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  [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019)

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Messages : 8152
Inscription : 29/04/2010

 [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) Empty
MessageSujet: [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019)  [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) Horlog11Mar 18 Avr - 14:15

Alors que Tokyo Disneyland fêtait son 34 ème anniversaire il y a trois jours, la direction du resort japonais vient de communiquer le nom et les dates des festivités du 35ème anniversaire que l'on pourra vivre du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019 : Happiest Celebration !

Une nouvelle parade en journée, de nouveaux spectacles, des collections de souvenirs commémoratifs et de nouvelles créations culinaires sont d'ores et déjà attendus !

 [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) 661569w461
Image : Tokyo Disney Resort.

Dernière édition par Vinc le Mer 19 Avr - 0:12, édité 1 fois
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Messages : 28
Localisation : japon,Yokohama
Inscription : 04/04/2017

 [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019)  [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) Horlog11Mar 18 Avr - 16:27

Olalallalaa!! Je ne risque pas de rater ca.on a le easter mais bon faut etre patient jusqu'a 2018⸜(๑⃙⃘'꒳'๑⃙⃘)⸝⋆*。

SnapChat: j-meiji

▂▅▇█▓▒(’ω’)▒▓█▇▅▂Ma petite vie Japonaise▂▅▇█▓▒(’ω’)▒▓█▇▅▂
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Messages : 29
Localisation : Paris
Inscription : 03/03/2017

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MessageSujet: Re: [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019)  [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) Horlog11Mar 25 Avr - 19:45

Très bonne nouvelle, je vais m'acheter un tirelire pour commencer à économiser Razz <3 <3
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Messages : 1181
Localisation : Seine et Marne
Inscription : 16/10/2015

 [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019)  [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) Horlog11Dim 3 Sep - 18:53

Bonjour bonjour! Nous retournons sur le esprit l'année prochaine dont deux jours entre le 15 et le 21 avril. Des nouvelles sur les festivités?

 [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) 425715 Anniversaire de mariage au CC 10 au 12 Nov 2015  [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) 425715 ==> déjà fini Crying or Very sad
TR: 5 et 6 decembre au GFC en suite au CC pour l'anniversaire surprise de ma môman
TR: 2 jours au NPBC compass Suite pendant la saison de Noel: un séjour pas comme les autres santa    [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) 937942
3 jours en suite executive NPBC au Compass 5-7 dec 2018 + soirée des 90ans
Plusieurs fois à Tokyo Disney resort  [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) 937942

Let’s go to Florida ! -> Pre-Tr ICI  [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) 287560  [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) 287560
16 au 18 novembre... si tant est que le Covid ne s’en mêle pas aussi... pale
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Membre Honoraire

Âge : 27
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Inscription : 01/04/2010

 [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019)  [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) Horlog11Jeu 21 Sep - 11:36

 [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) 001

Tokyo Disneyland vient de réveler quelques détails sur la grande célébration de l'année prochaine !
La nouvelle parade diurne se nommera ainsi "Dreaming Up". Un nouveau show nocturne sera présenté tous les soirs et sera intitulé "Celebrate Tokyo Disneyland". Enfin, It's A Small World rouvrira le 15 avril 2018.
Par ailleurs, un event Pixar devrait débarquer début 2019.

 [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) 002 [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) 003

Voilà, on aura sans doute plus de détails avec le communiqué officiel que Vinc ne manquera pas de poster, j'en suis sûr ! tongue

 [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) Toy_st10
Disney... une passion, une vision, un art.
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Messages : 8152
Inscription : 29/04/2010

 [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019)  [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) Horlog11Jeu 21 Sep - 14:29

Voilà, voilà Wink

Citation :
Tokyo Disney Resort 35th “Happiest Celebration!”

Programs from April 15, 2018 to March 25, 2019

Tokyo Disney Resort®️ has announced the entertainment, special vevents and programs to be offered during the “Tokyo Disney Resort 35th ‘Happiest Celebration!’” taking place from April 15, 2018 through March 25, 2019. This major celebration marks the 35th Anniversary of the Grand Opening of Tokyo Disneyland®️ Park. Guests visiting the Tokyo Disneyland and Tokyo DisneySea®️ Parks will be able to experience the happiest time ever with the Disney Friends and Cast Members during this milestone year.

