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 Disney Wish [Disney Cruise Line - 2022]

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Inscription : 28/04/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: Disney Wish [Disney Cruise Line - 2022] Disney Wish [Disney Cruise Line - 2022] - Page 3 Horlog11Dim 2 Mai - 9:27

L'Imagineer Danny Handke donne quelques détails sur le Star Wars : Hyperspace Lounge et sa large fenêtre ouverte sur le cosmos qui nous fera voyager à travers la galaxie et traverser différentes époques de l'Univers Star Wars.

Les différentes séquences, réalisées en collaboration avec ILM, présenteront aux passagers différents lieux (Tatooine à l'époque de la série téléviée The Mandalorian, Batuu, Mustafar, Endor etc...) et différents vaisseaux spatiaux en action ( des TIE figthers, des X-Wings, un Star Destroyer de l'attraction Star Wars : Rise of the Resistance, le vaisseau de Hondo Ohnaka, des vaisseaux familiers provenant de la série télévisée The Mandalorian, du film Rogue One etc...).

Un HoloNet transmettra des communications en provenance des différents navires rencontrés et de nombreux détails et références parsèmeront le lounge.

Les boisons servies, de la bière au lait bleu, seront de nouvelles créations et par conséquence différentes de celles servies dans l'avant-poste de Black Spire Outpost de Star Wars : Galaxy's Edge.

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Danny Handke was an ‘80s kid. As such, he grew up watching the original Star Wars trilogy on VHS. And he liked it well enough. But it would take a little more time, and something beyond watching the movies on a small TV for the galaxy far, far away to truly take hold.

“It wasn’t really until The Phantom Menace came out [in 1999] that I became a really huge fan of Star Wars,” he tells “As much as I loved the original trilogy, being in the theater and being part of that event just meant a lot. And so after that, it’s been every film and every animated series. Just as much as I can take in.”

It follows that the experience of seeing Episode I in the theater is what turned Handke fully to the Star Wars side, considering he’s a senior creative director of Walt Disney Imagineering, and has devoted his life and career to creating one-of-a-kind experiences. Handke’s worked on a few Star Wars projects over the years, but now he’s spearheading something that’s never been attempted before: Star Wars: Hyperspace Lounge, a high-end, immersive Star Wars bar for adults, coming to Disney Cruise Line’s new Disney Wish ship in summer 2022. And the idea came, simply, from wanting to hang out in Star Wars.

“We always talked about the fact that kids get to immerse themselves in Star Wars,” Handke says, having overseen the Star Wars-themed kids spaces on the Disney Dream and Disney Fantasy. “But as a grownup, and a parent, I’m jealous that I don’t have my own space on the ship where I can immerse myself in Star Wars, since Star Wars is multi-generational. So we pitched the idea, ‘What if we did a lounge that’s for grownups only at night? It becomes an adult playground for the world of Star Wars.’ And everyone just loved that idea.” (Parents, don’t worry: the lounge will be open to your younglings in the daytime, with plenty of non-alcoholic drinks.)

After getting the green light, brainstorming started almost immediately between Imagineering and Disney Cruise Line. Would the lounge be set in a cantina? On a planet? Somewhere strange in the galaxy? “We decided that since we’re on a cruise ship, it would be fun if the lounge is on a Star Wars ship,” Handke says. “Around that time, we had The Last Jedi and Solo, and it was kind of the more refined side of Star Wars, like Canto Bight and Dryden Vos’ ship. We thought, ‘Boy, that’s really unique and different. You know, we have Oga’s Cantina at Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge. What if we explored, as a nice juxtaposition to that, doing kind of a Dryden Vos yacht ship?’ We landed on that, doing something sophisticated, which also matches the design of the Disney Wish.”

And as the name implies, hyperspace travel plays a big role in the storytelling and experience.

“We came up with this idea, ‘the Hyperspace Lounge.’ Think of it like a party ship through the galaxy. We’re jumping to different locations and getting a tour of space, and sampling amazing drinks from those different planets.” In a clever twist, fans will not just be jumping to different planets; they’ll be jumping to different time periods, as well.

“We want to see a little bit of Empire-era Star Destroyers and TIE fighters,” Handke says. “And we want to see the Resistance from the First Order era, the prequel era, a familiar ship from The Mandalorian, and Rogue One.” The illusion will be created via the bar viewport, a widescreen, seven-pane window to the stars.

“The visual effects are all-new for the Disney Wish,” Handke says. “We worked with ILM. Each sequence is almost like a mini-storyline that plays out. You’ll see iconic ships, you’ll see really cool things happen. ILM adds so much eye candy and they take it to a whole other level for us, which is so awesome. They work in all sorts of Easter eggs and little details.”

Some of the galactic destinations that fans can look forward to include Tatooine (set during The Mandalorian), Batuu (“almost a day in the life of Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge,” featuring the Star Destroyer from Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance and Hondo Ohnaka’s ship), and Mustafar (Rogue One: A Star Wars Story era). And Handke reveals one more locale exclusively to the home of the Ewoks, Endor.

“It’s my personal favorite scene,” he says. “You see the forest moon from Return of the Jedi and Kef Bir, the water moon from The Rise of Skywalker. When we designed this scene, we were talking about, ‘What should it be? Do we see Death Star debris? Let’s do the First Order era for that.’ So I asked the Story Group and ILM, ‘Could we do like, a little bit of Star Wars? What happens if we have some Resistance cruisers, and the First Order shows up? Can we do a little battle?’ They said, ‘You can do a little skirmish. Not a full-on battle, but a skirmish.’ And so we staged this really cool skirmish scene, where the Resistance and the First Order are fighting each other. You get the laser fire, you get the TIE fighter explosion, and then at the very end we have these three X-wings that come down in front of our screen and protect us. I am so stoked about it.”

While Handke can’t talk about the drinks just yet, he does confirm that all beverages are being created from scratch, from beer to blue milk — meaning each will be different from anything found at Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge. Then, there’s the actual lounge itself.

Based on a rendering shown to (see above), it does indeed look like something Dryden Vos would love, if not the brainchild of his personal interior decorator.

Gold features prominently throughout Star Wars: Hyperspace Lounge, from chairs and bar stools to accents on columns to the frame of the large viewport into space (which happens to show a certain bucket of bolts passing by). The vertical lighting, utilized on walls, the floor, and the ceiling, is classic Star Wars. The taps are an elegant cylindrical cluster, again in gold casings. But if you look closely, there are stories to be told…and Easter eggs for keen-eyed fans.

“Just like from Dryden’s ship, there’s the idea of collected items from around the galaxy. So each of the gallery pieces are from different planets that you see through the viewport. It might be a volcanic crystal from Mustafar. We have an idol that was unearthed from Batuu. We just wanted to have different oddities that bring color to the space, but also celebrate the overall hyperspace story that we’re telling.” Not seen in the rendering is a holotube, which will play transmissions from different ships that guests will encounter.

From the sound of it, Star Wars: Hyperspace Lounge is surprisingly personal for Handke. “I grew up on Star Wars and Disney animation. Even things like Star Tours,” he says. “That combination of Imagineering and George Lucas’ vision coming together, that was really inspirational.” With Star Wars: Hyperspace Lounge, that inspiration will be made real.
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Homer J

Homer J

Âge : 30
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Localisation : Paris
Inscription : 30/11/2013

Disney Wish [Disney Cruise Line - 2022] - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Disney Wish [Disney Cruise Line - 2022] Disney Wish [Disney Cruise Line - 2022] - Page 3 Horlog11Lun 3 Mai - 6:47

J'ai bien aimé la présentation, elle avait ce côté kitsch et tellement Disney à la fois qu'on semble malheureusement perdre sur d'autres projets.

Concernant les annonces en elles-mêmes, aucune ne m'a pour l'instant laissé bouche bée, on est là dans la continuité de ce qui a fait le succès de la DCL jusque là. J'avoue en attendre un peu plus des prochaines révélations, on peut d'ailleurs voir sur le plan des ponts qu'ils en ont gardé sous le coude.

