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 Shanghai Disney Resort en général - le coin des petites infos

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J. Thaddeus TOAD

J. Thaddeus TOAD

Âge : 49
Messages : 5316
Localisation : Orléans
Inscription : 04/07/2007

Shanghai Disney Resort en général - le coin des petites infos  - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Shanghai Disney Resort en général - le coin des petites infos Shanghai Disney Resort en général - le coin des petites infos  - Page 4 Horlog11Sam 9 Juil 2016 - 19:04

C'est à jamais
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Âge : 28
Messages : 660
Inscription : 10/06/2014

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MessageSujet: Re: Shanghai Disney Resort en général - le coin des petites infos Shanghai Disney Resort en général - le coin des petites infos  - Page 4 Horlog11Ven 15 Juil 2016 - 10:26

Voici les régles trouvées sur le site internet de Shanghai Disney Resort concernant Disneytown:

Citation :
Disneytown Rules and Regulations

Welcome to Disneytown. This area is open to all seeking dining, shopping, and entertainment in a family-friendly atmosphere. To provide a safe and enjoyable experience for all of our Guests, please keep in mind the following:

We reserve the right to deal with any unattended object in such a way as we consider appropriate.
Please show common courtesy to fellow Guests and our Cast Members (staff) by not using profanity or engaging in unsafe, illegal, disruptive or offensive behavior. For your safety and the safety of others, please refrain from running.
Proper attire, including shirts, pants/shorts/skirts and shoes must be worn at all times while visiting Disneytown. Costumes may not be worn by Guests age 16 or older. Clothing that drags the ground is prohibited. We reserve the right to deny admission or remove any person wearing inappropriate or indecent attire, or attire that could detract from the experience of other Guests at Disneytown.
Masks may not be worn by Guests age 16 or older (unless they are for medical purposes). Masks must be worn in a way that both eyes can be fully seen and with unobstructed vision at all time allowing for clear peripheral lines of sight.
The following activities are not permitted:

Using or bringing explosive and flammable items (e.g. firecrackers), weapons of any kind, objects that appear to be weapons or toy guns (also including toy blasters, squirt guns, etc.).
Without our permission,
The sale or exchange of goods or services, or the display of goods or services for sale or exchange.
The distribution and display of printed or recorded materials of any kind, or the usage of any flag, banner or sign.
Rallies, themed events, performances, speeches.
Photography, videotaping or recording of any kind except for personal and non-commercial purposes.
Using motorized vehicles, motorbikes, bicycles, tricycles, carts or other wheeled carriers (with the exception of manual wheelchairs or electrically powered mobility devices with at least 3 wheels and speed lower than 16 km/h).
Using recreation devices with wheels, such as inline skates, shoes with built-in wheels, skateboards or scooters.
Loitering, barbecuing and putting up tents. Swimming and playing sports games, such as soccer.
Playing with kites, remote-controlled flying devices such as drones, and remote-controlled toys.
Plucking or damaging plants. Disturbing and feeding animals (including birds and fish).
Bringing animals (with the exception of guide dogs). Guide dogs must remain on a leash or in a harness and under the control of the owner at all times.
Using large tripods, folding chairs or stools.
Using articles prohibited by applicable laws and other items that may be harmful or disruptive.
Engaging in any unsafe acts or other acts that may impede the operation of Disneytown or any associated facility.
Company Rights:

We may photograph, film, videotape and/or record at Disneytown, and use these images and/or sound recordings, which may capture the portrait and/or voice of the Guests, for reasonable purposes without payment to any person.
We reserve the right to close or restrict access to areas of Disneytown for safety reasons, such as inclement weather or over-crowding.
Please comply with all notices, and all instructions and requests of any Cast Member, posted, given or made for the purpose of ensuring safety and order.
You are reminded to take care of your personal belongings. We are not responsible and do not assume any liability for any damage to or loss of the property or belongings of any Guest.
These Rules and Regulations are subject to change without notice. We reserve the final right to interpret these rules. If there are mandatory requirements stated in the laws otherwise, then related ordinances will be followed.

For the purposes of these rules, 'we' means either or both of “Shanghai International Theme Park Associated Facilities Company Limited” and “Shanghai International Theme Park and Resort Management Company Limited.”

If you have any questions, or in case of emergency, please ask a Cast Member.

Have a magical day !

Dans la langue Française :

Bienvenue à Disneytown. Cette zone est ouverte à tous ceux qui cherchent de la nourriture, du shopping ainsi que du divertissement dans une ambiance familiale. Pour offrir une expérience agréable et sécuritaire à tous nos clients, veuillez garder à l'esprit les éléments suivants :

Nous nous réservons le droit de traiter avec un objet sans surveillance dans une telle manière que nous jugeons approprié.
Veuillez rester courtois envers les autres clients et ainsi que nos Cast Members (personnel) par l'absence de blasphème ou de se livrer à un comportement dangereux, illégal, perturbateur ou offensive.
Une tenue correcte, y compris chemises pantalons/shorts/jupes et chaussures doit être porté en tout temps en visitant Disneytown. Des costumes ne peuvent pas être portés par des clients de 16 ans ou plus. Les vêtements qui traîne au sol est interdite. Nous nous réservons le droit de refuser l'admission ou de supprimer toute personne portant des vêtements inappropriés ou indécent, ou une tenue qui pourrait nuire à l'expérience des autres clients à Disneytown.
Les masques ne peuvent pas être portés par des clients de 16 ans ou plus (sauf si elles sont à des fins médicales). Les masques doivent être portés de manière à ce que les deux yeux peuvent être entièrement vus et avec une vision dégagée en permettant des lignes visuelles claires.

Les activités suivantes ne sont pas autorisés :
> L'utilisation ou la pose d'engins explosifs et inflammables (par exemple pétards), des armes de toute nature, des objets qui semblent être des armes ou des armes-jouets (y compris les blasters, gicler fusils, etc.).

Sans notre autorisation,
> La vente ou l'échange de biens ou de services, ou la présentation de produits ou services à vendre ou à échanger.
> La distribution et l'affichage des documents imprimés ou enregistrés de toute nature, ou l'utilisation d'un drapeau, bannière ou signe.
> Des rassemblements, des événements thématiques, des spectacles, des discours.
> Des prises de photographie, d'enregistrement vidéo ou d'enregistrement de toute nature, sauf à des fins personnelles et non commerciales.
> L'utilisation de véhicules motorisés, des motos, des bicyclettes, des tricycles, des chariots ou d'autres supports à roues (à l'exception des fauteuils roulants manuels ou de dispositifs de mobilité alimentés électriquement avec au moins 3 roues et vitesse inférieure à 16 km/h).
> L'utilisation de périphériques de loisirs avec des roues, comme des patins à roues alignées, des chaussures avec des roues intégrées, planches à roulettes ou scooters.
> Flânage, barbecue et la mise en place de tente. Piscine et jeux de sport, tels que le football.
> Jouer avec des cerfs-volants, contrôlé à distance par des appareils volants tels que les drones et les jouets télécommandés.
> Pincer ou endommager les plantes. Animaux inquiétants et/ou dangereux (y compris les oiseaux et les poissons).
> Apporter des animaux (à l'exception des chiens guides). Les chiens-guides doivent rester en laisse ou dans un harnais et sous le contrôle du propriétaire à tout moment.
> Utilisation de grands trépieds, de chaise pliante ou tabouret.
> Utilisation d'articles prohibés par les lois applicables et d'autres éléments qui peuvent être nocifs ou perturbateurs.
> Se livrer à des actes dangereux ou d'autres actes qui peuvent entraver le fonctionnement de Disneytown ou toute installation associée.

Droits Société:

> La compagnie se réserve le droit de photographier et/ou filmer à Disneytown, et d'utiliser ces images et/ou des enregistrements sonores, de capturer des portrait et/ou les voix des clients, à des fins raisonnables sans paiement à toute personne.
> Nous nous réservons également le droit de fermer ou restreindre l'accès à des zones de Disneytown pour des raisons de sécurité, tels qu'intempéries ou surpeuplement.