Kicking off the celebration at Tokyo Disneyland Park will be the premiere of “Dreaming Up!,” a brand new daytime parade, and the reopening of the iconic attraction “it’s a small world” after being temporarily closed for extensive enhancements. Then in summer, “Celebrate! Tokyo
Disneyland” will premiere. This new nighttime spectacular at Cinderella Castle will feature more new effects and a grander scale than ever before. A
special theme song created just for the 35th Anniversary will be used in various programs.

Over the anniversary year at both Parks, Guests will find elements of “Tokyo Disney Resort 35th Anniversary ‘Happiest Celebration!’” in the
special events for Easter, Halloween and Christmas, as well as in other exciting programs. In addition, not only will Guests discover special merchandise and special menu items just for the 35th anniversary, but also a special shop opening at Tokyo Disneyland for a limited period only. The Disney hotels and the Disney Resort Line will also celebrate the event, adding to the excitement around Tokyo Disney Resort.

Tokyo Disneyland Park opened its gates on April 15, 1983 and grew from a single theme park into a resort that includes Tokyo DisneySea Park, four Disney Hotels and more. Tokyo Disney Resort has continued to be a place filled with happy moments where people of all ages can have magical experiences, a place “where dreams come true.” In 2018, Tokyo Disney Resort will create even more happiness and even brighter dreams as it celebrates 35 years of fun and joy with the “Happiest Celebration!”

Tokyo Disney Resort - 21 septembre 2017.

Et le programme des festivités du 35ème anniversaire du resort :

Starting April 15, 2018

Daytime Parade at Tokyo Disneyland “Dreaming Up!”

Kicking off the “Tokyo Disney Resort 35th ‘Happiest Celebration!’” is the premiere of this grand daytime parade. Spectacular floats brimming with the colors, dreams and imagination of Disney films will feature characters and images from Fantasia, Beauty and the Beast, Peter Pan and more, including for the first time Big Hero Six. Mickey Mouse and his Disney Friends will take Guests to this world of dreams.

“Dreaming Up!” will be sponsored by NTT Docomo, Inc.

“Happiness Is Here,” the daytime parade currently presented at Tokyo Disneyland, will end on April 9,

Starting April 15, 2018

Tokyo Disneyland Attraction

“it’s a small world” Re-opening

A favorite with Guests of all ages, the newly enhanced attraction will feature around 40 new figures representing characters from Disney films. The attraction’s iconic soundtrack will be remixed with additional music that evokes memorable scenes from the films. As before, Guests board boats for the “happiest cruise that ever sailed ’round the world” and are welcomed by doll-like children and
animals. Elsa, Anna and Olaf from the Disney film Frozen join the cast, together with characters from other Disney films including Alice in Wonderland, Cinderella, Peter Pan, Tangled, Mulan, Aladdin and The Lion King. to greet Guests.

“it’s a small world” is sponsored by NTT Nippon Express Co., Ltd. and will offer the Disney FASTPASS service.

April 15, 2018 – March 25, 2019

Greeting on the harbor at Tokyo DisneySea

[Title to be announced]

Dressed in their special costumes for the 35th Anniversary, Mickey Mouse and other Disney characters, including Duffy and Friends, will greet Guests from on board a special boat on the waters of Mediterranean Harbor. The greeting will take place to the music of the 35th anniversary theme song.

Starting July 10, 2018

Nighttime Spectacular at Tokyo Disneyland

“Celebrate! Tokyo Disneyland”

Premiering this summer is this new entertainment presented on a grand scale. The show will feature fountains of water and lights filling the nighttime sky in addition to the colorful images projected onto Cinderella Castle. The show begins with Mickey Mouse appearing on stage and a magical spell that turns the castle into a world of imagination. Guests will experience various areas of Tokyo Disneyland through images and music.

Starting July 10, 2018

New Show at Theater Orleans at Tokyo Disneyland

[Title to be announced]

A new show featuring Mickey Mouse and his pals will premiere at this open-air theater in Adventureland. Guests and the Disney Friends will share the excitement as lively music plays. During the 35th Anniversary event period, the show will also feature the 35th Anniversary theme song and other elements.

Performances of “Minnie Oh! Minnie,” the show currently being presented, will end on March 19, 2018.

Starting July 10, 2018

New Show at Dockside Stage at Tokyo DisneySea

[Title to be announced]

The Dockside Stage in the New York area of American Waterfront will offer a new show with Mickey Mouse and his pals. Guests will be able to enjoy the ambience of this themed port through this show which will also feature the 35th Anniversary theme song and other elements during the 35th Anniversary event period.

