2016 PercyPreview - Percy Jackson et les Olympiens [20th Television/Disney - 2023] 44340
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Jake Sully

Jake Sully

Âge : 35
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Inscription : 05/04/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: Percy Jackson et les Olympiens [20th Television/Disney - 2023] PercyPreview - Percy Jackson et les Olympiens [20th Television/Disney - 2023] Horlog11Mar 19 Mai 2020 - 0:01

Et les Désastreuses Aventures des Orphelins Baudelaire, aussi sur Netflix (après le flop du film).

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Modérateur & Mister DCP 2015

Âge : 31
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Localisation : Marseille
Inscription : 01/02/2012

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MessageSujet: Re: Percy Jackson et les Olympiens [20th Television/Disney - 2023] PercyPreview - Percy Jackson et les Olympiens [20th Television/Disney - 2023] Horlog11Mar 19 Mai 2020 - 0:11

Oui tout à fait, un chef d'oeuvre cette série d'ailleurs je trouve !!! Smile

"La chose la plus importante pour un réalisateur est de savoir ce qu'il veut. C'est la raison pour laquelle j'adore Disney: je pense que l'animation est à l'origine du cinéma en prises de vue réelles, car les animateurs doivent avoir une image claire dans leur esprit. ils doivent utiliser leur imaginaire afin de peindre les choses, en tenant compte de tous les aspects, jusqu'au mouvement du vent. Tous les réalisateur devraient être avant tout des animateurs, car il s'agit de transformer l'imaginaire en quelque chose de tangible." Steven Spielberg

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Mister DCP 2015-2016 PercyPreview - Percy Jackson et les Olympiens [20th Television/Disney - 2023] 44340
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Âge : 30
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Localisation : France
Inscription : 06/10/2012

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MessageSujet: Re: Percy Jackson et les Olympiens [20th Television/Disney - 2023] PercyPreview - Percy Jackson et les Olympiens [20th Television/Disney - 2023] Horlog11Ven 27 Nov 2020 - 16:45

Le script de l'épisode pilote aurait été envoyé il y a quelques jours à Disney pour obtenir "notes et approbations".

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Messages : 30
Inscription : 04/04/2019

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MessageSujet: Re: Percy Jackson et les Olympiens [20th Television/Disney - 2023] PercyPreview - Percy Jackson et les Olympiens [20th Television/Disney - 2023] Horlog11Jeu 10 Déc 2020 - 21:39

Une courte vidéo de Rick Riordan a dévoilé le logo de la série Disney+

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Âge : 30
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Inscription : 06/10/2012

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MessageSujet: Re: Percy Jackson et les Olympiens [20th Television/Disney - 2023] PercyPreview - Percy Jackson et les Olympiens [20th Television/Disney - 2023] Horlog11Lun 8 Mar 2021 - 19:34

Quelques actualités sur le projet via le site :

Citation :
MARCH 7, 2021
Where We Are in the Riordanverse!
Happy March, everyone! I hope this month is peaceful for you, even if it is named for Mars, the god of war.

I have been busy behind the scenes juggling a number of exciting projects. (I have to say, being off social media the past eight months has been excellent for my productivity as well as my mental health!) There are several things in progress that I can’t talk about yet because they are not official, and of course, I totally understand that you want more news than I can share. Nevertheless, here are some updates I can give you:


PJO TV at Disney+

The latest: We do not yet have an official “green light,” but things are moving along nicely in my estimation. The pilot script has now made it through the very highest levels of Disney execs and everybody likes it. We have met with the studio heads and streaming service execs, and we feel a lot of love and support from Disney, which I really appreciate! Our core production team (me, Becky, our show-runners and our fellow producers) have spent the last year learning to work together efficiently and effectively (through Zoom, of course). I’m delighted to say that our thinking is aligned in terms of what we want this show to be, and I remain confident we will make something great for you all to watch. Again . . . it just takes time. A lot of time. Imagine how complicated you think making a TV show would be. Multiply that times one hundred. It is even more complicated than that. And our process, from what I’ve been told, has been relatively easy! It’s fascinating though, and I’m learning a ton.