Il est prié de se conformer à toutes ses régles, et toutes les instructions et les demandes de tout Cast Member, affiché, donné ou fait dans le but d'assurer la sécurité et l'ordre.
Nous vous rappelons de prendre soin de vos effets personnels. Nous ne sommes pas responsables et déclinons toute responsabilité pour tout dommage ou perte de la propriété ou des biens de tout client.
Ces règles et règlements sont sujets à changement sans préavis. Nous nous réservons le droit final à interpréter ces règles. S'il y a des exigences obligatoires énoncées dans les lois autrement, ordonnances alors liées seront suivies.

Pour l'application de ces règles, «nous» signifie soit l'un soit les deux compagnies propriétaire du site : "Shanghai International Theme Park Associated Facilities Company Limited" et "Shanghai International Theme Park et Resort Management Company Limited."

Si vous avez des questions, ou cas d'urgence, parlez-en à un Cast Member.

Passer une journée magique !

Shanghai Disney Resort en général - le coin des petites infos  - Page 4 Bi_nim10
"Tire la chevillette, et la bobinette cherra."
                                       Le Loup
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Messages : 8151
Inscription : 29/04/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: Shanghai Disney Resort en général - le coin des petites infos Shanghai Disney Resort en général - le coin des petites infos  - Page 4 Horlog11Sam 6 Aoû 2016 - 13:45

Réduction du personnel chez Walt Disney Imagineering maintenant que le projet Shanghai Disney Resort est devenu réalité :  

Citation :
After opening Shanghai Disneyland, Disney Imagineering lays off theme park designers

Nearly two months after opening its latest theme park, Disney Imagineering laid off some of the designers and builders who dream up the company’s parks and attractions.

Representatives for Disney Imagineering, a Glendale-based division of the Walt Disney Co. with about 2,000 employees, confirmed the layoffs but declined to specify how many employees were let go except to say that the percentage was in the “low single digits.”

“Walt Disney Imagineering is a project–based organization, and we continually evaluate and adjust our resources to support the design and development of Disney theme parks, resorts and experiences around the globe,” the company said in a statement.

Disney experts say Disney Imagineering typically hires extra engineers and designers to help build a new theme park and then announces layoffs when the park is finished.

The Shanghai Disney Resort opened June 16. Measuring nearly 1,000 acres, with a price tag of $5.5 billion, the project is Disney’s biggest and most expensive international resort.

Robert Niles, author of the Theme Park Insider website, said Disney Imagineering hired extra workers to help complete Shanghai Disney, which might explain why some workers are being laid off now that the project is complete.

“I think they absolutely bulked up for this,” he said.

Although the Shanghai Disney project is complete, Walt Disney Co. is still working on several theme park projects across the country, including the new Star Wars lands at Disneyland in Anaheim and Disney’s Hollywood Studios in Florida as well as a new Avatar land at Disney’s Animal Kingdom in Florida.

Los Angeles Times - 5 août 2016.

Citation :
Walt Disney Imagineering reduces staff after Shanghai Disneyland opens

Disney officials confirmed Friday that there have been staff reductions this week at Walt Disney Imagineering, the arm of the Walt Disney Co. that designs its theme parks.

The reductions were accomplished at the Glendale-based company through a combination of voluntary departures and layoffs.

Imagineering increased its staff while working on Shanghai Disneyland, which opened in June. It employed more than 2,000 designers and engineers around the world before the reductions.

“Walt Disney Imagineering is a project-based organization, and we continually evaluate and adjust our resources to support the design and development of Disney theme parks, resorts and experiences around the globe,” said a Disney spokesman.

As part of the reductions, voluntary severance packages were offered to senior staffers, those with longer terms of service or nearing retirement, Disney said.

Beginning Wednesday, others were laid off. Disney would not say how many were let go, saying only that the number of layoffs was a low single-digit percentage.

The design company is also undergoing a reorganization under Bob Weis, who was appointed its president in January. As part of that process, several others were offered different positions within the organization - some at a lesser rate of pay.

Walt Disney Imagineering is currently working on the “Star Wars” land project at Disneyland, which could open in 2018 or 2019, and the “Guardians of the Galaxy” overlay for the Tower of Terror attraction at Disney California Adventure, which will open in 2017.

The company is also working on several projects at Walt Disney World, including “Star Wars” land, a Toy Story land, both at Disney Hollywood Studios, and a land based on the movie “Avatar” at Disney’s Animal Kingdom.

The Orange County Register - 5 août 2016.

Citation :
Walt Disney Imagineering Makes Cuts Post-Shanghai Opening

At a company where ‘magic’ reigns supreme, some of Walt Disney Co.’s most valuable employees may have just received pink slips.

After heading up the media giant’s grand opening of its largest theme park in its history in Shanghai, China in June, the Walt Disney Imagineering (WDI) department faced layoffs on Friday, the company confirmed.

WDI, headquartered in Glendale, has cut “a small fraction of the workforce” – between 5 to 10 percent - of its staff of 1,700 worldwide, according to a source close to the situation. Founded in 1952 as WED Enterprises to design and build the world’s first theme park - Disneyland - the organization has typically flexed up or down in staffing before and after major projects.

The WDI division is made up of artists, designers and engineers who together are charged with conceptualizing, designing and building all of Disney’s theme parks, resorts, attractions and cruise ships worldwide. WDI is also home to Disney’s research team, Disney Research, which looks for ways to use technology at Disney’s parks and resorts and across the company.

Shanghai Disney Resort, the first Disney resort in Mainland China and the sixth worldwide, celebrated its grand opening day on June 16. Other major WDI projects include the Disneyland Resort Diamond Celebration, for which Imagineering created three new nighttime spectaculars to mark the 60th anniversary of Disney’s original theme park, and the forthcoming Star Wars-themed lands – Disney’s largest single-themed land expansions ever at 14 acres each at its theme parks in Anaheim and Hollywood, Fla.

Los Angeles Business Journal - 5 août 2016.
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Messages : 8151
Inscription : 29/04/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: Shanghai Disney Resort en général - le coin des petites infos Shanghai Disney Resort en général - le coin des petites infos  - Page 4 Horlog11Mar 9 Aoû 2016 - 21:37

Lors de la traditionnelle présentation trimestrielle des résultats et performances de la Walt Disney Company, Bob Iger a confirmé qu'un nouveau land était actuellement en construction à Shanghai Disneyland (sans le cité nommément, mais on peut malgré tout avancer sans prendre trop de risques qu'il doit s'agir de Toy Story Play Land déjà rapporté dans la presse en juin dernier).

Le président de la Walt Disney Company a également fait part de son intention d'augmenter rapidement la capacité d'accueil du resort avec un second parc thème d'ici 2021 (Bob Iger s'était déjà exprimé à ce sujet à la mi-juin mais sans précision temporelle - même si cette dernière n'est que théorique).
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Messages : 17436
Inscription : 05/07/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Shanghai Disney Resort en général - le coin des petites infos Shanghai Disney Resort en général - le coin des petites infos  - Page 4 Horlog11Mar 9 Aoû 2016 - 23:49

qu'ils agrandissent quand même d'abord le premier parc qui a besoin de plus que TSL
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Âge : 37
Messages : 23301
Localisation : Val d'Europe
Inscription : 06/07/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Shanghai Disney Resort en général - le coin des petites infos Shanghai Disney Resort en général - le coin des petites infos  - Page 4 Horlog11Mer 10 Aoû 2016 - 3:20

Ce sera sans aucun doute fait également.
Mais je te trouve dur dans ce que tu entends car personnellement, je trouve Shanghai Disneyland déjà très consistant avec de quoi occuper les visiteurs sans problème durant au moins deux journées.