Performances of “Steps to Shine,” the show currently being presented, will end on March 19, 2018.

January 11 to March 25, 2019

At Tokyo Disneyland and Tokyo DisneySea

“Tokyo Disney Resort 35th ‘Happiest Celebration!’” Grand Finale

The Grand Finale of this milestone celebration, which ends on March 25, 2019, will immerse Guests at Tokyo Disneyland and Tokyo DisneySea in an ambience celebrating all the happy feelings generated over the anniversary year. Merchandise exclusive to the Grand Finale will add to the excitement of the 35th Anniversary.

Le programme complet de l'année fiscale 2018 qui court du 1 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019 (incluant les différentes événements saisoniers) a été posté dans le sujet dédié :

Dernière édition par Vinc le Jeu 21 Sep - 15:30, édité 5 fois
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Messages : 4457
Inscription : 22/01/2016

 [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019)  [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) Horlog11Jeu 21 Sep - 14:43

Du coup ils se "débarrassent" de Hapiness is Here ?
Je vais voir quelle tête à leurs chars de princesse car j'ai une drôle de supposition en tête ^^

"Il n'y a rien de tel qu'un rêve pour créer le futur"
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Messages : 8152
Inscription : 29/04/2010

 [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019)  [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) Horlog11Jeu 21 Sep - 14:46

Oui, la parade Happiness is Here prendra fin le 9 avril 2018, elle sera remplacée par une nouvelle parade : Dreaming Up!
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Inscription : 22/01/2016

 [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019)  [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) Horlog11Jeu 21 Sep - 15:10

Elle me manque déjà.. L'une des plus belles parades..

"Il n'y a rien de tel qu'un rêve pour créer le futur"
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Messages : 1181
Localisation : Seine et Marne
Inscription : 16/10/2015

 [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019)  [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) Horlog11Ven 22 Sep - 13:21

Merci beaucoup pour ce nouveau retour! J'ai hate de voir leur nouvelle version d'It's a small world!

 [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) 425715 Anniversaire de mariage au CC 10 au 12 Nov 2015  [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) 425715 ==> déjà fini Crying or Very sad
TR: 5 et 6 decembre au GFC en suite au CC pour l'anniversaire surprise de ma môman
TR: 2 jours au NPBC compass Suite pendant la saison de Noel: un séjour pas comme les autres santa    [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) 937942
3 jours en suite executive NPBC au Compass 5-7 dec 2018 + soirée des 90ans
Plusieurs fois à Tokyo Disney resort  [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) 937942

Let’s go to Florida ! -> Pre-Tr ICI  [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) 287560  [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) 287560
16 au 18 novembre... si tant est que le Covid ne s’en mêle pas aussi... pale
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Messages : 1357
Localisation : dans le palais d'agrabah
Inscription : 16/04/2011

 [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019)  [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) Horlog11Sam 14 Oct - 12:54

oh mon dieu. C'est la fin de la plus belle parade disney jamais crée, j'espère qu'on récupérera certains char a dlp( aladdin et les aristochats  [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) 425715 )
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MessageSujet: Re: [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019)  [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) Horlog11Sam 14 Oct - 13:08

Oui, et en espérant que la nouvelle parade sera tout aussi merveilleuse !

"Il n'y a rien de tel qu'un rêve pour créer le futur"
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 [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019)  [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) Horlog11Jeu 2 Nov - 12:23

 [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) 484688w753
Crédit photographique : Tokyo Disney Resort.

Tokyo Disney Resort nous dévoile aujourd'hui les costumes colorés que porteront The Fabulous Five lors de la nouvelle parade Dreaming Up !

Tout au long des célébrations du 35ème anniversaire, le resort nous promet un programme riche en expériences uniques qui fera de Happiest Celebration ! les plus grandes festivités jamais vécues sur le resort japonais !
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Âge : 49
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Localisation : Nice - Paris
Inscription : 24/12/2014

 [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019)  [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) Horlog11Dim 31 Déc - 18:51

Uh mince je rentre le 14/04 de Tokyo Sad

Pinpics : Eva98
Disneyland ne sera jamais achevé tant qu'il restera dans ce monde une parcelle d'imagination.(Walt Disney).
Ne regardez pas en arrière. Allez de l'avant, pour ouvrir de nouvelles portes, faire de nouvelles choses par curiosité. La curiosité nous fait découvrir de nouveaux chemins. Allez de l'avant.(Walt Disney).
 [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) Rat210
un partenaire, un mentor et un ami
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Âge : 33
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Localisation : Suisse - Disney's Wilderness Lodge
Inscription : 18/10/2009