J'ai aimé :

  • Le désengorgement de l'atrium, avec d'une part la scène dédiée, et d'autre part les accueils de Guest Services et Port Adventures qui seront déplacés un peu plus haut (c'était déjà le cas pour ce dernier sur la classe Dream). C'est grand et aéré, parfait !
  • Le restaurant 1923 et son thème centré sur l'âge d'or de l'animation et Walt Disney. Je suis déjà impatient de pouvoir admirer les quelques centaines de dessins qui y seront exposés, et ça sera une atmosphère bienvenue qui tranchera avec celles des restaurants Marvel et la Reine de Neiges les autres soirs.
  • Les deux salles de cinéma, plus petite que le Buena Vista Theatre actuel, mais qui proposeront une offre de films plus variée et mieux étalée sur la durée du séjour.
  • Le toboggan qui part de l'atrium pour atterrir au pont inférieur et la zone enfant. A voir dans l'exécution (on devine un podium sur la vidéo, donc les enfants ne pourront pas non plus s'enfuir comme ça), mais d'un oeil plus jeune, ça me ferait rêver !
  • L'Hyperspace Lounge et son esthétique que je trouve assez classe. Après ça ne fait peut-être pas tant SW que ça, je ne connais pas assez la franchise pour juger, mais c'est peut-être justement ça qui m'attire au final.
  • La zone Quiet Cove qui est cette fois-ci bien enclavée, ce qui va éviter le passage d'enfants qui pouvait agacer certains. La vue depuis la piscine à débordement promet d'être fort sympathique d'ailleurs. Par contre on a l'air d'être sur un espace très restreint, j'espère que ce n'est qu'une impression.
  • Je n'aurai jamais les moyens de me l'offrir, mais les deux suites concierge sur deux niveaux donnent envie !

J'ai moins aimé :

  • La taille des piscines ! Le fait de diviser la piscine familiale en plusieurs bassins est une excellente idée, ça évite de tout devoir fermer en cas "d'accident" (la piscine fermée la moitié de l'après-midi lors d'un jour en mer, un classique), mais que c'est petit tout ça ! D'autant plus quand on sait que c'est un des éléments les plus décevants que les visiteurs partagent sur les classes actuelles, je n'ai pas le sentiment que ça va s'arranger.
  • L'AquaMouse, soit-disant première attraction en mer d'un navire Disney qui ne semble avoir d'original qu'une série de shorts projetés dans la montée, mouais... Si l'on enlève cette montée justement, on se retrouve avec quelque chose de plus court que l'AquaDuck, pas hyper excitant je trouve.
  • Les restos Marvel et la Reine des Neiges, je trouve dommage d'avoir deux thèmes si spécifiques, là où l'Animators Palate offre une plus grande diversité. Après je comprends que ce soit deux des franchises les plus bankables du moment, mais quitte à mettre des IP partout, j'aurais préféré des options qui évoquent davantage la mer.
  • J'ai l'impression qu'il n'y a pas de promenade qui fait le tour du bateau sur le pont supérieur, c'est pourtant l'une des activités les plus agréables à faire !

J'oublie certainement beaucoup de choses, et comme j'ai dit plus haut, j'espère que les futures annonces apporteront un peu plus d'effets wow. Ca va arriver vite n'empêche, on est à un peu plus d'un an du voyage inaugural.

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Inscription : 28/04/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: Disney Wish [Disney Cruise Line - 2022] Disney Wish [Disney Cruise Line - 2022] - Page 3 Horlog11Jeu 6 Mai - 12:37

Voici la liste de la quarantaine+ de vaisseaux qui défileront à travers la fenêtre du Star Wars : Hyperspace Lounge ouvrant sur la galaxie :

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This is going to be a Star Wars journey you won’t forget.

As shared last week, Disney Cruise Line’s Star Wars: Hyperspace Lounge will bring Canto Bight-like flair and fancy galactic beverages to the Disney Wish. But that’s not all fans will experience when the ship sets sail in 2022.

While passengers travel the galaxy, they’ll be treated to spectacular views through the lounge’s widescreen viewport — including encounters with starships of all kinds. So far, five planet destinations have been announced and is thrilled to reveal the full list of fighters, freighters, cruisers, and more featured at these stops

You’ll see ships iconic (the Millennium Falcon), fan-favorite (the Razor Crest from The Mandalorian), obscure (Coruscant freighter), and everything in-between. They’ve all been brought to life by the wizards at Industrial Light & Magic; you can get an idea of what these encounters will look like in the concept art and video featured above, which find the Resistance fleet engaging the First Order near the moons of Endor…and very close to the bar. (So sip your drinks with care!)

As for why you’ll be seeing these starships, you’ll just have to experience Star Wars: Hyperspace Lounge yourself to find out…

Get the full list below!

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Coruscant : CR70 diplomatic cruiser, Coruscant AA-9 passenger liner, Coruscant transport freighter, Corellian CR90 corvette, Halcyon, Ibis freighter, Nukoy freighter, Marisas freighter, Naboo N-1 starfighter, Starspeeder 3000 et Traffic Ships.

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Mustafar: Dornean gunship, Imperial arrestor cruiser, Imperial Star Destroyer, Imperial Lambda-class shuttle, Imperial Delta-class shuttle, Imperial TIE boarder, Imperial TIE brute heavy fighter et Imperial TIE fighter.

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Tatooine : Corellian passenger transport, Rogue-class fighter, The Millennium Falcon, New Republic prison ship, The Razor Crest, KGZ-54 Starcrane, AA-C39 freighter, Ghtroc 820 Transport, Lantzant Hybrid Hauler, Lancer pursuit craft et Victor-wing fighter.

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Batuu : Resistance A-wing fighter, Tuggs’ Grub food transport, Coruscant AA-9 passenger liner, Coruscant transport freighter, Mining guild freighter, The Millennium Falcon, Resistance MC85 Mon Calamari cruiser, First Order Star Destroyer, First Order TIE fighter, Traffic ships, ZH-40 freighter et Resistance X-wing fighter.

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Endor : Resistance bunkerbuster, Mining guild freighter, YT-2400 freighter, Gozanti cruiser, Nebulon-B frigate, Tri-wing S-91X fighter, Resistance cargo frigate, Resistance MC85 Mon Calamari cruiser, First Order TIE fighter, Drovan freighter, Razor assault ship, Resistance X-wing fighter et Resistance Y-wing fighter.
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MessageSujet: Re: Disney Wish [Disney Cruise Line - 2022] Disney Wish [Disney Cruise Line - 2022] - Page 3 Horlog11Sam 8 Mai - 20:12

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MessageSujet: Re: Disney Wish [Disney Cruise Line - 2022] Disney Wish [Disney Cruise Line - 2022] - Page 3 Horlog11Mer 12 Mai - 19:04

Petit extrait en image :

Disney Wish [Disney Cruise Line - 2022] - Page 3 36

Star Wars: Hyperspace Lounge est un bar haut de gamme immersif réservé aux adultes.

Les premières idées du Star Wars : Hyperspace Lounge remontent à l'époque de Star Wars : The Last Jedi et Solo : A Star Wars Story.

L'élégant design intérieur est inspiré des somptueux croiseurs similaires au navire de Dryden Vos dans Solo: A Star Wars Story.

Pendant que les invités sirotent leurs concoctions galactiques spécialement conçues pour le lounge, ce voyage spatial les transportera dans des lieux emblématiques des époques de la République, de l'Empire et du Premier Ordre, utilisant des sauts dans l'hyperespace pour voyager de planète en planète tandis que des scènes sensationnelles se déroulent juste au-delà de la fenêtre panoramique du navire à chaque arrêt.

Walt Disney Imagineering et Industrial Light & Magic travaillent ensemble pour créer des séquences qui sont en elles-mêmes des mini-scénarios remplis de détails et d'easter eggs!

Allant des panoramas sereins aux rencontres pleines d'action, les séquences présentées à travers cette fenêtre virtuelle dans la galaxie mettront en vedette de célèbres vaisseaux spatiaux des films et séries télévisées et des lieux comme Batuu, Tatooine, Mustafar, Endor et Coruscant.

L'expérience sera amplifiée par un son surround et un holotube qui présente des modèles holographiques provenant des navires à proximité.

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MessageSujet: Re: Disney Wish [Disney Cruise Line - 2022] Disney Wish [Disney Cruise Line - 2022] - Page 3 Horlog11Ven 14 Mai - 4:09

Présentation de la Wish Tower Suite, la première suite située dans la structure de la cheminée avant d'un navire de la Disney Cruise Line.

La suite, qui porte le numéro de cabine #14000, est accessible par un ascenceur privé.

Le design, les matériaux, les éléments de décoration, les tons, l'éclairage et la musique d'ambiance rappelle l'univers polynésien de Vaiana.

La magnifique et vaste suite qui peut accueillir jusqu'à huit passagers est composée d'un salon, d'une salle à manger ouverte et d'un bar, offrant une vue extraordinaire sur les ponts supérieurs jusqu'à l'horizon à travers un vaste mur de fenêtres de deux étages.