Right now, we are starting to plan next steps so we can give our partners at the studio and streaming service a good comprehensive picture of what this show will require. What’s the first season look like? (Hint: It will follow the plot of The Lightning Thief). What will the budget look like? (Hint: Good TV ain’t cheap. Quality-wise, this has to stand toe-to-toe with Disney+ hits like Wandavision and Mandalorian.) Who do we have in mind for directors? (Hint: I can’t give you any hints, but we are having conversations about this.) Casting? (No, we are still not there yet, but we have begun to talk about how the process will work when we do get there.) At a guess, I would say we have a couple more months of these conversations and planning meetings before we get our finalized game plan and (hopefully) get approval to move forward. I am optimistic it will happen. There is a lot of excitement and momentum, and it really helps that Disney understands just how wonderful and massive a fanbase Percy Jackson has, so thank you all for that! I will, as always, keep you posted, but if you see other information or “inside scoops” floating around social media, remember it is just clickbait. What I’ve told you above is as much as anyone knows, including me.

Le projet n'a pas encore le feu vert, mais le budget devrait être similaire à ceux des séries Wandavision et Mandalorian. La première saison suivra l'intrigue du premier tome Le Voleur de foudre. Aucun casting pour le moment, mais des idées de réalisateurs sont dans les conversations.

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Âge : 30
Messages : 9781
Localisation : France
Inscription : 06/10/2012

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MessageSujet: Re: Percy Jackson et les Olympiens [20th Television/Disney - 2023] PercyPreview - Percy Jackson et les Olympiens [20th Television/Disney - 2023] Horlog11Mer 28 Avr 2021 - 8:15

Les premiers appels à casting commencent :

Rick Riordan a écrit:
Preliminary Casting Call for Percy Jackson

The latest news for you all on PJO TV: The casting process is now in its earliest stages, which means we have put out a casting call to the talent agencies for an actor to play Percy Jackson.

I want to stress this is a preliminary search. We still have a long way to go before anything is official or confirmed, but this is definitely an indication that things are going in the right direction. We continue to have a lot of positive momentum behind the project and are excited to move forward!

I know you all have a million questions. I don’t have a million answers, but here are some that I can give you:

What age will Percy be?

We are looking for an actor who can “play 12.” That allows for a range in the actual age of the actor, but the goal is to stay true to the original story and have Percy’s character age from 12 to 16 over the course of the TV series, assuming of course we are lucky enough to make all five seasons. That will depend on viewership on Disney+, which is where all of you can help!

What about the other characters?

First things first! Percy is the title character, obviously, and a lot of the other casting choices will be informed by whoever we get for Percy. I’ll let you know when we start thinking about those next steps. The “big three” roles, as you can imagine, will be the trio of Percy, Annabeth and Grover.

Is Percy a specific ethnicity?

That is not part of the casting call description. We are looking for the best person who can embody the character we all know and love from the books. As with all casting choices, we will be following Disney’s company policy, which says:

We are committed to diverse, inclusive casting. For every role, please submit qualified performers, without regard to disability, gender, race and ethnicity, age, color, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or any other basis prohibited by law.

Can anybody audition? (Asking for a friend.)

If you wish to submit a self-tape for consideration for the role of Percy Jackson, yes, you can do that. Here is the link with all the information you need:

This is the only means through which unsolicited audition tapes will be considered.

Exciting times ahead, demigods! I will keep you posted on the blog as best I can!

Rick Riordan

Disney a écrit:
We are currently seeking the lead for a new television series based on the acclaimed book series,

[PERCY JACKSON] Playing 12, male. A smart, compassionate kid, with a sharp sense of humor. He's always seen himself as an outsider, in no small part because of how the world sees his ADHD and dyslexia. He's no wallflower though. He's impulsive and rambunctious, and is quick to anger when things seem unfair to him. Sarcasm is just another service he offers, but beneath his cynicism is an affectionate son and loyal friend who just wants to do right by those he cares about. If only he could find a place where he fits in.

If you are interested in submitting your child's audition, please follow these STEPS:

STEP 1: Please pick and have your child prepare their favorite passage from the book series "Percy Jackson and the Olympians".

STEP 2: As your child performs the passage, we want to see their face straight-on (as opposed to angled/in profile). While they do not have to memorize the passage, please make sure that while reading, there are moments where they are speaking and looking directly at the camera (so we can see their face). The frame of the video should be fairly close (from the top of the head to just below the shoulders, as shown in the image below).

A generic outline of a headshot portrait
STEP 3: After your child has performed the passage, please have them look directly into the camera and have them tell us their NAME, AGE, HEIGHT, and WHICH CITY you live in.

STEP 4: Please email your child's audition to as either a .mov or .mp4 file. You can attach the file directly to your email submission (if the file is small enough). If it is too large to attach to your email, you can send via WeTransfer, Hightail or another secure format. Please include your child's name in the filename for both (i.e. JohnDoeSlate.mp4 , JohnDoeScene1.mp4).