Shanghai Disney Resort en général - le coin des petites infos  - Page 4 Banniere-chronique-disney Shanghai Disney Resort en général - le coin des petites infos  - Page 4 Tumblr10
Disneyland Paris : déc. 1997/avr. 1998/juil. 1999/avr. 2005/aoû. 2005/oct. 2005/fév. 2006/avr. 2006 - Cast Member 2006-2011 - visites régulières jusqu'à aujourd'hui
Walt Disney World Resort : nov. 2008/mai 2011/fév.-mars 2018/sep. 2019/oct. 2022
Disneyland Resort : sep. 2009/mai 2013/nov. 2015/août 2019/déc. 2023
Tokyo Disney Resort : juin 2015/avr. 2016
Hong Kong Disneyland Resort : mars 2016
Shanghai Disney Resort : mai 2016 / juin 2016 / juil. 2016
Disney Cruise Line : mars 2018 (Disney Dream) / sep. 2019 (Disney Fantasy) / oct. 2022 (Disney Wish) / nov. 2023 (Disney Magic) / sep. 2024 (Disney Wonder)
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Messages : 17436
Inscription : 05/07/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Shanghai Disney Resort en général - le coin des petites infos Shanghai Disney Resort en général - le coin des petites infos  - Page 4 Horlog11Mer 10 Aoû 2016 - 13:58

Non, je ne suis pas dur, je me suis peut-être exprimé un peu trop sèchement. Le parc n'a rien à voir avec ce qu'était HKDL à l'ouverture. Effectivement, j'y ai passé deux journées et je n'ai pas eu le temps de m'embêter ente les diverses attractions les nombreux shows.
Je parlais surtout d'un point de vue capacité. Même en jonglant avec les FP, on a fini par devoir faire certains rides (dont les FP étaient très vite épuisés) en file stand-bye avec 2 h d'attente. Et visiblement, depuis qu'on est allé début juillet, la fréquentation a encore augmenté. Hier, via l'appli, les temps d'attente étaient de 180 minutes à Soarin' (pourquoi n'ont-ils pas fait 3 salles d'office sachant les problèmes de capacité aux USA ?), 150 minutes à Roaring Rapids, 120 minutes à Tron, 140 minutes à la mine des nains. Je comprends certains guets, pas habitués à jongler avec les FP, qui ressortent en disant qu'ils n'ont fait que trois attractions (surtout si en plus ils ont été victimes de pannes).
Bref, il manque quand même au moins deux grosses attractions à grosse capacité dans le parc selon moi et ce n'est évidemment pas TSL avec ses manèges qui va régler la situation, même si ce land amènera un supplément de vie dans cette zone du parc.
Je me demande aussi au passage ce que sera l'attraction Chevron qui prendra place dans l'énorme cube situé sous le dôme extérieur de Tron. Son nom sera si j'ai bonne mémoire Chevron Realm Power et quand j'ai été, ça bossait dur dessus, y compris en soirée. Et le matin, de ma chambre d'hôtel, je pouvais voir des ouvriers sur le toit et même une grue rétractable. Preuve que ça devrait ouvrir rapidement. Mais je ne pense pas, vu la taille du bâtiment, que ce sera un major ride.
Quand à TSL, début juillet, hormis les toilettes et le pot de fleur, il n'y avait clairement encore rien en construction derrière les panneaux. Bref, je ne pense pas qu'il ouvre avant un an... (sauf s'ils mettent la gomme)
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Messages : 8151
Inscription : 29/04/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: Shanghai Disney Resort en général - le coin des petites infos Shanghai Disney Resort en général - le coin des petites infos  - Page 4 Horlog11Mar 30 Aoû 2016 - 12:41

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Illustration : Shanghai Disney Resort.

Pour la troisième année consécutive, Shanghai Disney Resort participera à la parade d'ouverture du Festival du Tourisme de Shanghai (27ème édition) qui défilera le samedi 10 septembre prochain sur Huaihai Road.

Lors des deux années précédentes, le char du resort avait été à chaque fois désigné comme le char le plus populaire de la parade.

Cette année, le char évoquera les six lands du parc Shanghai Disneyland : Adventure Isle, Fantasyland, Gardens of Imagination, Mickey Avenue, Treasure Cove, et Tomorrowland et supportera une réplique dorée du Enchanted Storybook Castle !

Treize personnages, de Mickey Mouse aux vedettes de Zootopie, prendront place sur le nouveau char qui sera entouré de danseurs tout au long de son trajet.  

Le char sera ensuite présenté au public du 11 septembre au 6 octobre 2016 dans différents lieus de la ville.

Citation :
Shanghai Disney Resort to Celebrate Grand Opening with Magnificent New Parade Float at the 2016 Shanghai Tourism Festival

Shanghai Disney Resort will make a highly-anticipated appearance at the 2016 Shanghai Tourism Festival Parade with a magnificent newly designed float in honor of the resort’s recent Grand Opening. The Shanghai Disney Resort Grand Opening Float will welcome guests from near and far to visit the new resort during its historic opening year, and promote more tourists to visit Shanghai.

Shanghai Disney Resort has already been voted the “most popular float” in the fun-filled parade for two consecutive years. This year, Shanghai Disney Resort has specially designed the new float to celebrate its historic Grand Opening, introducing the resort’s spectacular attractions and entertainment to guests of all ages.

“It is truly an honor to be part of the fantastic Shanghai Tourism Festival Parade in our Grand Opening year,” said Philippe Gas, General Manager of Shanghai Disney Resort, “We created this float in honor of the Grand Opening of Shanghai Disney Resort, and are delighted to invite guests from China and around the world to come to Shanghai to visit our latest vacation destination, and inspire them to ‘Ignite the Magical Dream’ within their hearts.”

The float epitomizes the full range of beauty, wonder, and entertainment available at Shanghai Disney Resort. The larger-than-life, multi-level float features silhouettes of icons evoking the six-themed lands at the resort’s Shanghai Disneyland theme park: Adventure Isle, Fantasyland, Gardens of Imagination, Mickey Avenue, Treasure Cove, and Tomorrowland. The grand centerpiece of the float is a glittering golden replica of the resort’s famed Enchanted Storybook Castle - the largest castle in any Disney park or resort around the world. Thirteen popular Disney Characters—including Mickey Mouse and his pals and the stars from the new hit animated film, “Zootopia”—will grace the decks of the float, waving to viewers, and sharing the joy with all the spectators along the parade route and millions of viewers across China.

Adding to the sense of pageantry, dozens of dancers who wear colorful Shanghai vintage style costumes, with a few hidden Mickeys, will perform at street level, guiding the float down the parade route, and providing a memorable, entertaining spectacle sure to captivate viewers of all ages. In addition, six performers wearing elaborate fan costumes representing the six themed lands will mingle amongst the dancers and greet spectators along the parade route.

The float will debut on September 10th, 2016 at the grand opening parade of the 27th Shanghai Tourism Festival. Afterward, it will set out for a road show through several Shanghai districts from September 11th to October 6th, allowing more local residents and tourists to enjoy this Disney magical experience

Shanghai Disney Resort - 30 août 2016.
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Âge : 28
Messages : 660
Inscription : 10/06/2014

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MessageSujet: Re: Shanghai Disney Resort en général - le coin des petites infos Shanghai Disney Resort en général - le coin des petites infos  - Page 4 Horlog11Dim 4 Sep 2016 - 9:04

Pour tous ceux et celles qui le souhaite, Google Maps a mis à jour sa carte. Dorénavant, nous pouvons voir le Resort entièrement finit à cette adresse :

Shanghai Disney Resort en général - le coin des petites infos  - Page 4 Captur10

Shanghai Disney Resort en général - le coin des petites infos  - Page 4 Captur13
Shanghai Disneyland Hotel

Shanghai Disney Resort en général - le coin des petites infos  - Page 4 Captur12
Terrain pour une prochaine expansion ? Sans nul doute.

Shanghai Disney Resort en général - le coin des petites infos  - Page 4 Captur11
Location du futur Toy Story Land

Shanghai Disney Resort en général - le coin des petites infos  - Page 4 Bi_nim10
"Tire la chevillette, et la bobinette cherra."
                                       Le Loup

Dernière édition par DisneyFanBase le Dim 4 Sep 2016 - 9:52, édité 1 fois
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Âge : 34
Messages : 4115
Localisation : Dans un des étages du HTH
Inscription : 07/07/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Shanghai Disney Resort en général - le coin des petites infos Shanghai Disney Resort en général - le coin des petites infos  - Page 4 Horlog11Dim 4 Sep 2016 - 9:10

Merci pour cette information, je vais scruter plus en détail le resort Very Happy

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Retrouvez mes réalisations d'objets Disney à la découpe laser : logo Space Mountain : de la terre à la lune ; logo Discovery Mountain ; statuette du canon Columbiad ; cadre Tower Of Terror ; vaisseaux Star Wars
Cliquez sur l'image de la signature pour accéder directement au sujet

Modérateur sur DCP de Mai 2016 à Juin 2021.
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Messages : 8151
Inscription : 29/04/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: Shanghai Disney Resort en général - le coin des petites infos Shanghai Disney Resort en général - le coin des petites infos  - Page 4 Horlog11Mer 23 Nov 2016 - 14:51

Nouvelles récompenses pour Shanghai Disney Resort qui a remporté non moins de 30 prix (!) répartis sur catégories différentes lors de la 18ème édition de la Food and Hotel China International Culinary Arts Competition : 10 médailles d'Or, 9 médailles d'Argent et 11 médailles de Bronze !