Située à l'étage supérieur du loft, les deux chambres pour adultes sont somptueuses et équipées de lits king-size, de dressings et de baies vitrées donnant sur le salon ci-dessous et au-delà sur l'océan. Les salles de bains ont chacune une double vasque, une baignoire et une douche à effet pluie.

Les deux chambres pour enfants (dont une convertible) sont équipées l'une d'un lit queen-size, l'autre de lits superposés, chacune disposant de sa salle de bain avec douche.

Un concierge privé est bien entendu à disposition durant tout le séjour à bord du Disney Wish.

Citation :

Suite Dreams! Get a First Look at the First-Ever Disney Cruise Line Funnel Suite

See the line where the sky meets the sea? It’s calling you home to the Wish Tower Suite, a first-of-its-kind accommodation set high in the forward funnel of the Disney Wish, our newest ship setting sail in summer 2022!

This 1,966-square-foot penthouse in the sky will be our most unique Disney Cruise Line accommodation yet, and it’s the crown jewel of a truly jaw-dropping array of staterooms and suites aboard the Disney Wish. Every storybook-inspired stateroom on this ship will be a luxurious, peaceful retreat designed with ample room for families, plenty of storage and upscale amenities. So no matter which you choose, you’re guaranteed to find the perfect home-away-from-home for your family.

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Isn’t it gorgeous? This elegantly themed loft will sleep up to eight guests with two master bedrooms, a children’s room, a library that converts to a bedroom and four-and-a-half bathrooms. The magnificent living room will be flanked by an open dining area, a large butler’s pantry and a bar, all offering extraordinary views across the upper decks to the horizon through an expansive two-story window wall.

What’s more, this enchanting new suite will feature artwork, iconography and materials inspired by Walt Disney Animation Studios’ “Moana.” Throughout the suite, creative ornaments and custom artwork will offer sophisticated nods to the characters and locales of this beloved film.

The piece de resistance will be a hand-crafted porcelain sculpture that comes alive in an only-Disney-can-do way. When guests arrive home to the Wish Tower Suite, they may discover the statue pulsing in myriad hues of green amid soft chimes that recall the film’s distinctive soundtrack, revealing itself as the heart of Te Fiti. The special lighting and audio effects will eventually fill the room to provide a truly magical, one-of-a-kind greeting.

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Of course, guests can expect the royal treatment while staying in the Wish Tower Suite, marked by the expert service of a personal concierge team, a delightful selection of curated services and daily treats, and even a private elevator. Talk about the VIP experience!

So what can I say except, you’re welcome… for adding a new line to your bucket list !
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Inscription : 28/04/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: Disney Wish [Disney Cruise Line - 2022] Disney Wish [Disney Cruise Line - 2022] - Page 3 Horlog11Lun 17 Mai - 4:09

Après la présentation de la Wish Tower Suite, voici le tour des autres types cabines et suites qui seront proposées à bord du Disney Wish :

Disney Wish [Disney Cruise Line - 2022] - Page 3 60

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Designing the Disney Wish: Disney Cruise Line Debuting Artfully Themed Accommodations

The Disney Wish has a suite in the funnel! From your reactions to the announcement I shared last week, you’re just as impressed as I am about the first-of-its-kind Wish Tower Suite coming to our newest ship. But that’s not the only incredible accommodation where your family can rest and recharge on board the Disney Wish.

In the next video of our “Designing the Disney Wish” series, see how we’re introducing an all-new look and feel for every stateroom on our newest ship. Steeped in enchantment and inspired by Disney stories, accommodations aboard the Disney Wish will be a peaceful retreat designed with families in mind, featuring custom-made artwork depicting beloved Disney fairytales.

A New Twist on Bedtime Stories

New for the Disney Wish, Walt Disney Imagineers have imbued every stateroom with the soft, dreamlike worlds and restful imagery of enchanted Disney fairytales through glittering gold-leafed headboard murals and framed pieces commissioned exclusively for the Disney Wish.

In line with the ship’s overall design motif of enchantment, stateroom artwork will represent classic and contemporary Disney stories that capture the essence of wish fulfillment and dreams come true, such as Cinderella (whose maxim “a dream is a wish your heart makes when you’re fast asleep” is particularly fitting).

Beyond the artwork, every detail has been designed to tell a story, from pixie-dusted furnishings to delicate linen embroidery inspired by the fleet’s signature golden filigree. This even extends into the corridors, where exquisite decoration serves the greater purpose of wayfinding: Richly themed carpeting, softly colored accent walls, magical lighting and unique adornments will provide guests with an intuitive yet artful cue to know they’ve arrived at their home away from home.

Dreamy Details and Wished-For Features

Every stateroom aboard the Disney Wish has been designed with ample room for families, plenty of storage space and upscale amenities. Most of the ship’s 1,254 staterooms will offer an ocean view — including 877 (70%) with a spacious verandah — and there will be 451 connecting doors that adjoin rooms to accommodate larger families. Some connecting staterooms will have a partition between verandahs that may be opened to create a bigger, shared balcony.

* Most staterooms will feature Disney Cruise Line’s signature split-bathroom concept, with a sink and shower in one room and a sink and toilet in a separate room. All will include a bathtub – perfect for giving children a bath.

* Enhanced storage options, roomy closets and elevated bed frames with generous under-bed space will provide plenty of places to store suitcases and other bulky items essential to family travel.

* Little ones will delight in a secret starfield hidden above pull-down beds, with original artwork revealing a constellation of Fairy Godmother overhead.

* Other exceptional amenities and highlights will include a 43-inch TV, USB and USB-C ports, large vanity, mini drawer refrigerator, full-length mirror, mini safe, hair dryer, privacy divider, queen and pull-out sofa beds, deluxe toiletries, plush robes, and lavish bed linens and duvets.

Concierge Staterooms, Suites and Service

The Disney Wish will elevate the concierge experience with 76 concierge staterooms and suites – more than double the number available on other Disney ships.

* Accommodating up to five guests, these rooms will feature spacious living areas, king beds, luxurious finishes and premium amenities. Most will include a generous private verandah, and most have been designed with the rich color palette and distinctive iconography of Walt Disney Animation Studios’ “Tangled.”

* One-bedroom concierge suites will have a separate living room, walk-in closets, two 43-inch TVs and two bathrooms (including a main bathroom with rain shower, bathtub and double vanity).

* Seven exclusive oceanview rooms are Disney’s first-ever staterooms located above the bridge. These will have extended living areas with breathtaking views of the ocean through floor-to-ceiling windows that overlook the bow.

In addition to the Wish Tower Suite, the Disney Wish will also debut four royal suites that celebrate the gilded world of Disney Animation’s “Sleeping Beauty,” with two Princess Aurora Royal Suites and two Briar Rose Royal Suites. Each pair includes a single-floor option and a two-story configuration, the first of their kind for the Disney fleet.

* Royal suites will feature extravagant details, upscale furnishings and first-class amenities, including an extensive living area, open dining salon, sizeable pantry and private hot tub on the oversized verandah.

* Each suite has two main bedrooms — each with its own opulent bathroom featuring a double vanity and either a rain shower or bathtub — as well as a double sleeper sofa in the living room and a third bathroom with a shower.

* The two-story royal suites will boast floor-to-ceiling windows and stunning statement pieces, like an elegant spiral staircase and a spectacular two-deck-high bespoke stained-glass frieze.

All concierge guests will receive a premium level of dedicated service and access to exclusive areas and amenities throughout their voyage. The Concierge Lounge will be more than triple the size from previous Disney ships and will offer a full bar, delicious light bites, special kids’ area and an outdoor terrace with incredible views. From the lounge, concierge guests will have access to a private sun deck with two whirlpools, a wading pool, a bar, lush lounge furniture and the superlative service of a pool deck host.

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Inscription : 28/04/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: Disney Wish [Disney Cruise Line - 2022] Disney Wish [Disney Cruise Line - 2022] - Page 3 Horlog11Mar 18 Mai - 21:06

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Be Our Guest With ‘Beauty and the Beast’-Inspired Spaces Aboard the Disney Wish

When it comes to the overall design of the Disney Wish, one of the things I’m most excited about is how the new ship will brim with Disney storytelling and enchantment. So, let’s explore one of the stories today… my favorite tale as old as time, “Beauty and the Beast.”

It’s fine dining we suggest

If you’ve ever vacationed with Disney Cruise Line before, you know how we offer dedicated spaces for adults to relax and unwind. Aboard the Disney Wish, our adult dining venues will have a uniquely Disney twist inspired by this classic story.