It is free to submit. This is not an offer for, nor guarantee, of employment. Due to the large volume of submissions, we will not be able to acknowledge everyone.

Sources : et

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Âge : 30
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Localisation : France
Inscription : 06/10/2012

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MessageSujet: Re: Percy Jackson et les Olympiens [20th Television/Disney - 2023] PercyPreview - Percy Jackson et les Olympiens [20th Television/Disney - 2023] Horlog11Mar 25 Jan 2022 - 19:18

Rick Riordan confirme que la série a eu le feu vert. James Bobin (Le Mystérieux Cercle Benedict, Les Muppets, le retour ) réalisera l'épisode pilote. Le nouveau logo est présent en fin de vidéo :

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Brozen aime ce message

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Messages : 8153
Inscription : 29/04/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: Percy Jackson et les Olympiens [20th Television/Disney - 2023] PercyPreview - Percy Jackson et les Olympiens [20th Television/Disney - 2023] Horlog11Mar 25 Jan 2022 - 22:26

Citation :
Disney+ Orders New Percy Jackson and the Olympians Series

Disney+ has ordered Percy Jackson and the Olympians, an epic new series based on—and closely aligned with—Disney Hyperion’s best-selling book series by award-winning author Rick Riordan. Geared towards a general audience and especially tweens, teens, and young adults, the live-action series tells the story of 12-year-old modern demigod Percy Jackson, who’s just coming to terms with his newfound supernatural powers when the sky god Zeus accuses him of stealing his master lightning bolt. Percy then embarks on a journey across America to find the missing bolt and restore order to Olympus.

Rick Riordan and Jon Steinberg will pen the pilot, with James Bobin directing. Steinberg will oversee the series with his producing partner, Dan Shotz. Steinberg and Shotz serve as executive producers alongside Bobin, Rick Riordan, Rebecca Riordan, Bert Salke, Monica Owusu-Breen, Jim Rowe and Gotham Group’s Ellen Goldsmith-Vein, Jeremy Bell, and D.J. Goldberg. The Disney Branded Television series is produced by 20th Television. Casting is underway.

“With Rick Riordan, Jon Steinberg and Dan Shotz leading our creative team, we’re deep into creating a compelling TV series worthy of the heroic mythological characters that millions of Percy Jackson readers know are well-worth caring about, and we’re eager to invite Disney+ audiences into stories that are true to the blockbuster franchise and full of anticipation, humor, surprise, and mystery,” says Ayo Davis, president of Disney Branded Television.

Adds 20th Television president Karey Burke, “Bringing Rick Riordan’s brilliant Percy Jackson books to Disney+ as a television series has been a mission for so many of us at this company, as well as for Rick himself, and Jon, Dan, James, and the excellent team they have assembled have proven to be the perfect collaborators. Thanks to our friends at Disney Branded Television led by Ayo, and Disney Streaming led by Michael [Paull], this will be an adaptation for the ages, with all the excitement, action and mythology fans of the books expect and love.”

“The opportunity to deliver a new fantastical series based on the bestselling book franchise to audiences around the world is thrilling and we look forward to what our partners at 20th Television, Disney Branded Television, and the ingenious Rick Riordan have in store for demigods everywhere,” says Paull, president of Disney Streaming.

Riordan, a former teacher turned best-selling author, is the top author at Disney Hyperion.

In 2016, he and Disney Hyperion launched the Rick Riordan Presents imprint with the ongoing goal to find, nurture, and promote diverse and under-represented authors of mythology-based fiction for middle grade readers.
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Âge : 30
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Inscription : 06/10/2012

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MessageSujet: Re: Percy Jackson et les Olympiens [20th Television/Disney - 2023] PercyPreview - Percy Jackson et les Olympiens [20th Television/Disney - 2023] Horlog11Mer 23 Fév 2022 - 20:40

Sur son site, Rick Riordan annonce que le tournage devrait commencer le 1er juin, et que les recherches de casting sont en cours.

Rick Riordan a écrit:
Back from the West Coast

Hello, friends! Becky and I have just returned from a ten-day trip to Los Angeles and Vancouver. Why were we there? That information is top secret, but its initials are P.J.O.T.V.

We started our adventures in L.A. the weekend of the Super Bowl, and no — when we planned this trip, we had no idea the Super Bowl would be in L.A. It definitely made travel interesting, though.