 [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019)  [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) Horlog11Dim 14 Jan - 16:10

J'ai hâte de découvrir le rendu final du show Celebrate! Tokyo Disneyland mais aussi les première image de la parade.
Le programme du 35e est à la hauteur du Resort Japonais Very Happy

 [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) Thumb147
 [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) Images13
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Inscription : 29/04/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019)  [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) Horlog11Jeu 18 Jan - 14:08

Le programme complet des festivités est disponible :

Citation :

“Tokyo Disney Resort 35th ‘Happiest Celebration!’” Begins April 15, 2018

The special anniversary event, “Tokyo Disney Resort® 35th ‘Happiest Celebration!’” will take place from April 15, 2018 through March 25, 2019. This major celebration marks the 35th anniversary of the Grand Opening of Tokyo Disneyland® Park. Guests visiting the Tokyo Disneyland and Tokyo DisneySea® Parks will be able to experience the happiest time ever with the Disney Friends and Cast Members during this milestone year.

The celebration kicks off at Tokyo Disneyland Park with the premiere of “Dreaming Up!,” a brand new daytime parade which takes Guests to a world of fantasy and imagination. Also at Tokyo Disneyland will be the reopening of the newly enhanced attraction “it’s a small world” with the addition of almost 40 new figures based on characters from Disney films, and Main Street in World Bazaar will be transformed into Celebration Street for the duration of the event. At Tokyo DisneySea the celebration begins with a new show, “Happiest Celebration on the Sea,” where the Disney Characters dressed in new costumes welcome Guests to celebrate the anniversary.

From July 10, the new nighttime spectacular, “Celebrate! Tokyo Disneyland” will premiere at Cinderella Castle. This performance incorporates projection mapping, music, lasers, water cannons and more for a show on a grander scale than ever before experienced in the Park. Also at Tokyo Disneyland, a new show titled "Let's Party Gras” will open at Theatre Orleans, while Tokyo DisneySea will present “Hello, New York!” a new show at Dockside Stage.

Both Parks will be decked out in an array of colors for the anniversary year, and Guests
will discover Happiest Mickey Spots throughout the Parks. In addition to special merchandise and special menu items for the 35th anniversary, there will be a shop specializing in the classic Tokyo Disney Resort souvenir, Chocolate Crunch, opening at Tokyo Disneyland for a limited period only.

The Disney hotels will feature decorations and special room amenities themed to the 35th anniversary, and Guests can enjoy special programs, menus and merchandise during this period. The Disney Resort Line monorail trains will also be decorated to commemorate the 35th anniversary, adding to the excitement around Tokyo Disney Resort.

Tokyo Disneyland Park opened its gates on April 15, 1983 and grew from a single theme park into a resort that now includes Tokyo DisneySea Park, four Disney hotels and more. Tokyo Disney Resort has continued to be a place filled with happy moments where people of all ages can have magical experiences, a place “where dreams come true.” In 2018, Tokyo Disney Resort will create even more happiness and even brighter dreams as it celebrates 35 years of fun and joy with the “Happiest Celebration!”

Please see the attachment for more details on “Tokyo Disney Resort 35th ‘Happiest Celebration!’”

Tokyo Disney Resort - 18 janvier 2018.

Tokyo Disney Resort Programs to be Presented Beginning in 2018

Tokyo Disneyland Park


 [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) W767

Starting April 15, 2018

Daytime parade

“Dreaming Up!”

Venue: Parade Route

Duration: About 45 minutes

Performances: 1-2 daily

Number of Performers: About 140 (including about 55 Disney Characters)

Number of Floats: 13

Kicking off the “Tokyo Disney Resort 35th ‘Happiest Celebration!’” is the premiere of this grand daytime parade. Mickey Mouse and his Disney Friends take Guests to a world of fantasy and imagination as the five units and 13 floats immerse Guests in the many wonders of the Disney dream.

Description :

Dream Up! – Dreams can take us anywhere :  Leading the “Dreaming Up!” parade is Mickey Mouse and Pluto on a float pulled by winged horses. As the host of the parade, Mickey Mouse guides Guests into the world of dreams.4

Playful Dreams – Dreams that make us smile : Goofy brings a world of playful dreams. Scenes include a tea party with characters from Alice in Wonderland and fairground fun with characters from Pinocchio.