Citation :
Shanghai Disney Resort Wins Multiple Awards at International Culinary Competition

Shanghai Disney Resort’s culinary team recently won an unprecedented 30 awards at the 18th Food and Hotel China International Culinary Arts Competition (18th FHC China) in Shanghai, including 10 gold medals, 9 silver medals and 11 bronze medals in eleven cuisine categories for the excellence in culinary composition, creativity, preparation and plating. These awards not only provided recognition of the resort’s outstanding culinary team, but also demonstrated Shanghai Disney Resort’s commitment to delivering an immersive, multi-faceted storytelling experience for guests of all ages

Shanghai Disney Resort en général - le coin des petites infos  - Page 4 227480w181

During a three-day world class cooking competition endorsed by the World Association of Chefs Societies, a delegation of highly talented chefs representing the restaurants at Shanghai Disneyland and two resort hotels specializing in Chinese cuisine, western cuisine, bakery and desserts delivered exemplary dishes in all four classes of the competition. Chef Alan Orreal, the director of culinary team at Shanghai Disney Resort said: “The results are very exciting for us. At Shanghai Disney Resort, over 750 chefs from across China help bring this diverse palette of tastes to life. We combine our skills and understanding of our guests to make the dining experience as unique and memorable as possible, and are honored and humbled to be recognized in this way by our peers.”

“Prior to the grand opening, our culinary team spent more than five years partnering with Disney Imagineers to research and develop uniquely-themed dining experiences with a vibrant atmosphere of street food, markets and fresh cooking,” said Paul Chandler, director of Food & Beverage of Shanghai Disney Resort. “Our outstanding culinary team again proved their skill and passion to deliver authentic dining. At Shanghai Disney Resort, our food and beverage offerings are truly an integral part of the experience and offer something for guests of all ages and backgrounds.”

Shanghai Disney Resort en général - le coin des petites infos  - Page 4 603851w182

A Diverse Mix of Chinese, Asian and Western Options for Multi-Generational Families

From traditional regional Chinese dishes and Asian cuisines, to Western concepts, bakeries and coffee shops, Shanghai Disney Resorts offer a mix of Chinese, Asian and Western options for every guest and across all generations.

Ryan Poon, gold medal winner for the Rogue Duck Breast category, and the Sous Chef of the Aurora at Shanghai Disneyland Hotel introduced that the culinary team at the Aurora offer some of the finest western cuisines and Asian cuisines, and also cater to specific needs such as vegetarian diets. Guests are hungry for a diverse range of flavors and the Disney chef team never stop thinking about what they can offer to exceed their expectations, whether it be their taste for China’s amazing regional fare or their expectations for international cuisine.

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Making Dining an Integral Part of Disney’s Authentic Storytelling

The immersive culinary experience inspired by Disney characters and stories is part of the magic at Disney Parks around the world.

Adam Dong, gold medal winner in Pasta Free Style and the Sous Chef of the Royal Banquet Hall feels especially proud when he sees guests surprised and fascinated with the dishes that have been created using a typically Disney storytelling style, such as a dessert served in the shape of Cinderella’s glass slipper and ice cream hand dipped in Belgian chocolate in the shape of a Mickey head. “Cooking at Shanghai Disneyland is as exciting for me as it is for the guests who visit the resort,” said Dong. “There is inspiration to be found everywhere and it naturally pushes our chef team to go outside of our usual boundaries, finding creative and innovative ways to tell Disney stories through the culinary arts.”

Each of the six themed lands offers a specialty themed restaurant and drinks. For example, guests can enjoy a meal while being immersed in the scenery of Pirates of the Caribbean: Battle of the Sunken Treasure at Barbossa’s Bounty in Treasure Cove. The interior decoration of Pinocchio Village Kitchen is inspired by Geppetto’s studio, with The Adventures of Pinocchio unfolding across the restaurant walls. To make the dining experience more special, Disney friends will greet guests at two restaurants – Royal Banquet Hall and Lumiére’s Kitchen.

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Delivering a Taste of Freshness with Quality Assurance

Diversified food options and a unique dining experience are not possible without a strict quality assurance system and efficient food servicing procedures. “We need to ensure the freshness and safety of our food and beverages while keeping the entire culinary process highly efficient,” said Paul Chandler.

Almost every restaurant in the park has an open kitchen where guests can see food being prepared. The resort also has a 30,000-square-foot Central Production Kitchen (CPK) which helps keep the massive operation running smoothly. All resort soups, stocks and sauces are made in the CPK, and a tracking system is used to ensure all ingredients are completely traceable, from the supplier down to the farm where they were produced.

May Chen, silver medal winner in the SAPIV Main Course Salad contest, the chef de partie of the CPK introduced that the CPK is divided into different processing areas, and the entire washing and cooking process is strictly monitored. There are standards for everything, such as the temperature of the room, to ensure freshness and the right quantity of ingredients for every dish. A food safety management system has been set up to monitor every stage of the journey, including procurement, food processing, testing and service. This system has seen the team of chefs search markets across Shanghai and neighboring regions to source the best ingredients for the resort’s restaurants.

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Shanghai Disney Resort - 21 novembre 2016.
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MessageSujet: Re: Shanghai Disney Resort en général - le coin des petites infos Shanghai Disney Resort en général - le coin des petites infos  - Page 4 Horlog11Ven 25 Nov 2016 - 14:39

Shanghai Disney Resort ouvrira aux printemps 2017 deux boutiques dans le Terminal 2 de l'aéroport international de Shanghai Hongqiao. Ces deux premiers points de vente situés à l'extérieur du resort offriront une sélection d'articles parmi les plus populaires auprès des visiteurs du resort.

Citation :
Shanghai Disney Resort to Open Stores at Shanghai Hongqiao Airport

Shanghai Disney Resort today announced that the resort will open two Shanghai Disney Resort Stores at Shanghai’s Hongqiao Airport in the spring of 2017. Both stores, located in the domestic departures Terminal Two of the airport, mark the first time that Shanghai Disney Resort offers its unique retail experiences outside the resort itself, and will allow guests and travelers to bring home even more magical memories through exclusive Shanghai Disney Resort merchandise collections to share with families and friends.

“The reaction we have seen from guests towards the exciting and innovative merchandise offering at our resort has been phenomenal,” said David Koo, director of Merchandise at Shanghai Disney Resort. “With the addition of these two new retail locations, we are able to better meet the demand for our most popular products, offering guests and travelers the opportunity to add to their collections on their journey home, extending their Disney magical experience beyond the resort.”

Wide Range of Trendy and Eye-catching Merchandise Influenced by Chinese Culture and Consumer Insights

Driven by a strong integrated merchandise team, Shanghai Disney Resort features a full range of product lines including Disney apparel, toys, stationery, lifestyle products, collectibles and gifts, ensuring something for every guest – young and old, girls and boys, families and friends – with more than 7,000 different merchandise items to choose from.

Shanghai Disney Resort also continually updates or adds new creations to its retail product offerings, based on ongoing Chinese consumer research and insights. Combining the latest Chinese consumer shopping trends into merchandise design ensures that the products not only are true to their Disney inspiration, but also provide consumers with the level of functionality they expect. For example, the new Cute Couples themed Mickey and Minnie foldable fleece collection integrates consumer’s increased expectations on product functionality, with items being foldable into a back cushion for easy carrying and multiple use. Another bestseller is the Storybook Chocolate Set at the Spoonful of Sugar confectionery in Disneytown. The candies are packaged into a storybook-shaped box, which guests often keep as a shelf decoration or a jewelry box once the content has been consumed.