On Saturday, we headed to the Disney Studios in Burbank for some in-person chemistry read auditions for Percy Jackson. This means we brought together different combinations of young actors we had identified as interesting candidates for the roles of Percy, Annabeth and Grover, and had them read through scenes together to see how they interacted. It was informative and exciting, and though we have come to no decisions yet, the process is moving along well. Seeing these actors taking on the roles in person made me appreciate once again just how talented and capable middle school kids can be when given a chance to shine. They were all amazing. Special shoutout to our casting director Denise Chamian and her team, who did an incredible job putting the auditions together, and our director James Bobin, who directed the kids through their scene work. I wish I had had a drama teacher like James when I was twelve!


The highlight of our trip was visiting the studios where the show will be filmed. It is on Underhill Avenue . . . not quite Underwood, but close.
Hmm, I am thinking, why do they call it Mammoth Studios?
Because the place is mammoth. The Percy Jackson production crew has just moved in to one part of this enormous complex, and construction has begun on the stages we will use. We are right next door to the production for Shogun, so I am hoping at some point we can stage a gigantic lunchtime battle between our demigods and their samurai. (Okay, that probably won’t happen, but a guy can dream.)


After touring the stages, we explored the Percy production offices, where prep work is underway for the show. We met our costume designer Tish Monaghan, who was reading through the illustrated Lightning Thief to brainstorm for costume ideas (good move!) and Dan Hennah, our production designer, whose team is busy creating the visual world in which Percy will travel. His office walls are covered with beautiful artwork of places you would recognize from The Lightning Thief: Mount Olympus, the Underworld, Aunty Em’s, Sally Jackson’s apartment, and many more, all done in a way that is true to the story, but also fresh and exciting. Dan Hennah, by the way, is from New Zealand, and spent the past few decades working on the Lord of the Rings with Peter Jackson, so Dan knows a few things about bringing magical worlds to life.

The best part of the Percy production offices? People bring their dogs to work! We got to meet several new canine friends, which made me feel a little better since I was missing my own Speedy. The production team’s “Chief Morale Officer” is a golden retriever puppy named Chili Dog. We made sure to get an office as close as possible to him.

After a wonderful dinner with James Bobin and Dan and Chris Hennah, Becky and I flew back to Boston. Goodbye, for now, Vancouver, but we’ll be seeing you again soon. We are due to start filming on June 1, assuming all goes as planned, and Becky and I will be there from day one!

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Âge : 30
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Localisation : France
Inscription : 06/10/2012

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MessageSujet: Re: Percy Jackson et les Olympiens [20th Television/Disney - 2023] PercyPreview - Percy Jackson et les Olympiens [20th Television/Disney - 2023] Horlog11Lun 11 Avr 2022 - 19:00

Rick Riordan a annoncé sur son blog que Walker Scobell sera Percy Jackson !

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Rick Riordan a écrit:
Meet Percy Jackson!
Demigods, the time has come. I am thrilled to introduce you to Percy Jackson.

Walker Scobell is an incredibly talented young man who blew us away with his audition tapes for the role of Percy. Many of you recently discovered how great Walker is when you watched his movie The Adam Project, in which Walker lit up the screen as a younger version of Ryan Reynolds’ character. We were fortunate enough to audition Walker months before that movie came out, but the film only confirmed what we already knew about his talent. It was obvious to me and the rest of the team that Walker had the perfect mix of comedic timing, sweetness, rebelliousness, snark and heroism to embody our hero Percy Jackson. I got to deliver the news to Walker personally via Zoom back on Jan. 28 that he had been chosen for the part, and it was a magical moment that made me feel for the first time: “Okay, this is real. This is worth all the waiting and the hard work. This project is going to be amazing.” It has been tough keeping this information under my hat because I was so excited to share the news with the fans!

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Screenshot of Becky and me breaking the news to Walker on Jan. 28

Aside from being a rising star, Walker is also a super-fan of the books, having read everything through The Trials of Apollo. He already owns a Camp Half-Blood T-shirt, as you can tell from the photo above. He had no idea I was going to be on this Zoom call. He didn’t know the call was to tell him he got the part. The shirt was just him repping his love for the series, and that look of surprise is totally genuine.

Since January, we have been getting to know Walker and his wonderful family. He even arrived in California for a chemistry read in February with Annabeth’s magical New York Yankees cap, which he made his dad buy for him while they were in NYC. This kid knows his stuff.  Since then, we’ve gotten to see Walker do numerous chemistry reads with candidates for our other two leads, Annabeth and Grover, and while I’m confident those two roles are getting very close to being finalized and announced, I felt like the time was right to let you meet our Percy!