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At Palo Steakhouse, we are evolving the Disney Cruise Line favorite and combining authentic Italian cuisine with modern steakhouse fare. As you dine in this sophisticated setting, you’ll notice subtle theming centered around everyone’s favorite punctual and precise clock, Cogsworth! The design of this space features dark wood detailing that is adorned with clockwork-inspired wall art. The layout will offer oversized banquette seating or the option for a more intimate table that will be adjacent to expansive windows offering stunning ocean views.

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While Palo Steakhouse is deep and rich in ambience, Enchanté by Chef Arnaud Lallement celebrates the light and frivolity of Cogsworth’s quick-witted colleague, Lumiere, boasting a palette of blues and white brought to life through shimmering light fixtures made up of gold and glassy baubles. You’ll discover these elegant design details celebrating the debonair candelabra all while enjoying a gourmet menu created by the three-star-Michelin Chef Lallement. One thing’s for sure, a dinner here will certainly be an illuminating experience!

Both restaurants will feature private dining rooms and will be joined by an outdoor terrace overlooking the ocean.

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And, of course, we wouldn’t be able to celebrate the story of “Beauty and the Beast” without including one of the most iconic elements in the film – the enchanted rose that started it all. Found at the entrance to Palo Steakhouse and Enchanté, the lounge, appropriately named The Rose, will serve as the perfect setting for a pre-dinner aperitif or after-dinner cocktail.

Venture through Belle’s Library

So far, we’ve only explored our adult-exclusive spaces on the Disney Wish, but we’ve designed something equally as special just for kids! At Disney’s Oceaneer Club, young princes and princesses will be invited to explore Belle’s library as part of the royal trio of activity rooms in Fairytale Hall. There, kids will act out some of their favorite stories with Disney friends. And who knows? They might just meet the courageous princess – an avid book reader herself!

Disney Cruise Line proudly presents a Broadway-style spectacular

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Beyond the Disney Wish, there are other ways to celebrate this classic tale at sea! Our Broadway-style show “Beauty and the Beast” aboard the Disney Dream is an innovative take that draws inspiration from the live-action film. This musical production is filled with show-stopping numbers featuring the songs you know and love, and the immersive set is simply stunning! Giant LED walls transport audiences throughout the adventure, and for the first time for a “Beauty and the Beast” stage show, the use of innovative puppetry brings the enchanted objects to life. It’s a must-see when sailing aboard the Disney Dream.

And there’s no doubt you’ll find other references to this timeless tale throughout all of our Disney cruise ships and be able to see favorite Disney friends, including Belle, throughout your Disney cruise vacation.
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Messages : 8148
Inscription : 28/04/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: Disney Wish [Disney Cruise Line - 2022] Disney Wish [Disney Cruise Line - 2022] - Page 3 Horlog11Lun 24 Mai - 5:27

Disney Wish [Disney Cruise Line - 2022] - Page 3 20

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Here’s How Your Favorite Larger-than-life Toys Will be Making New Friends on the Disney Wish

Over the past several weeks, we’ve been sharing how Disney stories will come to life like never before aboard the newest Disney Cruise Line ship, the Disney Wish. I am so excited to have the opportunity to give you an inside look at what our team has been dreaming up, and today I’ll take you to the upper decks where we’re introducing a new Toy Story-themed waterplay district designed especially for families with toddlers and young children. To “swim”-finity and beyond!

Children will have a tub-full of fun in the Toy Story Splash Zone, a water playground where Woody, Buzz and friends will be adorably reimagined as larger-than-life rubber bath toys that move and spray water at kids’ whim. This concept art gives you a glimpse behind the scenes at what characters will be featured in this fantastical new space.

Inspired by the Disney and Pixar short “Partysaurus Rex,” this bathtub-themed splash zone will combine the Old West of Woody’s Roundup with the intergalactic world of Buzz Lightyear, featuring two toddler-sized slides and pop jets, geysers and bubblers galore.

To complete the splish-splashing antics, everyone in the family will enjoy a trip down Slide-a-saurus Rex – a double-looping waterslide that sends guests plunging “down the drain” with the rest of the toys when the metaphorical bathtub overflows.

Other features of this playful pool district will include Trixie’s Falls — a six-inch-deep wading pool with a small fountain and waterfall — and Wheezy’s Freezies, a smoothie bar serving up refreshing fruit blends for the perfect cool-down treat.

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The iconic friends of Toy Story are no strangers to Disney Cruise Line guests. Whether you’ve danced with them at the lively Pixar Pals Party, watched them celebrate friendship up on stage in the Walt Disney Theatre or played alongside them in Andy’s Room at Disney’s Oceaneer Club, chances are you’ve left one of our ships humming that oh-so popular tune, “You’ve Got a Friend in Me.” Now, the Toy Story fun continues as the Disney Cruise Line fleet expands.

Thanks for welcoming me as one of the newest Disney Parks Blog authors. I look forward to sharing more details about how Walt Disney Imagineering is partnering with Disney Cruise Line to continue offering one-of-a-kind experiences at sea.
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Messages : 8148
Inscription : 28/04/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: Disney Wish [Disney Cruise Line - 2022] Disney Wish [Disney Cruise Line - 2022] - Page 3 Horlog11Lun 24 Mai - 23:49

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‘Frozen’ Fun Awaits Families on the Disney Wish

The Disney Wish will bring more Disney stories and characters to life than ever before, and I am so excited for our guests to be immersed in classic Disney storytelling from the moment they step on board. One of those stories that our guests know and love is “Frozen,” and on the Disney Wish, your favorite characters from the kingdom of Arendelle will be featured in unique ways, from an all-new theatrical dining experience to “Frozen Fun” for kids in Disney’s Oceaneer Club.

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Arendelle: A Frozen Dining Adventure

Arendelle: A Frozen Dining Adventure is Disney’s first “Frozen”-themed theatrical dining experience, and we are so excited to invite guests on the Disney Wish to the Arendelle castle for a royal engagement party for Queen Anna and Kristoff!

Picking up the story where Walt Disney Animation Studios’ “Frozen 2” left off, Elsa and Olaf will host the celebration with catering provided by their friend Oaken’s “Hearty Party Planning Service… and Sauna” and live entertainment by “local” musicians who specialize in Nordic renditions of familiar “Frozen” songs.

Designed in the style of a theater-in-the-round, this purpose-built entertainment venue was designed to bring the story to life, with dining tables situated around a small center stage and all the theatrical bells and whistles. Invisible fiber optics embedded in the ceiling will conjure Elsa’s icy magic, and panoramic windows will magically transform from real-time ocean views to the colorful dancing lights of the Aurora Borealis.

Throughout the meal, guests will enjoy live musical performances by these beloved characters and will even get the opportunity to join the festivities with fun table crafts, hilarious sing-alongs and a grand finale that’ll have everyone in the audience on their feet. The one-of-a-kind menu for Arendelle: A Frozen Dining Adventure combines traditional flavors and ingredients from the Nordic region with modern, family-friendly fare. Oh, and don’t forget dessert, where you can bet that one of Anna’s favorite foods – chocolate – will be on the menu!

Anna and Elsa’s Sommerhus

Disney’s Oceaneer Club on the Disney Wish will be home to Fairytale Hall, a royal trio of activity rooms where kids will become part of the story in three unique ways. One of these rooms, Anna and Elsa’s Sommerhus, will allow kids to test newfound icy powers during “Frozen Fun,” a series of gesture-based games hosted by none other than everyone’s favorite snowman, Olaf! Kids can have snowball fights with friendly trolls, hunt for the mischievous Snowgies – and you never know who might stop by to join in the “Frozen” fun!

“Frozen” Fun Across the Fleet

There are many other ways our guests can celebrate “Frozen” across the Disney Cruise Line fleet. On the Disney Wonder and Disney Fantasy, “Frozen, A Musical Spectacular” is an original Broadway-style stage show that follows the captivating adventure of Anna and Elsa as they embark on a journey to discover the meaning of sisterhood, inner strength and true love.

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Guests can experience an entire day of “Frozen”-themed fun on select Disney Wonder and Disney Magic summer sailings. The day begins with a winter wonderland makeover of the ship’s atrium, followed by meet-and-greets with characters, special activities, a Nordic-inspired menu at dinner and a deck party to end the day hosted by Anna, Elsa and Kristoff!  

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The Disney Wonder also features a one-of-a-kind space for kids ages 3 to 12 called “Frozen Adventures,” where kids can prepare for a royal coronation at “Frozen Adventures,” followed by a summery sing-along and games with Olaf.