Traditional Chinese festival culture also plays a big part in considerations for product design. In addition to seasonal versions of popular products such as the iconic Mickey Ear Hats and Minnie head bands, dedicated festival collections have also been welcomed by guests. Approaching the 2017 Chinese New Year, part of the resort’s first Chinese New Year collections are already available, with more to come in the coming weeks.

This perfect combination of Disney authenticity and Chinese culture is evident in more than half of the merchandise. The Vintage Shanghai line, inspired by Shanghai circa 1928 – the year Mickey Mouse was born – and the Shanghai calendar artwork from the same decade, is just one example of how traditional Chinese culture and international influences have been combined.

“‘Authentically Disney and distinctly Chinese’ is also the philosophy applied to the design of our merchandise products,” said Yasmeen Chen, creative director of Merchandise at the resort. “By enjoying our lines such as Vintage Shanghai and many more, our guests are not only able to indulge in their favorite Disney characters, but also reminded of the charming Shanghai of yesteryear.”

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An Immersive Shopping Entertainment Experience

In addition to magical products, Shanghai Disney Resort also offers immersive retail shopping entertainment experiences, which form an integral part of Disney’s authentic storytelling. This starts with the dedicated shops located within each of the six themed lands within the resort’s theme park, Shanghai Disneyland, offering products according to each land’s unique theme and stories and allowing guests to be further immersed in the Disney magic even while they shop.

Shanghai Disney Resort has also created several new experiences for all guests. The Shanghai Disney Resort Magic Passport, which is available for the first time in a Disney theme park and designed exclusively for Shanghai Disneyland, provides an interactive experience for guests to learn about the stories behind the attractions and shows while collecting stamps from designated locations as souvenirs of their visits. In the few months since the resort’s opening, The Magic Passport has already proved to be one of the most popular merchandise experiences. The Bibbidi Bobbidi personalized storybook photography experience at the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique in the Enchanted Storybook Castle is an experience that girls and boys alike will enjoy, with a choice of magical makeover options which put young guests in their own stories, and ends with a special book to take home.

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Guests’ Disney shopping experience further extends to the resort’s exciting shopping, dining and entertainment district, Disneytown, which features the 3000-square-meter World of Disney Store that includes Marketplace specialty shops and a Spoonful of Sugar confectionery. The World of Disney Store offers an extensive selection of Disney merchandise, including exclusive items found only at Shanghai Disney Resort, while at the innovative confectionery boutique for special gifts, Spoonful of Sugar, guests can enjoy the confectionery show kitchen, and watch as handmade treats are made from the finest ingredients.

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At Shanghai Disney Resort, the entertaining shopping experience is not just about the merchandise. We are committed to igniting dreams within the hearts of our guests from the minute they step into the resort, creating happy and tangible memories that last forever – whether that be through magical gifts or unforgettable experiences. With the development of our new stores at Hongqiao Airport, we look forward to bringing this unique experience to more guests traveling to and from Shanghai,” said Koo.

Shanghai Disney Resort - 25 novembre 2016.
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MessageSujet: Re: Shanghai Disney Resort en général - le coin des petites infos Shanghai Disney Resort en général - le coin des petites infos  - Page 4 Horlog11Mar 29 Nov 2016 - 14:03

Shanghai Disneyland lance la saison de Noël :

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Photo : Shanghai Disney Resort.

Citation :
Shanghai Disney Resort Kicks Off Magical and Distinctive Disney Holiday Season

Shanghai, November 28, 2016 – Shanghai Disney Resort kicks off a magical and authentic holiday season for all guests to enjoy. To celebrate its first Christmas after Grand Opening, the Resort will help guests celebrate the holiday season like never before by transforming into an authentically Disney holiday wonderland inspired by enchanting holiday traditions – complete with dazzling décor, unforgettable holiday feasts and limited-time-only merchandise.

Shanghai Disney Resort will welcome families and friends to experience this unique holiday festival and Christmas-themed Mickey Avenue, where Mickey and his pals will be in the festive holiday spirit and donned in their special Christmas attire. Mickey and pals have carefully decorated their homes to reflect the joy and beauty of holiday and the magic of Disney, and will be eager to take photos with guests that will make for warm holiday memories.

Another highlight of the holiday celebration is the elegant Christmas tree that soars 20 meters in the sky and dazzles with twinkling lights and exquisite ornaments. A traditional tree-lighting ceremony will take place at 17:30, daily, with Disney Christmas music filling the air and the stunning Enchanted Storybook Castle gleaming in the background. The well-decorated Christmas tree will not only show up in Disneyland, it will also delight guests throughout the whole resort, including Disneytown, Shanghai Disneyland Hotel and Toy Story Hotel. Guests will be fully immersed in the exciting holiday atmosphere.

In honor of the much-anticipated gift-giving custom, guests will also find more than 30-limited-release merchandise items available at the resort, including adorable Mickey and Minnie plush toys dressed in Christmas hats and scarves, cute Christmas headwear and socks, beautiful Christmas ornaments, and more, that make for great memories and wonderful presents for friends and family.

This year, Shanghai Disney Resort is providing a perfect way to celebrate the holiday. Shanghai Disneyland Gift Tickets are now available for purchase in a beautifully packaged envelope to express warmest wishes to family and friends. A gift ticket entitles a guest to enjoy a day at Shanghai Disneyland from now until June 30,2017. (subject to blackout dates). With these special gift tickets, exact visit dates and ID details do not have to be provided for purchase – making for the ideal gift for loved ones who would love to plan a special day experiencing all of the world-class entertainment and attractions in the park.

Guests will also be able to experience in the beloved tradition of sharing delicious meals with friends and loved ones. Throughout the festival, guests can enjoy scrumptious, authentic holiday feasts at the Royal Banquet Hall in Shanghai Disneyland, as well as at Aurora and Lumiere’s Kitchen in the Shanghai Disneyland Hotel. Other themed restaurants and shops throughout the park will also be brimming with holiday treats.

Some of the stars will also celebrate holiday at Shanghai Disney Resort this year. During the festival, the Resort Honorary Ambassador Sun Li will digitally invite guests to the park to find the perfect gift for family and loved ones, and on December. 11, there will hold a festive holiday party featured by Pepsi Star Yi-feng Li at the Pepsi Stage in Tomorrowland as a way to rejoice with fans and guests.

Holiday Set Menu

Holiday Set Menu will be offered in Lumiere’s Kitchen and Aurora at Shanghai Disneyland Hotel and at the Royal Banquet Hall in Shanghai Disneyland throughout the holiday. Please dial 400-180-0000 for booking inquires.

Throughout the holiday:

•Royal Banquet Hall Christmas Set Meal: From now through December 25, 2016

Christmas only:

•Lumiere’s Kitchen Sumptuous Christmas Feast Buffet Dinner: Saturday, December 24, 2016 and Sunday, December 25, 2016

•Lumiere’s Kitchen Christmas Day Semi Buffet Lunch: Sunday, December 25, 2016

•Aurora Christmas Set Dinner: Saturday, December 24, 2016 and Sunday, December 25, 2016

Holiday Merchandise Collection

Diverse Christmas-themed merchandise items are available at the resort, including adorable Mickey and Minnie plush toys dressed in Christmas hats and scarves, warm holiday sweaters, cute Christmas headwear and accessories, Christmas stationery and more. Special holiday offers are as below:

From now through December 25, 2016, guests that spend more than RMB180 on any single purchase in any shop at Shanghai Disney Resort will receive a surprise gift worth RMB60.

•Early bird promotion: From now through December 31, 2016, Guests who shops before 12 noon at any shop in Shanghai Disneyland can enjoy a 10% discount (Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique and outdoor vending carts are excluded).

•From December 4, 2016 through February 25, 2017, guests who spend a minimum of RMB380 can get a Disney backpack at RMB50 or RMB70.

•From now through December 31, 2016, Guests can enjoy 40% discount for any purchase with two or more Grand Opening Collection items (excludes Limited Collection items).