We look forward to working with the Scobells in Vancouver full-time this summer and building on the dedicated, supportive, enthusiastic community that is rapidly forming around this project. The excitement is so thick you could cut it with a Celestial bronze sword. Walker is an avid skateboarder and skier, and is super excited to get to Vancouver and start working on swordplay, holding his breath underwater, and other stunts of derring-do. I’m excited he’s doing all that and I don’t have to, but I will definitely be there cheering him on every step of the way!

More news soon, demigods, but please give Walker a huge Camp Half-Blood welcome. He is going to surpass your highest expectations from the very first line of the show.

Rick Riordan

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MessageSujet: Re: Percy Jackson et les Olympiens [20th Television/Disney - 2023] PercyPreview - Percy Jackson et les Olympiens [20th Television/Disney - 2023] Horlog11Jeu 5 Mai 2022 - 20:10

Aryan Simhadri sera Grover et Leah Sava Jeffries incarnera Annabeth, aux cotés de Walker Scobell (Percy Jackson) !

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Rick Riordan a écrit:
The Trio is Complete!

Friends, the main trio is now complete for the perilous but exciting quest known as Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The TV series! I am delighted to introduce you to . . .

Grover Underwood
In his young life, Aryan Simhadri has already proven himself a veteran actor. He recently starred in Disney+’s film Cheaper by the Dozen and in the Disney Channel’s Spin. In his auditions for Grover Underwood, Aryan won our hearts. He had me laughing out loud with his delivery and timing. He has a mixture of sweetness, humor and internal toughness that is perfect for our favorite satyr. Grover has some big flying shoes to fill, but Aryan is exactly the right guy for the job. He and Walker already have a great dynamic together. And the visual magic we will be using to give Aryan his satyr’s goat legs is next-level stuff. Wait until you see!

Annabeth Chase
Out of all the talented actors we looked at for this role, Leah Sava Jeffries quickly became my number one choice for Annabeth. A native of Detroit, she is a brilliant actor who can break our hearts, make us laugh, and have us cheering for her all in the same scene. She was a series regular on the TV show Empire and also in the series Rel. She recently returned from South Africa, where she wrapped filming on Beast, a forthcoming feature film in which Leah plays the daughter of Idris Elba’s character. She will also star in the Amazon feature film Something from Tiffany’s, coming out this fall, with Zoey Deutch and Shay Mitchell, produced by Reese Witherspoon. Leah is exactly the way I imagined Annabeth in the books: smart, strong and courageous, a true daughter of Athena who has zero patience for the foolishness of a certain Seaweed Brain. Watching her act with Walker and Aryan, I saw Annabeth Chase come to life. As soon as you see her on the screen, you will know what I mean. The Wise Girl has arrived!

This week, our three brave heroes assembled for the first time at the studios in Vancouver, and I got to welcome them to the set. We have a lot of hard work ahead of us, but also a lot of fun. I cannot wait to get started! Please help me welcome Walker, Aryan and Leah to the Percy Jackson universe. I promise that they will do you proud!

Rick Riordan

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Ash Greymoore

Ash Greymoore

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Inscription : 16/03/2022

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MessageSujet: Re: Percy Jackson et les Olympiens [20th Television/Disney - 2023] PercyPreview - Percy Jackson et les Olympiens [20th Television/Disney - 2023] Horlog11Dim 8 Mai 2022 - 12:39

J'ai vu l'annonce sur Twitter ! Ils ont l'air parfaits pour leurs rôles c:

Dommage qu'une certaine partie de la twitto-sphère ne soit pas d'accord.

(iel ou elle)

"Help, it's again"
- Taliesin Jaffe

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MessageSujet: Re: Percy Jackson et les Olympiens [20th Television/Disney - 2023] PercyPreview - Percy Jackson et les Olympiens [20th Television/Disney - 2023] Horlog11Mar 10 Mai 2022 - 20:01

Sur son site, Rick Riordan défend la jeune Leah Jeffries : "Si vous avez un problème avec ce casting, prenez vous en à moi. Vous n'avez personne d'autre à blâmer. Quoi que vous reteniez d'autre de cet article, nous devrions être en mesure de convenir que l'intimidation et le harcèlement d'un enfant en ligne sont inexcusables. Aussi forte que Leah soit, même si nous avons discuté des potentielles réactions de ce type et de la pression intense que ce rôle apportera, les commentaires négatifs qu'elle a reçus en ligne sont inadmissibles. Ils doivent s'arrêter. Maintenant."