Dreams from the Heart – Romantic Dreams : Minnie Mouse takes Guests to a world of romantic dreams with floats that include Fairy Godmother, Cinderella, Aurora, Snow White and Rapunzel.

Dreams of Enchantment : Chip ’n Dale are next with a world of magic where Lumiere and Cogsworth host Belle at an enchanted banquet, and Winnie the Pooh dreams of lots of honey.

Dreams Take Flight : Donald Duck and Daisy Duck lead the final floats which invite Guests to imagine the never-ending possibility of the Disney
dream. Baymax makes his first appearance at the Park, flying high with Hiro on his back, followed by a gracefully floating Mary Poppins, and Peter Pan and Wendy flying with the help of pixie dust and happy thoughts.

“Dreaming Up!” will be sponsored by NTT Docomo, Inc.

“Happiness Is Here,” the daytime parade currently presented at Tokyo Disneyland, will end on April 9, 2018.

 [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) W768

Starting July 10, 2018

Nighttime Spectacular

“Celebrate! Tokyo Disneyland”

Venue: Cinderella Castle (Castle Forecourt and Plaza)

Duration: About 15 minutes

Performances: 1-2 daily at night

Participating Disney Characters: Mickey Mouse

Premiering in summer, the new nighttime spectacular features state-of-the-art projection technology, lasers, water cannons and more for a performance on a grander scale than ever before experienced at the Park. With Cinderella Castle as the stage, Mickey Mouse takes Guests
on a magical, musical journey around Tokyo Disneyland.

 [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) W769
upload picture

Starting July 10, 2018

New Show at Theatre Orleans

“Let's Party Gras!”

Venue: Theatre Orleans, Adventureland

Duration: About 25 minutes

Performances: 4-5 daily

Number of Performers: 17 including Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck, Daisy Duck, Goofy, Max, Clarice,
Jose Carioca, Panchito

A new show, “Let's Party Gras!” will premiere at this open-air theater in Adventureland. Donald Duck and Jose Carioca have arrived in New Orleans after traveling the world and plan to hold a “Party Gras” with Mickey Mouse and all their friends. The show brings together four elements that make for a successful Party Gras: a great location, fun music, beautiful costumes and lively dancing. In the finale, Guests can join in the fun as the carnival mood reaches a climax, and during the 35th anniversary event period, the finale will also feature the new 35th anniversary theme song and colorful confetti for even more excitement.

Performances of “Minnie Oh! Minnie,” the show currently being presented, will end on March 19, 2018.

Note: Entertainment programs are subject to change or cancellation due to weather conditions, etc. The number of performances each day is also subject to change.


 [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) W760

 [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) W770
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Starting April 15, 2018

Re-opening “it’s a small world”

A favorite with Guests of all ages, this attraction will re-open in a new enhanced version as part of the 35th anniversary celebration. Enhancements include the addition of almost 40 new figures based on characters from Disney films, and the remixing of the iconic soundtrack with music that evokes memorable scenes from Disney films.

The voyage begins in Europe and travels on to Asia, Africa, Central America and the islands of the South Pacific. Elsa, Anna and Olaf from the Disney film Frozen and Ariel from The Little Mermaid are just a few of the new additions which include characters from Disney and DisneyPixar films such as Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan, Brave, Cinderella, The Aristocats, Tangled, Pinocchio, Hercules, Mulan, Aladdin, The Jungle Book, The Lion King, The
Three Musketeers, Lilo and Stitch, Moana and Finding Nemo. Guests will also find a new mural with Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse at the boarding area, and there will be special menus and merchandise themed to the attraction available in the Park.

The enhancements bring even more color and charm to every scene, ensuring that Guests continue to enjoy more than ever before “the happiest cruise that ever sailed.”

“it’s a small world” is sponsored by Nippon Express Co., Ltd.

The attraction will offer the Disney FASTPASS® service.


 [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) W771
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April 15, 2018 to March 25, 2019

Celebration Street

During the anniversary year, World Bazaar’s Main Street will be transformed into Celebration Street, where each and every Guest who enters the Park can begin to get into the celebratory mood.

In the center of World Bazaar will stand Celebration Tower, a 10-meter-tall monument which features nine Mickey Mouse statues, each dressed in a different costume from Tokyo Disneyland anniversaries as well as from the Tokyo DisneySea Grand Opening. Each statue represents a different era in the history of Tokyo Disney Resort and is sure to evoke special memories foreach Guest.