Shanghai Disneyland Gift Tickets

A Shanghai Disneyland Gift Ticket entitles a Guest to enjoy a day at Shanghai Disneyland from now until June 30,2017.

Adult, Child, Senior and Disabled tickets are available at two price tiers - Any Day which is valid for one day admission on any day, except January 28 – February 2, 2017, and April 29 – May 1, 2017; and Weekday which is valid for one day admission on weekdays, except for public holidays that fall on a weekday.

Gift Tickets are available at Shanghai Disney Resort Guest Services, and may also be purchased by calling the Shanghai Disney Resort Reservation Center: 400-180-0000 or 021-3158-0000.

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Shanghai Disney Resort - 28 novembre 2016
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MessageSujet: Re: Shanghai Disney Resort en général - le coin des petites infos Shanghai Disney Resort en général - le coin des petites infos  - Page 4 Horlog11Jeu 1 Déc 2016 - 13:58

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MessageSujet: Re: Shanghai Disney Resort en général - le coin des petites infos Shanghai Disney Resort en général - le coin des petites infos  - Page 4 Horlog11Mar 6 Déc 2016 - 16:32

Le resort présente son programme MagicALL à l'attention des personnes avec un handicap et son programme de bénévolat Shanghai Disney Resort Outstanding Volunteer Recognition Program :

Citation :
Shanghai Disney Resort Introduces MagicALL Program Before International Day of Disabled Persons, Offering Magical Experiences for All

In advance of the upcoming International Day of Disabled Persons, which is celebrated each year on December 3rd, Shanghai Disney Resort today hosted a group of guests with disabilities, including children invited by the Chunhui Children’s Foundation, at Shanghai Disneyland and introduced its Disney MagicALL program. Accessibility is an important feature of all Disney parks and resorts worldwide, and MagicALL is a comprehensive program of accessible facilities and services available throughout Shanghai Disney Resort to ensure guests with disabilities can enjoy the full range of attractions and experiences at the resort.

The guests invited to the resort – all of whom manage various disabilities, including mobility, visual, hearing and cognitive challenges – experienced many of the parks attractions over the one-day visit. They journeyed to the Voyage to the Crystal Grotto for an enchanting excursion that celebrates the classic tales of magic and imagination; took the seat on one of the park’s most popular attractions, TRON Lightcycle Power Run, for a high-speed thrill; enjoyed Frozen: A Sing-Along Celebration at Evergreen Playhouse where guests of all ages are encouraged to sing along with Elsa, Anna and Kristoff; as well as experiencing many of the park’s other magical attractions.

“Walt Disney Parks and Resorts is dedicated to providing access to all guests to our world-class rides, attractions, entertainment and facilities in our theme park and hotels, including for guests with disabilities,“ said Philippe Gas, general manager of Shanghai Disney Resort, “We are thrilled to bring our global experiences and best industry practice to Shanghai to ensure guests with disabilities can enjoy the same magic here as all others, creating unforgettable memories for them and their families and friends.”

Known as MagicALL, Shanghai Disney Resort’s comprehensive approach to support guests and Cast Members with disabilities provides a wide range of facilities and services. As part of the resort’s citizenship efforts, Shanghai Disney Resort is committed to providing a magical experience for all guests and an inclusive environment for all Cast Members. For example, guests using wheelchairs can blast away at Emperor Zurg’s abominable bot army in a battle to save Planet Pepperonia on the Buzz Lightyear Planet Rescue attraction- without transferring from their wheelchair. Wheelchair spaces are featured in all theaters as well where sign language interpretation (with advance notification and reservation) is also available. From a dedicated guidebook that guests with disabilities can obtain at the Guest Services Center inside the park, guests can receive an overview of the services and facilities throughout the resort that are available. Other notable services include:

•Accessible Resort Hotels: The Shanghai Disneyland Hotel and Toy Story Hotel both offer wheelchair accessible rooms and facilities for guests with disabilities, including an accessible swimming pool at the Shanghai Disneyland Hotel.

•Audio Guides: Audio Guides provide guests with information on park layout and land descriptions. They also assist with providing audio description while enjoying select attractions.

•Braille Guidebooks: Braille Guidebooks are available at Guest Services at the Main Entrance for a refundable deposit. The Guidebooks are available in Simplified Chinese and English with Braille Interpretation.

•Sign Language: At designated live shows, Shanghai Disney Resort provides Chinese sign language interpretation for guests at no extra charge. Regularly scheduled shows that offer Chinese sign language interpretation service require a seven -day advance request. Guests can request this service by calling the Shanghai Disney Resort Reservation Center at 400-180-0000 or by visiting our website

•Guide Dogs: Trained guide dogs are welcome in most locations throughout Shanghai Disney Resort. Guide dogs must remain on a leash or in a harness at all times.

•Wheelchair Rentals: For guests with mobility challenges, manual wheelchairs are available for rental on a first-come first-served basis for an additional fee.

•Parking: Designated parking areas are available for guests with disabilities at Shanghai Disney Resort.

•Accessible Food & Beverage/Merchandise Locations: Many queues at food and beverage locations and retail locations are wheelchair accessible. All dining areas are accessible.

Shanghai Disney Resort is committed to providing an inclusive environment for all Cast Members and the experience for Cast Members with disabilities is taken into consideration across the resort. For example, the ticketing area has lowered counter space that services both Cast Members and guests with mobility disabilities.

A complete guide to the accessibility features at each of the resort’s attractions can be found at

Shanghai Disney Resort - 1er décembre 2016.

Citation :
Shanghai Disney Resort Celebrates International Volunteer Day

Shanghai, December 5, 2016 – In honor of International Volunteer Day and to celebrate Walt Disney’s birthday, December 5th, Shanghai Disney Resort today announced the Shanghai Disney Resort Outstanding Volunteer Recognition Program to promote community volunteerism. Through the program, Shanghai Disney Resort will donate 1000 theme park tickets in 2017 to the Shanghai Volunteer Foundation. The tickets will be used to reward outstanding volunteers in Shanghai with a day of magic with their families at Shanghai Disneyland, and to recognize their volunteer engagement in the community.

“We are excited to launch this recognition program in partnership with Shanghai Volunteer Foundation to express our appreciation to the outstanding commitments of volunteers in Shanghai,” said Murray King, vice president of Public Affairs, Shanghai Disney Resort. “Promoting community volunteerism is a hallmark of Disney’s citizenship efforts wherever we operate, and we have brought Disney’s legendary Cast VoluntEARS program to Shanghai. Through the Shanghai Disney Resort Outstanding Volunteer Recognition Program, we look forward to working together with the Shanghai Volunteer Foundation to further promote the spirit of volunteerism throughout the city, and recognize people from all walks of life who donate their time and talent to help fellow members of the community in need.”

Shanghai Disney Resort also celebrated International Volunteer Day with a volunteer event of its own at the resort, hosted by its Cast VoluntEARS who delivered a fun and engaging Disney Reading Together session to a group of young children and their families. The Disney Reading Together program, launched in summer 2013 in Shanghai, is one of the many examples of how Disney “VoluntEARS” Cast Members have engaged with the local community.  Introduced soon after the groundbreaking of Shanghai Disney Resort in 2011, the resort’s VoluntEARS program has been promoting the happiness and well-being of kids and families and inspiring them to join the resort in making lasting positive change in their communities. The resort has partnered with local non-profit organizations and government departments to address key community needs which align with Disney’s corporate citizenship and philanthropic goals – strengthen community, conserve nature, live healthier and think creatively. Through a variety of Disney VoluntEARS activities, including Adopt-A-Garden, Disney Wild About Safety, Community Beautification Program, and Family Play, the resort’s volunteer Cast have devoted more than 22,000 hours of their personal time and brought happiness to over 160,000 people across China.

Shanghai Disney Resort - 5 décembre 2016.