Rick Riordan a écrit:

This post is specifically for those who have a problem with the casting of Leah Jeffries as Annabeth Chase. It’s a shame such posts need to be written, but they do. First, let me be clear I am speaking here only for myself. These thoughts are mine alone. They do not necessarily reflect or represent the opinions of any part of Disney, the TV show, the production team, or the Jeffries family.

The response to the casting of Leah has been overwhelmingly positive and joyous, as it should be. Leah brings so much energy and enthusiasm to this role, so much of Annabeth’s strength. She will be a role model for new generations of girls who will see in her the kind of hero they want to be.

If you have a problem with this casting, however, take it up with me. You have no one else to blame. Whatever else you take from this post, we should be able to agree that bullying and harassing a child online is inexcusably wrong. As strong as Leah is, as much as we have discussed the potential for this kind of reaction and the intense pressure this role will bring, the negative comments she has received online are out of line. They need to stop. Now.

I was quite clear a year ago, when we announced our first open casting, that we would be following Disney’s company policy on nondiscrimination: We are committed to diverse, inclusive casting. For every role, please submit qualified performers, without regard to disability, gender, race and ethnicity, age, color, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or any other basis prohibited by law. We did that. The casting process was long, intense, massive and exhaustive.

I have been clear, as the author, that I was looking for the best actors to inhabit and bring to life the personalities of these characters, and that physical appearance was secondary for me. We did that.  We took a year to do this process thoroughly and find the best of the best. This trio is the best. Leah Jeffries is Annabeth Chase.

Some of you have apparently felt offended or exasperated when your objections are called out online as racist. “But I am not racist,” you say. “It is not racist to want an actor who is accurate to the book’s description of the character!”

Let’s examine that statement.

You are upset/disappointed/frustrated/angry because a Black actor has been cast to play a character who was described as white in the books. “She doesn’t look the way I always imagined.”

You either are not aware, or have dismissed, Leah’s years of hard work honing her craft, her talent, her tenacity, her focus, her screen presence. You refuse to believe her selection could have been based on merit. Without having seen her play the part, you have pre-judged her (pre + judge = prejudice) and decided she must have been hired simply to fill a quota or tick a diversity box. And by the way, these criticisms have come from across the political spectrum, right and left.

You have decided that I couldn’t possibly mean what I have always said: That the true nature of the character lies in their personality. You feel I must have been coerced, brainwashed, bribed, threatened, whatever, or I as a white male author never would have chosen a Black actor for the part of this canonically white girl.

You refuse to believe me, the guy who wrote the books and created these characters, when I say that these actors are perfect for the roles because of the talent they bring and the way they used their auditions to expand, improve and electrify the lines they were given. Once you see Leah as Annabeth, she will become exactly the way you imagine Annabeth, assuming you give her that chance, but you refuse to credit that this may be true.

You are judging her appropriateness for this role solely and exclusively on how she looks. She is a Black girl playing someone who was described in the books as white.

Friends, that is racism.

And before you resort to the old kneejerk reaction — “I am not racist!” — let’s examine that statement too.

If I may quote from an excellent recent article in the Boston Globe about Dr. Khama Ennis, who created a program on implicit bias for the Massachusetts Board of Registration for Medicine in Boston: “To say a person doesn’t have bias is to say that person isn’t human. It’s how we navigate the world … based on what we’re taught and our own personal histories.”

Racism/colorism isn’t something we have or don’t have. I have it. You have it. We all do. And not just white people like me. All people. It’s either something we recognize and try to work on, or it’s something we deny. Saying “I am not racist!” is simply declaring that you deny your own biases and refuse to work on them.

The core message of Percy Jackson has always been that difference is strength. There is power in plurality. The things that distinguish us from one another are often our marks of individual greatness. You should never judge someone by how well they fit your preconceived notions. That neurodivergent kid who has failed out of six schools, for instance, may well be the son of Poseidon. Anyone can be a hero.

If you don’t get that, if you’re still upset about the casting of this marvelous trio, then it doesn’t matter how many times you have read the books. You didn’t learn anything from them.

Watch the show or don’t. That’s your call. But this will be an adaptation that I am proud of, and which fully honors the spirit of Percy Jackson and the Olympians, taking the bedtime story I told my son twenty years ago to make him feel better about being neurodivergent, and improving on it so that kids all over the world can continue to see themselves as heroes at Camp Half-Blood.