During the day, the theme song of the anniversary will play in Celebration Street, while at night the tower and the ceiling will be illuminated in a multitude of colors. Also at night, for the first time since the opening of the Park, images will be projected onto the inside of World Bazaar with music and light effects immersing Guests in Disney dreams and magic.

Other Decorations

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Inside the entrance to Tokyo Disneyland will be a photo location featuring the Disney Friends rolling out a red carpet to greet Guests, and in the Plaza in front of Cinderella Castle will be a large decoration of the 35th anniversary logo.


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From April 15, 2018 to March 25, 2019

Limited-Period Shop at Pastry Palace and Ice Cream Cones

Chocolate Crunch

Chocolate Crunch has continued to be a popular souvenir at Tokyo Disney Resort since it was first launched in 1986 and, for the anniversary period only, Pastry Palace and Ice Cream Cones will be transformed into shops specializing in this confectionery. Both locations will feature decorations, merchandise and menus themed to the concept of the Duck Family Chocolate Competition. Pastry Palace will feature a new Chocolate Crunch
experience where Guests can select a tin from a variety of designs and fill it with their choice of different flavors of chocolate crunch. Also available will be merchandise themed to chocolate crunch. Ice Cream Cones will feature ice cream that uses chocolate crunch, and a souvenir spoon with a chocolate crunch motif.

Pastry Palace is sponsored by Juchheim’s Co., Ltd. and Ice Cream Cones is sponsored by Meiji Co., Ltd.


From January 11 to March 25, 2019

“Tokyo Disney Resort 35th ‘Happiest Celebration!’” Grand Finale

The Grand Finale of this milestone celebration, which ends on March 25, 2019, will immerse Guests at Tokyo Disneyland and Tokyo DisneySea in an ambience celebrating all the happy memories generated over the anniversary year. Merchandise exclusive to the Grand Finale will add to the excitement of the 35th anniversary.

Tokyo DisneySea Park


 [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) W775
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April 15, 2018 to March 25, 2019

Greeting on the harbor

“Happiest Celebration on the Sea”

Venue: Mediterranean Harbor

Duration: About 12 minutes

Performances: 1-3 daily

Number of Performers: 11 including Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck, Daisy Duck, Goofy, Duffy, ShellieMay, Gelatoni, StellaLou

Number of Boats: 1

At Mediterranean Harbor is a brand new show, “Happiest Celebration on the Sea,” presented during the “Tokyo Disney Resort 35th ‘Happiest Celebration!’” event period. Dressed in their special costumes for the 35th anniversary, Mickey Mouse and other Disney Characters, including Duffy and Friends, will greet Guests from on board a special boat on the waters of Mediterranean Harbor. The greeting will take place to the music of the 35th anniversary theme song.µ

 [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) W776
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Starting July 10, 2018

New Show at Dockside Stage

“Hello, New York!”

Venue: Dockside Stage at American Waterfront

Duration: About 25 minutes

Performances: 4-5 daily

Number of Performers: 19 including Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck, Daisy Duck, Pluto, Goofy, Chip, Dale

The Dockside Stage in the New York area of American Waterfront will offer this new show for Guests to enjoy the ambience of this themed port. As Mickey Mouse and his Friends share their ideas about how they wish to have fun in New York, they are introduced to what the city has to offer.
The Disney Friends, together with the Guests, learn about enjoying street performances, spending time with dear ones at Central Park, and experiencing a Broadway show. The show will also feature the 35th anniversary theme song and other elements to enhance the anniversary atmosphere.

Performances of “Steps to Shine,” the show currently being presented, will end on March 19, 2018.

Note: Entertainment programs are subject to change or cancellation due to weather conditions, etc. The number of performances each day is also subject to change.


Guests will find decorations celebrating the 35th anniversary at the Park’s Main. Entrance as well as at the entrance to Passaggio MiraCosta.

Starting April 15, 2018

Duffy and ShellieMay Greetings

Guests can meet Duffy at Village Greeting Place, and ShellieMay at Waterfront Park, each wearing special costumes for the 35th anniversary.

Costumes worn by the Disney Characters for the greeting program and the program venue are subject to change. For details, please check the Tokyo Disney Resort official website (information available in Japanese only).

At Tokyo Disneyland and Tokyo DisneySea


April 15, 2018 to March 25, 2019


“Brand New Dream”

Duration: About 5 minutes

Performances: 1 daily (Nighttime)

The nighttime skies will come alive to the 35th anniversary theme song with a fireworks spectacular to add to the excitement of “Tokyo Disney Resort 35th ‘Happiest Celebration!’”