The “Frozen” fun on Disney Cruise Line isn’t limited to on board only – on Castaway Cay, Disney’s private island paradise in the Bahamas, the Olaf-inspired beverage location Summertime Freeze serves non-alcoholic specialty frozen drinks in souvenir cups. Only Disney Cruise Line guests can cool down with creative menu items inspired by “Frozen,” like “Olaf’s Flurry Freeze” and “Sven’s Carrot Delight.”

Speaking of Olaf, he isn’t the only one who loves summer! I do too, and the summer of 2022 and the debut of the Disney Wish can’t get here soon enough.
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Messages : 8148
Inscription : 28/04/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: Disney Wish [Disney Cruise Line - 2022] Disney Wish [Disney Cruise Line - 2022] - Page 3 Horlog11Jeu 27 Mai - 2:20

Ouverture des réservations pour le voyage inaugural du Disney Wish au départ de Port Canaveral vers les Bahamas le 9 juin 2022 :

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All Aboard! Bookings Open Today for the Disney Wish’s Inaugural Season

If you have been dreaming about stepping foot aboard the Disney Wish ever since we unveiled Disney Cruise Line’s newest ship last month, your wish can now come true! Starting today, your family can book the family vacation of a lifetime and be part of Disney Cruise Line history during the Disney Wish’s inaugural season next summer.

On June 9, 2022, the Disney Wish will set sail from Port Canaveral for a special five-night voyage, featuring two days at sea and stops in Nassau, Bahamas, and Disney’s private island paradise, Castaway Cay. From there, the ship will embark on three- and four-night itineraries to these stunning tropical destinations.

In Nassau, your family will enjoy breathtaking beaches and fun activities like swimming, snorkeling, shopping and more. At Castaway Cay, you’ll discover a pristine island brimming with special Disney touches that is completely outfitted for family fun and relaxation. Reserved exclusively for Disney Cruise Line guests, this island oasis is home to clear turquoise waters, powdery white sand beaches and the signature lush landscapes of the Bahamas.

While the ports of call are sure to be a big draw, just wait until you see the ship! In case you missed any of the details about all the enchantment that awaits on board, check out the video below for a quick look at the Disney Wish.

I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait to live out my fairytale dreams in the Grand Hall, embark on a “port misadventure” aboard the AquaMouse, indulge in a date night at Palo Steakhouse and take my daughter to the “Toy Story” Splash Zone for the first time. And, as a huge Marvel fan, I am especially excited about Worlds of Marvel … More details about that first-of-its-kind cinematic dining adventure are on the horizon!

Will your family be sailing on the Disney Wish next summer? Leave a comment below to share what you’re most excited about. Bon voyage!
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Âge : 34
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Localisation : Paris
Inscription : 09/10/2018

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MessageSujet: Re: Disney Wish [Disney Cruise Line - 2022] Disney Wish [Disney Cruise Line - 2022] - Page 3 Horlog11Jeu 27 Mai - 8:42

Arendelle: A Frozen Dining Adventure

Sinon, moins cher et tout aussi convivial, il y a le même show à Maspalomas Disney Wish [Disney Cruise Line - 2022] - Page 3 1f60f
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Messages : 4183
Localisation : Var
Inscription : 08/07/2014

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MessageSujet: Re: Disney Wish [Disney Cruise Line - 2022] Disney Wish [Disney Cruise Line - 2022] - Page 3 Horlog11Mer 2 Juin - 1:50

Ce bateau va être magnifique et ça me donne envie d'y faire une croisière mais vu le prix que va coûté la dite croisière je préfère les mettre dans mon futur séjour à WDW.

Séjour en 1995? 1999,2009,2012, 2013  2017 3 séjours, 2018 3 séjours, 2019 un séjour plus mon CDD vacances de noël, 2020 un séjour.
Port Aventura du 13 au 15 juillet 2021
Plus de séjours à disney tant que le pass sanitaire et toutes les mesures sont en vigueur
Cast member en tant qu'employée de restauration à Disney du 21 décembre 2019 au 5 janvier 2020 une expérience inoubliable.
Projet WDW, USO, Sea World en 2024 voir 2025 pour réaliser enfin ce rêve que j'ai depuis des années.
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Messages : 1173
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Inscription : 01/05/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: Disney Wish [Disney Cruise Line - 2022] Disney Wish [Disney Cruise Line - 2022] - Page 3 Horlog11Ven 9 Juil - 19:34

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Inscription : 28/04/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: Disney Wish [Disney Cruise Line - 2022] Disney Wish [Disney Cruise Line - 2022] - Page 3 Horlog11Mer 14 Juil - 11:55

Disney Wish [Disney Cruise Line - 2022] - Page 3 DISNEY-WISH
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Designing the Disney Wish: Disney Cruise Line Debuting Three Brand-New Family Restaurants

Last week we unveiled exciting details about Worlds of Marvel, the first-ever Marvel cinematic dining adventure, premiering aboard the Disney Wish. And that’s just one of the three incredible new family restaurants debuting on our newest ship, setting sail in summer 2022!

The Disney Wish will take guests on an unparalleled culinary journey to an Avengers technology showcase, an enchanted “Frozen” kingdom and the golden age of Hollywood. Dinner aboard this ship will be so much more than a meal – it will be a chance to interact with favorite Disney stories in exciting new ways that only Disney Cruise Line can cook up.  

In the next video of our “Designing the Disney Wish” series, get an in depth look at how we’re using cinematic adventure, theatrical entertainment and sophisticated elegance to bring family dining to a whole new level.

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Messages : 8148
Inscription : 28/04/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: Disney Wish [Disney Cruise Line - 2022] Disney Wish [Disney Cruise Line - 2022] - Page 3 Horlog11Jeu 29 Juil - 7:55

Disney Parks Blog passe en revue les services destinés aux passagers adultes à bord du Disney Wish :

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Brand-New Spa, Salon and Nightlife Experiences for Adults Coming to the Disney Wish

There’s more magic on the horizon for Disney Cruise Line guests ages 18 and older next summer! Today, we announced brand-new ways for adults to pamper and play, sip and swim, escape and indulge aboard the Disney Wish, which is being purposefully designed with adults’ vacation needs in mind – including more relaxation, more variety, more accessibility and more storytelling than ever before!

Here are the highlights of today’s big reveal:

* Disney Cruise Line’s first-ever outdoor spa retreat, complete with whirlpool spas, plush loungers and plenty of space for open-air yoga sessions.

* Untangled Salon and Hook’s Barbery, our first standalone salon and barbershop experiences, each inspired by a classic Walt Disney Animation Studios film.

* Three new upscale bars and lounges, now infused with more storytelling and spread out among the ship’s other core gathering places for a more flexible, free-flow experience.

Check out the latest video in our “Designing the Disney Wish” series for a closer look at the enchantment in store for adults aboard our newest ship, then continue reading for more details about the experiences announced today.

Outdoor Oasis at Senses Spa

For the first time aboard a Disney ship, Senses Spa will feature a dedicated outdoor relaxation space! This open-air oasis is a brand-new extension to our signature Rainforest experience, which has been reimagined for the Disney Wish to provide even more ways to relax and rejuvenate. The Rainforest will introduce the fleet’s first ice lounge, allowing guests to combine thermal therapies, which promotes both physical wellness and tranquility. It will also include guest-favorite elements like heated ergonomic loungers; sensory spa showers; and sauna, steam and dry chambers.

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Untangled Salon

At Untangled Salon, you can let your hair down (and have it styled any way you want) in a light and airy environment that is perfect for pampering. Inspired by Rapunzel, this chic, high-end salon will be adorned in shades of purple and gold, decorated with floating lantern light fixtures and outfitted with custom cut-metal privacy screens depicting Rapunzel’s own paintings. One side of the space will even gleam and glow with the golden light of a signature chandelier that evokes the iconic flower that gave her hair its magical qualities! In addition to haircuts and styling, the menu of services at Untangled Salon will include manicures, pedicures, teeth whitening and skin treatments.

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Hook’s Barbery

Hook’s Barbery will be a unique twist on a traditional European men’s salon, offering cuts, shaves, and nail and skin care. Decked out in dark woods, handsome leather chairs and ornate golden mirrors, the space will brim with narrative details inspired by its namesake, Captain Hook: an inlaid wooden map of Never Land, a hidden pocket watch and — of course — a hook, to name a few. A trio of seemingly nondescript lanterns will occasionally come to life with lighting and audio effects to signify Tinker Bell jumping from one fixture to another.