Rick Riordan

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MessageSujet: Re: Percy Jackson et les Olympiens [20th Television/Disney - 2023] PercyPreview - Percy Jackson et les Olympiens [20th Television/Disney - 2023] Horlog11Jeu 2 Juin 2022 - 21:50

Début du tournage !

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MessageSujet: Re: Percy Jackson et les Olympiens [20th Television/Disney - 2023] PercyPreview - Percy Jackson et les Olympiens [20th Television/Disney - 2023] Horlog11Ven 3 Juin 2022 - 18:39

J'ai vraiment hâte, j'espère vraiment que la série ira à terme des livres..

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MessageSujet: Re: Percy Jackson et les Olympiens [20th Television/Disney - 2023] PercyPreview - Percy Jackson et les Olympiens [20th Television/Disney - 2023] Horlog11Mar 28 Juin 2022 - 19:50

Percy Jackson sera la première production à utiliser la StageCraft LED d'Industrial Light Magic construite à Vancouver. Cette scène, entourée de près de 28 mètres d'écrans LED, a été construite grâce à un partenariat avec ILM et 20th Television. Il s'agit de la cinquième StageCraft permanente d'ILM : deux existent déjà à Manhattan Beach, une aux Walt Disney Studios à Burbank, et une aux Pinewood Studios à Londres.

PercyPreview - Percy Jackson et les Olympiens [20th Television/Disney - 2023] Fww16d10 a écrit:

‘Percy Jackson and the Olympians’ Takes ILM Virtual Production Route (Exclusive)

20th Television's Disney+ series is the first to use ILM's new LED stage in Vancouver.

Upcoming Disney+ series Percy Jackson and the Olympians is taking the virtual production route.

The 20th Television series, based on Rick Riordan’s best-selling novels, has started production in Vancouver and will be the first project to be made on Industrial Light & Magic’s newly-built StageCraft LED stage, which features a 95-ft. LED screen.

“The story of Percy Jackson has such an epic scope,” said Riordan, who serves an an exec producer, of his fantastical story of a 12-year-old modern demigod, who will be played by Walker Scobell. “I am over the moon that we have forged such a great relationship [with ILM] to give this show such a cutting-edge look and feel.”

This is ILM’s fifth permanent StageCraft volume. ILM, a division of Disney’s Lucasfilm, also maintains two virtual production stages in Manhattan Beach, Calif., one at The Walt Disney Studios in Burbank, Calif., and one at Pinewood Studios in London.

Recent and upcoming productions that used the L.A.-based StageCraft systems are Disney+’s The Mandalorian and Obi-Wan Kenobi, while its Pinewood stage was used for filming Marvel Studios’ upcoming Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania. (ILM also built a temporary StageCraft volume in Sydney for Marvel’s Thor: Love and Thunder,  which arrives in theaters next week.)

“With ILM’s StageCraft technology we allow filmmakers to design, light, and shoot the digital world as they would in the practical world all integrated in front of the cast and crew on stage,” said Chris Bannister, exec producer, ILM StageCraft.

Added 20th executive vp of production Nissa Diederich, “The stage we have built will be home to Percy and potentially dozens more of our most ambitious series.”

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MessageSujet: Re: Percy Jackson et les Olympiens [20th Television/Disney - 2023] PercyPreview - Percy Jackson et les Olympiens [20th Television/Disney - 2023] Horlog11Mer 27 Juil 2022 - 16:58

Quelques nouvelles de l'auteur Rick Riordan via son blog : le tournage du premier épisode est quasiment achevé ainsi qu'une partie du second. Le tournage entier de la série, 8 épisodes, devrait durer jusqu'à la fin de l'année 2022. Diffusion probable début 2024.

Rick Riordan a écrit:
From Vancouver to Boston and back again

This summer, I seem to be logging more travel miles than Hermes! I am back in Boston for a few days before Becky and I return to set in Vancouver.

We have been slowly learning the ropes of TV production, by which I mean we are getting lost less often, tripping over fewer cords, and becoming more adept at locating “crafty,” as the snack center is called on set, short for “craft services.” I am told that if there was an Emmy for crafties, our crafty would win easily. As befits PJOTV, we have all the best snacks, and yes, some of them are blue.