The fireworks will not be presented from July 9 to September 26, 2018.

Note: Entertainment programs are subject to change or cancellation due to weather conditions, etc. The number of performances each day is also subject to change.


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Happiest Mickey Spots

At each themed land of Tokyo Disneyland and each themed port of Tokyo DisneySea will be a statue of Mickey Mouse, each wearing a special costume and enjoying the area in a unique way. There will be a total of 35 of these statues at the Parks for Guests to enjoy during the event period.


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April 15, 2018 to March 25, 2019

Happiest Surprise

During the 35th anniversary event period, a combined total of 350,000 Guests out of the millions visiting Tokyo Disneyland or Tokyo DisneySea will receive a happy surprise from a Cast Member at the Park. This unique experience, available only at Tokyo Disneyland and Tokyo DisneySea, will take place every day during “Tokyo Disney Resort 35th ‘Happiest Celebration!’”


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During the event period, there will be about 250 types of items including those with designs depicting Mickey Mouse and the Disney Characters jumping for joy to celebrate the 35th anniversary. These include plush badges, bow ties, fun caps and other items that feature motifs of ribbon and confetti.

Also available will be a Happiest Memory Maker, which allows Guests to enjoy the 35th anniversary in an interactive way. Guests can use this item and go to various locations at the Parks, including where the statues of Mickey Mouse are set up. When the Happiest Memory Maker activates at these locations, the voice of Mickey Mouse or his Disney Friends will be heard.

There will also be items designed like a scrapbook filled with happy mementos from the past 35 years, original items that give shape to memories of the Parks over the years, and exclusive merchandise offered in a limited number.

At Tokyo DisneySea, Guests will find items for the 35th anniversary that depict Duffy and Friends having fun marching with musical instruments.

Notes: Special merchandise will be available from April 10. Duffy-related merchandise will go on sale from April 6.


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The restaurants at Tokyo Disneyland will serve popular items, including hot dogs and churros, in special anniversary versions. Guests will also find desserts which come with a souvenir item. At Tokyo DisneySea, Guests can feel the festive atmosphere as they enjoy a pasta set, special
cocktails, and more.

Notes: Special menus will be available from April 10. Duffy-related menu items will be available from April 6.

Disney Hôtels

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The Disney hotel entrances will be decorated for the “Tokyo Disney Resort 35th ‘Happiest Celebration!’” and the guest rooms will feature amenities in exclusive 35th anniversary designs that are unique to each hotel.

At Tokyo Disneyland® Hotel, all the room keys will be designed with 35th anniversary elements that will change depending on the period. In the guest rooms, bed throws, the television stand and lamp shades will feature designs of Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse in special costumes during a limited period only. In addition, special programs and exclusive items for this milestone event will be offered at each hotel to give Guests special memories of the accommodations, restaurants and banquet rooms, or weddings.

Disney Resort Line

During the event period, the Disney Resort Line monorail trains will be decorated to commemorate the 35th anniversary. The four monorail stations will be decked out for the special event, while the day pass tickets will be available in limited-period designs.

Tokyo Disney Resort Vacation Packages

 [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) W789
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This online service is offering two- and three-day plans (in Japanese only) for Guests to enjoy “Tokyo Disney Resort 35th ‘Happiest Celebration!’” at Tokyo Disneyland and Tokyo DisneySea. The plans include accommodations at a Disney or other hotel, Disney FASTPASS® tickets that do not have specified times, tickets to view the new daytime parade “Dreaming Up!” at Tokyo Disneyland, and many other benefits.

In addition, package plans for Guests checking in from April 15, 2018 thru March 25, 2019 will include an original popcorn bucket in limited-period design per guest room. Exclusive items offered only to Guests booking a Vacation. Package will also be available in special designs.

Please see the Tokyo Disney Resort Online Reservation & Tickets website for details.

Tokyo Disney Resort - 18 janvier 2018.
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Âge : 38
Messages : 555
Localisation : Belgique
Inscription : 28/10/2009

 [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019)  [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) Horlog11Ven 19 Jan - 0:58

ca c'est de l'annif autre chose que les 25 ans de paris
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Âge : 35
Messages : 2433
Localisation : Disneyland Resort, Anaheim, CA
Inscription : 21/11/2009

 [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019)  [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) Horlog11Ven 19 Jan - 11:41

Oui mais ils n'ont pas de nouveau ride non plus. Bon oui c'est vrai qu'ils ont des trucs nuls qui arrivent comme La Belle et la Bete, Soarin ou La Reines des neiges! les pauvres!