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Space Mountain fan

Space Mountain fan

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MessageSujet: Re: Shanghai Disney Resort en général - le coin des petites infos Shanghai Disney Resort en général - le coin des petites infos  - Page 4 Horlog11Sam 10 Déc 2016 - 22:45

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J. Thaddeus TOAD

J. Thaddeus TOAD

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MessageSujet: Re: Shanghai Disney Resort en général - le coin des petites infos Shanghai Disney Resort en général - le coin des petites infos  - Page 4 Horlog11Ven 23 Déc 2016 - 14:20

Un accident a eu lieu dans le spectacle Tarzan: Call of the Jungle: une trapéziste a fait une chute... Sad

C'est à jamais
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MessageSujet: Re: Shanghai Disney Resort en général - le coin des petites infos Shanghai Disney Resort en général - le coin des petites infos  - Page 4 Horlog11Ven 6 Jan 2017 - 22:50

bon bah voila, je viens d'effectuer ma réservation (via téléphone car la France bloquait mon paiement en ligne) donc je vais suivre assiduement le sujet pour avoir des petites infos et si vous avez des conseils ou astuces hésitez pas Wink

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WDW  2014
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MessageSujet: Re: Shanghai Disney Resort en général - le coin des petites infos Shanghai Disney Resort en général - le coin des petites infos  - Page 4 Horlog11Sam 7 Jan 2017 - 2:27

J. Thaddeus TOAD a écrit:
Un accident a eu lieu dans le spectacle Tarzan: Call of the Jungle: une trapéziste a fait une chute... Sad

Comment vas t'elle ??? on a des news
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MessageSujet: Re: Shanghai Disney Resort en général - le coin des petites infos Shanghai Disney Resort en général - le coin des petites infos  - Page 4 Horlog11Lun 9 Jan 2017 - 22:23

Shanghai Disney Resort renouvèle et développe en 2017 son partenariat avec une série d'universités chinoises :

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Photo : Shanghai Disney Resort.

Citation :
Shanghai Disney Resort Supports the Development of Shanghai Tourism Sector by Cultivating Future Talent

Resort launches Disney Talent Class in universities in China

Shanghai, January 6, 2017 – Shanghai Disney Resort today announced the launch of the Shanghai Disney Resort Talent Class in multiple universities and colleges in Shanghai and surrounding regions in 2017. The launch was celebrated by a signing ceremony between the resort and Shanghai Polytechnic University (SSPU), one of the participating universities, and was witnessed by leadership from the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, Shanghai Disney Resort, and SSPU. The program demonstrates Shanghai Disney Resort’s commitment to supporting the development of the tourism service industry in China through comprehensive talent development training.

“We are excited to announce the launch of the Shanghai Disney Resort Talent Class as a new way to support the development of Shanghai’s tourism sector,” said Philippe Gas, General Manager of Shanghai Disney Resort. “The resort has already generated thousands of direct and indirect jobs for tourism and cultural industry professionals, and this trend will continue as the resort continues to grow and expand. Along the way we are also committed to partnering with local authorities and educational institution to support the further development of Shanghai and the Yangzi River Delta’s service industry through talent education and cultivation, leveraging the best Disney practices and resources from around the world.”

The Shanghai Disney Resort Talent Class program aims to support campus talent development and attract passionate young talents to join Shanghai Disney Resort after graduation, as well as to elevate tourism education and service standards by teaching Disney’s best practices and setting up internship bases with partner schools. SSPU is among the first of the ten leading universities and vocational colleges in Shanghai and across China who will participate in the inaugural year of the program.

Shnaghai Disney Resort - 6 janvier 2017.
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MessageSujet: Re: Shanghai Disney Resort en général - le coin des petites infos Shanghai Disney Resort en général - le coin des petites infos  - Page 4 Horlog11Ven 13 Jan 2017 - 15:20

A l'approche du Nouvel An chinois, les extérieurs et intérieurs des rames de métro circulant sur la ligne 11 du réseau qui dessert Shanghai Disney Resort ont été redécorés de manière colorée et festive comme nous l'apprend ce communiqué de presse diffusé aujourd'hui :

Citation :
Shanghai Disney Resort Launches Chinese New Year Celebration Themed Metro Trains

Resort-bound trains to be decorated with popular Disney characters enjoying the Chinese New Year festive spirit

As the Chinese New Year approaches, Shanghai Disney Resort and Shentong Group are celebrating the Spring Festival with four new themed trains on Shanghai Metro Line 11. Customized both inside and out with decorations blending Chinese Lunar New Year customs with classic Disney elements, the trains will delight guests from near and far as they take the metro to and from the resort.

With the background color set in festive red, the trains are wrapped with images of classic Disney characters dressed in traditional Chinese attire. Sending New Year greetings to the passengers, Mickey can be seen writing wishes on a scroll with a brush, and sharing the joy with Minnie. Guests will also find Goofy and Pluto showing their big Fu (meaning “Lucky” in Chinese) and a holiday window paper cut-out, and Donald Duck and Daisy holding an abundance of New Year treats and festive flowers, all together to welcome guests to join Shanghai Disney Resort’s unique Chinese New Year celebrations.

The interior of the trains are also decorated from the bottom up with Disney's creativity presented in every detail. The roof is adorned with New Year wishes, while the beloved Disney characters greet guests throughout. Disney elements seamlessly integrate with traditional Chinese design, as cloud patterns symbolic of luck form into Mickey heads around the Enchanted Storybook Castle on every door of the trains.

Metro Line 11 is the preferred mode of transportation for many guests visiting Shanghai Disney Resort. Shanghai Disney Resort and Shanghai Shentong Metro Group have successfully launched a series of themed metro trains since the resort’s grand opening. From the magical Christmas season to the celebration of the Mandarin production of THE LION KING and the latest Chinese New Year Festival, the colorful and creative designs add a special touch to the experience of guests traveling to the resort. These special themed trains continue to provide guests a colorful beginning and end to their visit to Shanghai Disney Resort, where they create magical memories together with family and friends that will last a lifetime.

Shanghai Disney Resort - 13 janvier 2017.

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Illustration : Shanghai Disney Resort / Shanghai Shentong Metro Group.

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Illustration : Shanghai Disney Resort / Shanghai Shentong Metro Group.

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Illustration : Shanghai Disney Resort / Shanghai Shentong Metro Group.

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Illustration : Shanghai Disney Resort / Shanghai Shentong Metro Group.

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Illustration : Shanghai Disney Resort / Shanghai Shentong Metro Group.
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Al Ventureland

Al Ventureland

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MessageSujet: Re: Shanghai Disney Resort en général - le coin des petites infos Shanghai Disney Resort en général - le coin des petites infos  - Page 4 Horlog11Dim 15 Jan 2017 - 1:02

Dingo et son étiquette "handicapé"... le hasard et son sens de l'humour douteux... XD
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MessageSujet: Re: Shanghai Disney Resort en général - le coin des petites infos Shanghai Disney Resort en général - le coin des petites infos  - Page 4 Horlog11Ven 10 Fév 2017 - 13:36

Après Hong Kong Disneyland Resort, Shanghai Disney Resort présente à son tour son programme pour la Saint-Valentin du 12 au 28 février 2017 :

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Photo : Shanghai Disney Resort.

Citation :
Love is in the Air at Shanghai Disney Resort this Valentine’s Day

It’s that time of year again in February when love, hearts and sweets and treats are on everyone’s mind. Shanghai Disney Resort kicks off the romantic holiday season, and this year the resort is among the trendiest destinations in Shanghai for guests to become immersed in the magic and romance of Valentine’s Day – with enchanting Disney storytelling, innovative and unique attractions, fabulous entertainment, delectable dining  experiences and expansive retail offerings.

Shanghai Disneyland is the best place for couples to find their own romantic experience. Couples in newly budding relationships can enjoy the many delights of young romance while taking a ride on the classic Fantasia Carousel, or holding balloons in front of the beautiful Enchanted Storybook Castle to share their feelings in an unforgettable fashion. Couples can follow each other’s silhouette in the Alice in Wonderland Maze, or share a special moment under the stunning fireworks display, “Ignite the Dream - A Nighttime Spectacular of Magic and Light.” Couples may take a fun new journey together in Camp Discovery, or travel the world at Soaring Over the Horizon.