I have definitely developed an appreciation for how hard everyone works to get a TV show made. Every day, hundreds of people are involved building sets, overseeing stunts, making props, fixing costumes, doing hair and makeup, running cameras, setting up lights and other environmental effects like smoke and rain, not to mention the important work of hauling people and equipment, keeping everyone fed, safe and healthy, and doing administrative work like payroll, insurance, scheduling, ordering and a million other things. Twelve-hour work days are not uncommon from first crew call in the morning until wrapping at night — and each day might produce just one or two raw scenes for one episode.

The directors are working diligently, with seemingly endless good humor and patience, and the actors — wow! They are champions. Our young stars assure me they are having fun, and they certainly look like it on set, but they work such long hours with such dedication it is truly awe-inspiring. As a middle-school teacher, I often advised people to never underestimate what a middle-schooler is capable of, and these kids are proving it. I know I’ve said this before, but wait until you see how great they look on screen. This, at long last, is Percy Jackson and the Olympians.

We are filming in a wide variety of locations. As I mentioned before, we are using Industrial Light and Magic’s incredible Volume stage for some of the environments. Other days, we use blue screen sets, or sometimes indoor sets that are constructed entirely inside a warehouse stage. Other days, we are on location, shooting actual outdoor/indoor environments. What you will eventually see in the show will be a mixture of real and digital, and the quality will be so good, you should not be able to tell which is which.

The crew is having fun and everyone is in good spirits, which makes it a pleasure to come to work each day. I arrived at the “circus” one day — which is the area where the cast and producers have their trailers when we are filming on location — and found that someone had re-labeled our main trio’s doors: Groovy and Peter Johnson . . . Now I kinda want a spin-off about the adventures of Groovy Underwood.

We are on track with our schedule, and everything is going according to plan, though we still have a long way to go before this series is ready. We have sort of, kind of, mostly finished the principal photography for 1o1 (season one/episode one) and have done a good chunk of the filming for 102, but principal photography just gives us the raw puzzle pieces which will then need to be put together with sound track, special effects and editing to yield a finished product. And we still have a lot of filming yet to do to get all those puzzle pieces for the whole season.

As always: my standard disclaimer that my comments on this blog are my own best guesses. They are not to be taken as official word from the show, the studio or the streaming service. I’m just doing my best to give you all a glimpse of the process as it looks to me as a first-time participant in TV-land.

So when will the show be out? I hear there have been some wildly unrealistic dates floating around on social media, so I am here to moderate your expectations. Previously, I have said that my own personal best guess was sometime in 2023. I also warned you that this could definitely change. Now that I have a somewhat better understanding of the work involved, here’s what I am estimating:  It’s probably going to take us through December or into January to film all the episodes of season one, which is roughly one month of filming per episode (eight episodes total), though very often we are filming pieces of 101, 102, or even 103 out of order on any given day, depending on what set we are using. That means post-production will begin in early 2023, when the pieces are fitted together, edited and augmented with all the special effects and sound. This process also takes months and months, and that’s not even accounting for closed-captioning, subtitling and dubbing into other languages for our international viewers. That takes another army of people to accomplish.

Given all this, I think the most likely air date will probably be early 2024. Again, that’s just me guessing. The actual release dates are determined by the studio and the streaming service, and have to take in hundreds of other factors like the release schedule for all Disney+ shows, timing for publicity, etc., etc.

Long wait? Yeah, it is. On the other hand, we spent two and a half years working behind the scenes just to get this show off the ground, and I’ve been waiting over fifteen years for a proper adaptation, so I think we can wait a little longer if it means getting the quality show we will be proud of. Another thing I have said before, but it bears repeating: This show is the most ambitious project any of us have ever done, even for our seasoned and experienced team members. A huge number of sets. Complicated special effects. Young actors leading the show. That all takes time. But the payoff will be worth it. I am confident of that.

What about future seasons? We do not have any official word on that yet, but we are all operating on the assumption that we will be moving ahead with a second season and are making plans and schedules accordingly. When I know something I can share, you will hear about it right here.

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MessageSujet: Re: Percy Jackson et les Olympiens [20th Television/Disney - 2023] PercyPreview - Percy Jackson et les Olympiens [20th Television/Disney - 2023] Horlog11Jeu 18 Aoû 2022 - 19:45

Premier aperçu du trio dans la peau de leurs personnages :

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Disney+ a écrit:
It’s a very special day for a very special demigod. ⚡ We’re celebrating Percy Jackson’s birthday with a gift just for you... #PercyPreview
#PercyJackson and the Olympians is coming soon to #DisneyPlus.

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