Not only will Hook’s Barbery provide salon and barber services, but it will also boast the ultimate toast to a pirate’s life: a hidden bar! This (not-so-secret) treasure trove of pre-Prohibition bourbons, vintage whisky and port, aged rum and premium spirits will be a liquor enthusiast’s paradise, ideal for low-key hangouts, romantic date nights, hosted tastings and special evening events.

Keg & Compass

Keg & Compass is a pub that celebrates the adventure and romance of the sea, designed in the rustic architectural style of a late 1800s Norwegian sailor’s map room and drawing inspiration from the rich folklore of Norse seafaring. Spanning the entire ceiling will be a grand, fantastical map in old maritime style that features, among other references to ocean lore, a homage to Disney characters and stories related to the sea. In addition to such characters as Ursula and Moana (appearing in the geographically accurate locations of their stories), the map will call out important locales related to The Walt Disney Company and, specifically, the design and construction of the Disney Wish.

This casual setting will be the perfect place to kick back and watch live sports, news and major broadcast events while sampling a specialized selection of beers, including three custom craft brews available exclusively aboard the Disney Wish, along with an assortment of liquors, wines and cocktails.

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Nightingale’s is a refined piano bar inspired by Cinderella’s lyrical rendition of “Sing Sweet Nightingale” in the 1950 film, offering an extensive menu of fine wines, bubblies and hand-crafted cocktails. Classically modern with a soft metallic palette, the predominant design feature will be a glittering chandelier perched above the piano — a swirl of pearlescent bubbles and music notes displaying the titular song’s melody meticulously crafted out of shimmering rose gold. This vibrant lounge will be a thematic extension of the fairytale-inspired Grand Hall from which it stems, with large doors that allow the twinkling tunes to spill out across the atrium, inviting passersby to stop and stay for a while.

The Bayou

If you’re looking for a New Orleans-inspired good time aboard the Disney Wish, you’ll want to go down to The Bayou, an informal lounge themed to “The Princess and the Frog.” Flourishing with magnolia blossoms, lily pads and a canopy of twinkling fireflies overhead, this space will evoke the magical marsh where Tiana and Naveen take refuge in the film. This centrally located venue will offer creative cocktails, specialty coffees and signature beignets in a lively, social atmosphere complete with live entertainment and musical performances.

Now here’s my question for you: Where are you going first? (You’ll find me at the spa – those Rainforest swings are calling my name!) Let me know in the comments below, and stay tuned for more news about the Disney Wish.
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Messages : 8148
Inscription : 28/04/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: Disney Wish [Disney Cruise Line - 2022] Disney Wish [Disney Cruise Line - 2022] - Page 3 Horlog11Jeu 5 Aoû - 10:05

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Imagineering the Disney Wish: Construction Updates from Germany

“Moin” from Papenburg, Germany! I’m Philip, the portfolio project management executive for Walt Disney Imagineering Germany, responsible for overseeing the design, construction and delivery of the new class of cruise ships for Disney Cruise Line. I’m excited to be your eyes and ears on the ground here at the Meyer Werft shipyard as we bring the Disney Wish to life.

These past months have been very exciting as we continue building the Disney Wish, and I want to share details on two specific spaces the team is currently working on.

Wheelhouse Installation

The wheelhouse, also known as “the bridge,” is an incredibly important part of any ship. The captain and officers command the entire ship from this location.

The wheelhouse for the Disney Wish is nearing completion and is part of a huge block to be installed on the ship in the building dock. We have all eagerly awaited this moment, as this block will truly give the Disney Wish an identity. I would even go as far as saying that it gives our ship a face!

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The wheelhouse was very carefully designed both from a navigational and functional means but also from an aesthetical point of view. With the lifting and installation of this very large and very wide block, the next milestone in the impressive construction process is achieved. The second main building part of the Disney Wish, the entire foreship, has now been constructed.

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The next step will be to get the first building part, the so-called gigablock, to be “married” to the foreship. Following this, the remaining aft blocks will be lifted and installed to complete the entire ship. So more to come very soon!

Bow Installation

All the ships in our fleet have very elegant lines with sleek hulls and long bows, and the Disney Wish will certainly carry on this tradition. As construction of our newest ship is progressing at full speed, another important milestone has been achieved.

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Just installed is the impressive bow of the Disney Wish, where Captain Minnie will be featured in a beautifully designed medallion and filigree. As part of the shipyard’s high-tech block building principle, the bow block has been lifted and installed to reveal the graceful bow of the Disney Wish. This block is just one of nearly 100 total blocks, and the tip of the bow alone weighs an impressive 500 metric tons!

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The entire process of lifting, installing and fully welding the bow block, while being suspended from the overhead gantry crane, took just under 10 hours.

Following the successful installation of this bow block, there are just over 30 blocks remaining to be installed in the coming weeks to complete the Disney Wish in time for the ship’s maiden voyage in June 2022. Stay tuned for more exciting updates on this progress!
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Âge : 28
Messages : 53
Inscription : 05/01/2014

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MessageSujet: Re: Disney Wish [Disney Cruise Line - 2022] Disney Wish [Disney Cruise Line - 2022] - Page 3 Horlog11Dim 8 Aoû - 8:18

Bonsoir à tous,

J'ai réservé une croisière sur le Disney Wish pour septembre 2022.
J'aimerais avoir des informations concernant les assurances à prendre ?
Avez-vous des recommandations ?

Merci d'avance Wink
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Inscription : 28/04/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: Disney Wish [Disney Cruise Line - 2022] Disney Wish [Disney Cruise Line - 2022] - Page 3 Horlog11Jeu 19 Aoû - 10:11

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Unlock Hidden Magic: Disney Wish to Debut First-of-its-Kind Interactive Experience, Disney Uncharted Adventure

If the wishing star makes dreams come true, what happens when it goes missing?

That’s a big question with an even more epic answer: Disney Uncharted Adventure, a first-of-its-kind interactive experience that will lead guests aboard the Disney Wish on a journey from bow to stern and beyond the stars. Just announced today, this fantastical journey will be a brand-new way to explore and experience the enchantment of a Disney cruise ship.

Using innovative technology like augmented reality and physical effects, Disney Uncharted Adventure will take classic Disney storytelling into an all-new realm of immersive family fun as guests embark on a multidimensional voyage into the worlds of Moana, Tiana, Peter Pan, Nemo and more.

Watch the latest episode in our “Designing the Disney Wish” series to hear from the creative team behind Disney Uncharted Adventure, then read on for even more details about this one-of-a-kind experience coming to the Disney Wish in summer 2022.

With a Disney Wish reservation, you will be able to unlock Disney Uncharted Adventure on the Play Disney Parks app, which transforms your mobile device into an enchanted spyglass – a tool that allows you to set sail for adventure, solve puzzles, conquer quests and ultimately save the day.

Before the ship sets sail, Captain Minnie Mouse and Mickey Mouse will help you prepare for the journey ahead by highlighting the important role of the night sky in seafaring — particularly the ever-shining wishing star that lights the way.

Once on board, you will use your spyglass to reveal never-before-seen views of the stars above, where enchanted constellations take shape as recognizable icons from Disney and Pixar stories. When the wishing star suddenly bursts and shatters, you’ll watch as its pieces are scattered across the sky, each landing in a far-off realm. Captain Minnie will need your help to navigate the ship to these uncharted worlds to find the missing pieces of the wishing star!

You will choose where to go next, charting a course toward adventurous locales such as Motunui, New Orleans, Never Land, Sydney and more. Each quest will take you on an expansive journey throughout the Disney Wish as you are prompted to seek artwork, signs and props that magically transform to bring the characters and settings of these story worlds to life all around you.

Along the way, you will join the heroic characters who inhabit each destination on a mission to find the star fragment that landed there. Highlights include:

* teaming up with Moana to navigate their canoes beyond the reef;

* helping Tiana cook up the perfect pot of her father’s favorite gumbo;

* summoning Tinker Bell to give the Disney Wish an extra dash of pixie dust; and

* diving into the East Australian Current (EAC) with Nemo and friends.

The adventure will culminate in a grand finale hosted in one of the ship’s premier entertainment venues. During this live interactive experience, you’ll gather with other players to battle an infamous Disney villain (who’s been pulling the strings all along) and finally restore the wishing star to its rightful place in the sky.

Disney Uncharted Adventure is being developed with flexibility, replayability and customization in mind, so you can be in charge of your own adventure! You’ll choose when and how to play. If you don’t complete every quest, you can still enjoy the finale event. If you play again and again, you may discover new surprises and rewards each time. You can play on your own or with family and friends — the experience works with up to six devices at once, but you can also team up on only one or two devices at a time.