"To all who come to this Happy Place, welcome ! Disneyland is your land."- W. Disney
[b]Mes Visites:
- Disneyland Paris: 1992-----2018
- Futuroscope: 1998-2013-2018
- Parc Astérix: 1996-2003-2010-2015
- Puy du Fou: 2014
- Nigloland: 2005
- Efteling: 2019
- Disneyland Resort: 2013- 2016   [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) 937942
- Walt Disney Family Museum: 2016
- Universal Studios Hollywood: 2013-2016
- Tokyo Disney Resort:2025  [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) 1f603
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Âge : 47
Messages : 4017
Localisation : Lyon
Inscription : 21/09/2015

 [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019)  [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) Horlog11Ven 19 Jan - 20:52

Que de belles choses ! Very Happy

GreG de l'ouest de Lyon

Disneyland Paris : plusieurs fois par an jusqu'en 2022
Disneyworld : juin 2015
Disneyland Californie : septembre 2016
Disneyland Shanghai : 1er octobre 2018
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Inscription : 29/04/2010

 [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019)  [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) Horlog11Jeu 8 Fév - 9:31

Le lancement des festivités du 35ème anniversaire approche (le 15 avril 2018) et une première collection d'articles souvenirs/commémoratifs sera disponible dès samedi dans les boutiques du resort.

 [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) W780
Image : Tokyo Disney Resort.

 [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) W781
Photo : Tokyo Disney Resort.
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Messages : 11227
Inscription : 20/09/2011

 [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019)  [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) Horlog11Jeu 8 Fév - 13:03

Wahoo 13 chars ,ils sont vraiment au dessus de tout dans ce parc.
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Inscription : 29/04/2010

 [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019)  [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) Horlog11Mer 14 Fév - 15:32

La réouverture de l'attraction It's a Small World mise à jour avec les personnages Disney coïncidera avec la commercialisation d'une nouvelle collection d'articles inspirés de celle-ci, dont une série de poupées (de 27 à 30 cm, 3.600 yen) :

 [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) W781
Crédit photographique : Tokyo Disney Resort.

Le restaurant Captain Hook's Galley de Fantasyland proposera également un nouveau menu spécialement conçu pour l'occasion. A chaque saison une nouvelle recette sera proposée, chacune inspirée d'un continent du globe. La première pizza mise en vente sera d'inspiration européenne, suivront ensuite des pizzas inspirées d'Afrique, d'Asie, d'Amérique du Sud et du Pacifique Sud.

 [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) W782
Crédit photographique : Tokyo Disney Resort.
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Messages : 8152
Inscription : 29/04/2010

 [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019)  [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) Horlog11Jeu 15 Fév - 15:57

35ème anniversaire oblige, le Tokyo Disneyland Hotel va proposer à partir du 15 avril et pour une période limitée des chambres rethémées :

 [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) W781
Crédit photographique : Tokyo Disney Resort.

 [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) W782
Crédit photographique : Tokyo Disney Resort.

 [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) W786
Crédit photographique : Tokyo Disney Resort.

 [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) W787
Crédit photographique : Tokyo Disney Resort.

 [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) W789
Crédit photographique : Tokyo Disney Resort.

 [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) W783
Crédit photographique : Tokyo Disney Resort.

 [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) W784
Crédit photographique : Tokyo Disney Resort.

 [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) W785
Crédit photographique : Tokyo Disney Resort.

 [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) W788
Crédit photographique : Tokyo Disney Resort.
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MessageSujet: Re: [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019)  [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) Horlog11Jeu 15 Fév - 16:57

Suis-je le seul à trouver les chambres extrêmement moches ^^ ?
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Âge : 27
Messages : 3680
Localisation : Liège - Belgique
Inscription : 15/06/2016

 [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019)  [Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019) Horlog11Jeu 15 Fév - 18:56

BigBrother a écrit:
Suis-je le seul à trouver les chambres extrêmement moches ^^ ?

Je pense pareil... Bien l'une des premières fois que Tokyo me déçoit Shocked . Les couleurs choisies ne se marient absolument pas avec le reste de la chambre et lui fait même perdre de sa "prestance"...
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[Tokyo Disney Resort] 35th Anniversary : Happiest Celebration ! (du 15 avril 2018 au 25 mars 2019)
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