Food is an incredible journey couples can’t miss out during the Romance Season. Rémy’s Patisserie presents sweet seasonal offerings like the Valentine heart-shaped cakes, dark chocolate mousse cakes and red velvet cakes for couples. Guests may also have an unforgettable dinner at the celebrated Aurora Restaurant at Shanghai Disneyland Hotel. Immersed in the Disney-inspired ambiance, couples will enjoy an elegantly prepared gourmet dinner with an option to pair with selections from the Disney Family of Wines. As part of the dining experience, guests will also relish in stunning views of the Wishing Star Lake and the resort’s nighttime spectaculars.

Still undecided on the perfect Valentine’s Day gift? Thousands of resort’s merchandise items will make you have a difficult choice – from Cute Couples mugs to Vintage Shanghai Mickey and Minnie plush toys, limited-time-only Valentine’s cookies and treats and more. The brand-new ShellieMay Collection is a new exciting choice for a Valentine’s gift. The ShellieMay Collection features a pink ShellieMay Disney Bear designed by Minnie Mouse as a loving friend for Duffy Bear, as well as more than 50 never-before-seen items created exclusively for Shanghai Disney Resort guests. The new collection is available at the Whistle Stop Shop at Shanghai Disneyland and the World of Disney Store at Disneytown – the only two locations where the collection is available in mainland China. The resort also has exclusive designs of vintage Shanghai costumes for ShellieMay and Duffy.

To celebrate this delightful season, Shanghai Disney Resort is releasing two limited-time-only bundling packages – Disney's Fairy Tale Valentine's Day and Happy Valentine’s Stay. From February 12 to February 28, 2017, guests can use their one-day park tickets to redeem a delectable treat, or Mickey and Minnie plush key-chains. The Happy Valentine’s Stay offer includes a romantic dinner at Aurora and one night in Shanghai Disneyland Hotel, offering guests an unforgettable Valentine’s Day celebration.

To top off the season, Shanghai Disney Resort is presenting a new online couples campaign via its official WeChat account. Fans can share their love stories and plans for Valentine’s Day, such as to purchase Disney balloons together, to celebrate the anniversary with Mickey and Minnie, to profess their love in front of the castle, or to share a special moment under the fireworks display... Join the campaign and there is a chance to win a magical moment at Shanghai Disneyland on Valentine’s Day and make the romantic dreams come true.

Shanghai Disney Resort - 10 février 2017.

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Photo : Shanghai Disney Resort.

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Photo : Shanghai Disney Resort.

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Photo : Shanghai Disney Resort.

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Photo : Shanghai Disney Resort.

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Photo : Shanghai Disney Resort.

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Photo : Shanghai Disney Resort.

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Photo : Shanghai Disney Resort.

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Photo : Shanghai Disney Resort.

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MessageSujet: Re: Shanghai Disney Resort en général - le coin des petites infos Shanghai Disney Resort en général - le coin des petites infos  - Page 4 Horlog11Dim 5 Mar 2017 - 19:27

Shanghai Disney Resort célèbre la Journée internationale des femmes pendant... près d'une semaine (du 3 au 8 mars 2017) :

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Photo : Shanghai Disney Resort.

Citation :
Shanghai Disney Resort Celebrates Magical Women’s Day with Female Guests

To commemorate the first International Women’s Day since the resort’s grand opening, from today through March 8, Shanghai Disney Resort is hosting an extended Women’s Day celebration featuring an array of themed events and inspiring activities specially designed for female guests. During the festival, Minnie Mouse will take the helm of the Shanghai Disneyland Band for the first time ever, the recently introduced new Disney character, ShellieMay, will mingle and snap photos with guests, and the bustling Disneytown will be bursting with festivities and shopping experiences for women of all ages.  

Disney Characters Offer Unforgettable Women’s Day Expériences

To celebrate this special festival of women, one of Disney’s most iconic female characters, Minnie Mouse, will take the baton from Mickey Mouse to lead the Shanghai Disneyland Band, adding her charm and happiness to the show as she guides the talented musicians through a delightful performance on Mickey Avenue. The Shanghai Disneyland Band brings an added splash of magic to Mickey Avenue every day, typically led by Mickey Mouse, featuring gleaming marching band instruments.

During the festival, ShellieMay – the lovable friend of Duffy Bear – will join Disney friends to meet and greet guests in the park. ShellieMay’s sky-blue eyes, long, bashful eyelashes and cute bowknot will captivate guests, and make for a picture-perfect opportunity to share with friends on social media. ShellieMay also made the latest addition to Shanghai Disney Resort’s merchandise last month and the adorable collection offers great gifts for Women’s Day.

As Shanghai Disneyland opens on the official International Women’s Day, March 8, a gathering of popular female Disney Characters will greet guests on Mickey Avenue to give a special welcome for their big day.

The theme park’s world-class attractions and boundless entertainment offer something for everyone. Young ladies can experience the royal treatment while wandering through the Enchanted Storybook Castle – the largest Disney castle in any Disneyland around the world. Women with adventuring spirit can enjoy the thrill and freedom felt on the TRON Lightcycle Power Run. Mothers and daughters can revel in the strength, courage and resolve from the memorable show “Frozen: A Sing-Along Celebration”. Friends can gather for a relaxing afternoon tea and treats at Rémy's Patisserie.

Disneytown Broadens the Celebration with Women of All Ages

In Disneytown, female guests can enjoy surprise gifts of fragrant roses while enjoying the shops, alleyways and atmosphere entertainment throughout the March 3 - 8 Women’s Day celebrations.  Participating shops will also host fun events and promotions to cater to female shoppers.

Innisfree is hosting a make-up and nail salon for female guests to treat themselves with a relaxing makeover and revel in their day. An exclusive virtual reality bicycling experience will also be offered in the store where guests can cycle virtually throughout South Korea’s Jeju Island.

Sephora is hosting a unique make-up salon with beautiful new color pallets and a creative made-for-kids make-up stand where children can mix colors and decorate paper faces while mothers are treated to makeovers.

There is a princess or queen in every woman. The uniquely designed Disney Fashion Princess collection and PANDORA Princess jewelry offers an ideal gift for women of all ages. These collections integrate the unique characteristics and elements of each of our Princesses and the Enchanted Storybook Castle.

Shanghai Disney Resort - 3 mars 2017.

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Photo : Shanghai Disney Resort.

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Photo : Shanghai Disney Resort.

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Photo : Shanghai Disney Resort.

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Photo : Shanghai Disney Resort.

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Photo : Shanghai Disney Resort.
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Messages : 8151
Inscription : 29/04/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: Shanghai Disney Resort en général - le coin des petites infos Shanghai Disney Resort en général - le coin des petites infos  - Page 4 Horlog11Mer 8 Mar 2017 - 16:41

Sixième et dernière journée célébrant les femmes à Shanghai Disneyland et Disneytown :

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Photo : Shanghai Disney Resort.

Citation :
A Magical Women’s Day at Shanghai Disney Resort

Today, female guests from domestic and abroad visited Shanghai Disney Resort for a magical International Women’s Day. As the Shanghai Disneyland gate opened in the morning, for the first time, popular female Disney Characters, including Minnie Mouse, ShellieMay and Daisy, along with Shanghai Disney Resort’s official ambassadors, gathered on Mickey Avenue to welcome and interact with female guests. Lucky female guests were presented with Vintage Shanghai Minnie Mouse plush toys to commemorate the holiday.

Throughout the day, women of all ages enjoyed a host of festivities specially designed for female guests. Minnie Mouse took the baton from Mickey Mouse to lead the Shanghai Disneyland Band in lively performances in Mickey Avenue, and ShellieMay joined Disney friends to meet and greet guests in the park. In Disneytown, female guests also enjoyed an array of fun events and promotions like free fragrant roses while exploring the retail, dining and entertainment district, and the chic make-up and nail salons presented by Sephora and Innisfree.  
Shanghai Disney Resort today also welcomed a group of over 100 outstanding female professionals with great achievements from different walks of life to enjoy a day of magic at Shanghai Disneyland to celebrate Women’s Day. Their day started with a special welcome ceremony with Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse in front of the theme park’s Storyteller Statue, together with leadership from the Shanghai Women Federation and Shanghai Disney Resort.

Shanghai Disney Resort - 8 mars 2017.

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Photo : Shanghai Disney Resort.

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Photo : Shanghai Disney Resort.

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Photo : Shanghai Disney Resort.
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