More details about Disney Uncharted Adventure will be announced at a later date. Until then, stay tuned for exciting updates about the Disney Wish!
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Messages : 8148
Inscription : 28/04/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: Disney Wish [Disney Cruise Line - 2022] Disney Wish [Disney Cruise Line - 2022] - Page 3 Horlog11Ven 27 Aoû - 12:57

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Snow on a Cruise Ship? Disney Cruise Line Reveals Splashtacular New Adventure on AquaMouse, First Disney Attraction at Sea

If you’re planning a cruise aboard the Disney Wish next summer, you might want to pack your snow gear. We’re headed to the Alps!

When we announced the Disney Wish a few months ago, we introduced you to AquaMouse, the first-ever Disney attraction at sea. We even shared details about the ride’s original show “Scuba Scramble” — inspired by “The Wonderful World of Mickey Mouse” animated shorts —which will immerse guests in a hilarious underwater adventure with Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse through show scenes and special effects.

If you thought that sounded cool, just wait until you hear this… I’m excited to share that our guests are in for double the fun aboard AquaMouse, because we’ve developed not one, but two brand-new original animated adventures to experience on this wild water ride!

Our second show is “Swiss Meltdown,” where Mickey and Minnie will invite you on a mountain sledding excursion that will inevitably (and hilariously) go awry. When the sun comes out and the snow begins to melt, you’ll be off on a frantic dash to the mountaintop while trying to avoid obstacles like avalanches, leaky rock walls and waterfalls — oh, boy! The story is inspired by one of the Emmy Award-winning “Mickey Mouse” shorts, “Yodelberg,” and composer Christopher Willis adapted his iconic score from the episode for the attraction.

There are many fun Disney easter eggs to catch during a ride on AquaMouse, such as an appearance by the abominable snowman from the Disneyland attraction Matterhorn Bobsleds. One of my favorite details is that Chip and Dale are hiding in each show, hitchhiking their way to Disney’s private island of Castaway Cay. Good luck trying to spot them amid the 60-plus water blasters, misters and pop jets that you’ll encounter along the way!

Now here’s a special treat: a first look at the posters for both fun-filled excursions! These will be showcased in the attraction queue to let our guests know which adventure is being featured each day of their voyage.

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I can’t wait for guests aboard the Disney Wish to experience AquaMouse for the first (and second, third, fourth…) time when the Disney Wish sets sail in summer 2022 !
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MessageSujet: Re: Disney Wish [Disney Cruise Line - 2022] Disney Wish [Disney Cruise Line - 2022] - Page 3 Horlog11Ven 8 Oct - 2:53

Nouvelles expériences pour les enfants à bord du Disney Wish : Star Wars: Cargo Bay and Mickey and Minnie Captain’s Deck !

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Imaginative Worlds, Real-Life Adventures: New Experiences for Kids Coming to the Disney Wish

If you’ve been following along as we unveil the Disney Wish, then you already know that the newest Disney Cruise Line ship will feature a totally reimagined Disney’s Oceaneer Club, where kids ages 3 to 12 will experience the worlds of Marvel Super Heroes, Disney Princesses, “Frozen” friends and Disney Imagineers in brand-new ways.

Today, I’m excited to share that there’s even more fun awaiting kids in this real-life wonderland… We just announced two more magical experiences debuting in Disney’s Oceaneer Club aboard the Disney Wish next summer: Star Wars: Cargo Bay and Mickey and Minnie Captain’s Deck!

Check out the “Designing the Disney Wish” video above for a sneak peek at the imaginative kids’ spaces coming to this ship, then continue reading to learn more about new entertainment and character experiences throughout Disney’s Oceaneer Club.

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New Adventures at Star Wars : Cargo Bay

The peculiar creatures and legendary characters of the Star Wars galaxy will take center stage at Star Wars: Cargo Bay. This first-of-its-kind immersive experience will place kids in the important role of creature handlers as they learn to manage a mischievous menagerie of exotic beings from across the galaxy, including a porg, Loth-cat, worrt and more.

Throughout the cruise, they’ll use augmented reality-enabled datapads to track and study the creatures on a series of special assignments. But there’s more to this job than meets the dianoga eye: The new crew will actually be joining an important mission to deliver a pair of secret stowaways, Rey and Chewbacca, back to the Resistance.

During the interactive “Star Wars: Creature Challenge” experience, the newly minted caretakers will be put to the test as they help feed the lifelike creatures and encounter some of the most dangerous beings in the galaxy. When things go awry, they’ll need to call on the expertise of Rey and Chewbacca — and even channel the Force — to secure the ship from destruction.

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A Celebration of Exploration at Mickey and Minnie Captain’s Deck

Specially designed for the youngest sailors at Disney’s Oceaneer Club, Mickey and Minnie Captain’s Deck is a nautical playground inspired by the colors, icons and magic of Disney Cruise Line. This brand-new space will be filled with an array of maritime-themed physical and sensory-style games and activities, such as pipe slides and crawl-throughs, ship’s wheels, “busy boxes” fashioned as ship controls and cushy life preserver seating areas.

When little cadets enter the space, they’ll set sail on a fun-filled adventure and enjoy quality play time with Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse themselves. At select times throughout the voyage, the space will be open to little ones’ families for group play, and the toddlers from It’s a Small World Nursery will also get dedicated access to the club to explore, learn and play with Mickey and Minnie.

The signature experience will be “Minnie’s Captain Academy,” a high-energy training session for kids to exercise their bodies (through playful games, dancing and maritime “drills”) and their minds, testing their imagination and ingenuity during a series of challenges tied to STEAM principles (science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics). Captain Minnie will inspect their progress and officially declare them honorary captains!

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Quality Play Time with Super Heroes, Princesses and “Frozen” Friends

At Disney’s Oceaneer Club, kids will have more opportunities than ever to have fun with Disney characters during expertly developed games and programs – and when characters stop by, they will stay to play. Like “Star Wars: Creature Challenge” and “Minnie’s Captain Academy,” each space will offer uniquely interactive, memorable experiences that are exclusive to Disney Cruise Line.

- At Marvel Super Hero Academy, young recruits will join a hands-on training session with Ant-Man and The Wasp, who will teach them how to create and test their very own Pym Particles, the technology that allows these heroes to shrink and grow objects (and themselves).

- Also at Marvel Super Hero Academy, kids will team up with the masterminds from Pym Technologies and Wakandan Design Group — including a special appearance by Black Panther — to thwart Taskmaster’s evil plan to hack into the academy’s system and steal the world’s most advanced hero tech.

- When the hub of Disney’s Oceaneer Club transforms into the Snuggly Duckling tavern from Walt Disney Animation Studios’ “Tangled,” kids will have the best day ever with Rapunzel and Flynn Rider as they embark on a scavenger hunt to recover the missing pieces of the Snuggly Duckling sign.

- In Belle’s Library, children will use their imaginations to create the most daring, hilarious, fantastical new story for their favorite booklover. Belle will lend her wits and her magic mirror to help determine the characters, plot and conclusion of the brand-new tale.

- At Anna and Elsa’s Sommerhus, the newest citizens of Arendelle will join a special celebration of Queen Anna’s recent coronation by acting out the history of how she became queen — taking on the roles and iconic movie moments of characters like Anna, Elsa, Olaf, Kristoff, Hans and more — before the queen, her sister and their snowman friend show up to join the fun.

Dedicated Fun for Tots, Tweens and Teens

As previously announced, cruisers ages six months to three years will be cared for at It’s a Small World Nursery, where babysitting services will be provided in a whimsical environment inspired by the beloved Disney attraction of the same name. Here, little ones will play games, make crafts, watch movies, read books and spend time with Disney friends under the expert care of Disney-trained counselors.

Older kids will chill and play in their own way aboard the Disney Wish at trendy hangouts that combine sophisticated design with youthful Disney touches. Not only will the ship feature our signature tween and teen clubs, Edge and Vibe, but it will also have a brand-new hangout especially for them
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Inscription : 28/04/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: Disney Wish [Disney Cruise Line - 2022] Disney Wish [Disney Cruise Line - 2022] - Page 3 Horlog11Sam 9 Oct - 1:30

Les adolescents disposeront également de leurs installations à bord du Disney Wish :

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These Swoon-Worthy Hangouts Are Tweens’ and Teens’ Disney Wish Come True

Yesterday, I shared new details about the character-filled fun in store for young children aboard the Disney Wish, and today I want to give you a closer look at what our newest ship has on deck for the coolest cruisers on the high seas – tweens and teens!

Older kids ages 11 to 17 will chill and play in their own way aboard the Disney Wish, with trendy hangouts and counselor-led programming created just for them. Featuring all-new looks that combine sophisticated design with youthful Disney touches, these clubs will be bursting with creative design details, comfortable lounge space and high-tech entertainment. Let’s take a look …

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At Edge, tweens ages 11 to 14 will have fun, make friends and play games in a bright, colorful hangout inspired by a chic New York City loft. The club will include cozy furnishings, comfortable niches for solo gaming and movie watching, and a soda bar.

One of my favorite details is the indoor solarium area, which will feature a sunny overhead skylight effect, carpet patterned with fresh grass and daisies, a back wall mural of a bright blue sky, and games inspired by a colorful outdoor city park.

Throughout Edge, graphic art displays known as “photo walls” will provide ample opportunities for tweens to capture cool, shareable vacation pics that will surely be the envy of their friends back home.

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At Vibe, teens ages 14 to 17 will meet new friends, watch movies, play games and participate in entertaining activities created just for them. Inspired by a Parisian artists’ loft, this stylish space will feature classic architectural elements like regal French columns and paneled walls covered with whimsical pop art murals and colorful graffiti, as well as a traditional French Morris column plastered with Disney-inspired travel posters.

The décor will feature an electric retro twist, with vibrant neon signs and funky pop art throughout, accentuated by a larger-than-life, brightly painted Mickey Mouse statue. Combine all of that with floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the ocean, and every angle in Vibe will offer a selfie-worthy backdrop for the trendiest teens on the high seas.

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The Hideaway

For the first time on a Disney ship, the Disney Wish will feature a third retreat for tweens and teens: The Hideaway. This hip new hangout will offer older kids and young adults another place to relax, sip a smoothie, listen to music and more in a posh setting complete with a dance floor and DJ booth – perfect for karaoke contests and dance competitions.

The Hideaway will be adorned in a vibrant color palette, retro-inspired design details, a stylized “Hiya, pal” mural and disco ball lights. Adjacent to Vibe, this flexible venue can be opened to the teen club, closed off for tween activities and even reserved especially for guests ages 18 to 20.

No matter where they choose to be, tweens and teens are in for a whole “llama” fun during customized, counselor-led programming designed to engage their unique interests, such as a hilarious new competition themed to the fan-favorite Walt Disney Animation Studios’ film, “The Emperor’s New Groove.” (Boom, baby!) And the fun doesn’t stop there: They’ll also enjoy dedicated activities throughout the ship during special events hosted in Hero Zone, Luna and more.

We’re not done unveiling the Disney Wish yet … There are even more surprises and reveals on the horizon.
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Inscription : 28/04/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: Disney Wish [Disney Cruise Line - 2022] Disney Wish [Disney Cruise Line - 2022] - Page 3 Horlog11Mar 26 Oct - 15:00

Avec Avengers : Quantum Encounter, le Disney Wish présente une expérience culinaire unique mêlant dîner et spectacle au sein même du restaurant !

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Stars of the Marvel Cinematic Universe Assemble for First-of-its-Kind Dining Adventure Aboard the Disney Wish

All great cinematic adventures have a plot twist, right?

A few months ago, Disney Cruise Line shared new details about the epic “Avengers: Quantum Encounter” show we’re developing for Worlds of Marvel, the fleet’s most ambitious dining experience ever, premiering aboard the Disney Wish next summer. By now, you already know about the story and characters that will be featured on-screen throughout the restaurant … but there’s one pretty major detail that you haven’t heard yet.

I am so excited to share that the world-renowned stars of the Marvel Cinematic Universe are lending their talents to this first-of-its-kind adventure! At Worlds of Marvel, our guests will be part of a real-life Avengers mission as they watch some of their favorite heroes in action: Paul Rudd as Ant-Man, Evangeline Lilly as The Wasp, Anthony Mackie as Captain America, and Brie Larson as Captain Marvel!

Kerry Condon will also reprise her role as the voice of F.R.I.D.A.Y., and actor Ross Marquand will lend his villainous vocal skills to Ultron.

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The show will follow Ant-Man and The Wasp as they host a presentation of the most powerful Super Hero technologies in the world, including a hands-on demonstration of the latest and greatest Pym Tech. But when Ultron turns up with an army of robot sentries eager to take control of this world-changing technology, Ant-Man and The Wasp will need all the help they can get to save the day – calling on Captain America, Captain Marvel and even the brave diners of the Disney Wish for back-up. Oh, and there’s one more Super Hero who will make a surprise appearance during the show. I can’t wait to share more about that at a later date.

What happens next? You’ll have to sail to see …

Seriously, we weren’t kidding when we called this a cinematic dining adventure! To bring this action-packed spectacle to life, we have specially designed the restaurant with immersive cinematic technology, including hundreds of screens and special effects embedded throughout. Filming with the actors has already wrapped and we are now working on the post-production editing and effects. (Here’s another secret for you: Because most of the battle takes place on the upper decks of the ship, we are actually re-creating it in photo-realistic CGI while the real Disney Wish is still under construction. Pretty cool, right?)

As an Imagineer and a Marvel fan myself, it has been a dream opportunity to collaborate with Marvel Studios on this project. “Avengers: Quantum Encounter” has been three years in the making, and I’m so thrilled for our guests to see it for themselves in summer 2022.
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Inscription : 28/04/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: Disney Wish [Disney Cruise Line - 2022] Disney Wish [Disney Cruise Line - 2022] - Page 3 Horlog11Mer 3 Nov - 16:36

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First Look: Action-Packed, ‘Incredibles’-Themed Family Competition Coming to the Disney Wish

It’s no secret that the Disney Wish is going to be incredible. Our newest ship, debuting in summer 2022, will be jam-packed with activities and features brand new to Disney Cruise Line and today, we’re revealing the latest details about yet another first-of-its-kind experience!

You may recall us teasing some pretty cool new programming in Hero Zone, a futuristic sports arena where our guests will experience a brand-new kind of active family play. Now, I’m so excited to share a first look at the super-powered family competition being developed exclusively for this space.

Introducing … the Incredi-Games! Inspired by the dynamic characters of Pixar’s “The Incredibles,” this highly interactive, imaginatively produced game show will dare families to take on an incredible obstacle course with over-the-top physical challenges themed to the powers of the Parr family heroes and their good friend Frozone – no capes required!

* Heroes will first test their strength by busting through a “brick” wall during Mr. Incredible’s Power Punch.

* Jack-Jack’s Whack-A Rac will pit players against Rocky and his raccoon friends, who you might remember from “The Incredibles 2.”

* Only the most flexible families will conquer the twists and turns of Elastigirl’s Stretch-O-Rama.

* Family speedsters will be the front-runners of Dash’s Mad Dash Mayhem.

* Violet’s Force Field Swing will send supers soaring across a lava field. (Remember, we are using our incredible imaginations here!)

* The strong finish includes a cool down on Frozone’s Ice Slide, where heroes will ascend to the highest peak and slide down the icy slope to victory.

This game show-style experience will feature high-energy hosts, adrenaline-pumping music, special effects and more that will have our guests saying, “That was totally wicked!” (IYKYK) Which means it’ll be just as enjoyable and entertaining for those who choose to watch from the sidelines as those who are immersed in the action. (Hero Zone has plenty of balcony viewing space for spectators to admire the fearless feats of their fellow cruisers.)

But those aren’t the only heroics in store for this action-packed arena. Hero Zone will also be the new home of a guest-favorite Disney Cruise Line experience: Jack-Jack’s Incredible Diaper Dash! Now with more fanfare than ever before, this beloved competition will offer terrific tots the chance to compete for the coveted title of Diaper Dash Champion as they speed-crawl across a 20-foot track amid the cheers (and chuckles) of family, friends and adoring fans.

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What’s more, when Hero Zone isn’t all decked out in super hero gear, it will be a free-play sports hub where guests can enjoy some friendly competition with basketball, soccer and a variety of table-top games, including Ping-Pong, air hockey, foosball and shuffleboard.
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Inscription : 28/04/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: Disney Wish [Disney Cruise Line - 2022] Disney Wish [Disney Cruise Line - 2022] - Page 3 Horlog11Sam 6 Nov - 21:58

Oaken sera l’hôte de Arendelle : A Frozen Dining Adventure, la nouvelle expérience culinaire inspirée de la franchise La Reine des Neiges proposée à bord du Disney Wish :

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Here's a first look at Oaken from Arendelle : A Frozen Dining Adventure coming to the Disney Wish ! When you visit for an engagement celebration for Queen Anna and Kristoff, you'll find Oaken hosting the celebration with his "Hearty Party Planning Services."

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